View Full Version : Using FG2 on a single computer?

July 9th, 2008, 22:10

I tried the demo a few days ago and there is something I wasn't sure I could do (demo or full version) : can FG2 be used on a single computer? Running only in GM mode and controlling PCs from there. The idea would be either to test modules beforehand and to use FG as a helper with sheets and such.

July 9th, 2008, 22:13
If I understand you correctly, yes the full version can (not sure about the demo).

In the full DM version you can start it up as a host, then start it up again as a client and connect to yourself.

As the DM you can open up and change any character sheet as well.

Hope that helps.


July 9th, 2008, 22:14
Well depending on what you wanted to get out of it specifically what may be better is opening up a second instance of FG2 on the same PC and join the game as a player. You could then control multiple characters with this instance and utilise all the player functionality.

All you would do is change the "name" when you log in as a player.

July 9th, 2008, 23:27
So I would run a DM instance and a Player(s) instance and switch whenever I need to do DM stuff (like placing monsters or running a fight)... and switch back to control the PCs?
Doesn't sound too bad but can't the DM control a PC directly from the DM interface? Move it around maps, choose its attacks, etc... I suppose it's something you'd have to do if one of the PCs was suddenly charmed for example. Another alternative solution I thought up would be to create fully detailed NPCs, thus simulating PCs. Is any of this possible?

July 9th, 2008, 23:41
So I would run a DM instance and a Player(s) instance and switch whenever I need to do DM stuff (like placing monsters or running a fight)... and switch back to control the PCs?
It's not exactly clear why you want to run FG on one computer or what you are trying to do. Depending on what you are doing there may be very little reason to run a second instance of FG.

Doesn't sound too bad but can't the DM control a PC directly from the DM interface? Move it around maps, choose its attacks, etc... I suppose it's something you'd have to do if one of the PCs was suddenly charmed for example. Another alternative solution I thought up would be to create fully detailed NPCs, thus simulating PCs. Is any of this possible?
Yes, the DM can control a PC from the DM interface. And yes, depending on what you are trying to do - using personalities instead of character sheets for PC's would work fine.

FG is a table top simulator and like at a real game table it is no harder for a player to move a minature around than a DM.

July 10th, 2008, 01:10
With my answer I assumed you were planning on using FG2 at a tabletop game for the battlemaps, tokens, Charactersheets, combat-tracker etc?

I will be using it at a tabletop game but I have two full licenses so am using 2 PCs.

Major problem I saw when looking at using the DM client to game was the players can see the map even if it's masked as the mask is only full on the player side.

If you're playing with people over the net then you can do pretty much what you want to a character ( temp adj stats, apply damage, move token etc).

July 10th, 2008, 12:30
I am not sure yet how I will end up using it. Current ideas are : to run modules solo (playing DM & PCs) as to test them or test builds or get acquainted to rules, to help keeping track of stats and such, or to play online.

You're right about the map showing everything... although it would be possible, just like on tabletop, to put on monster tokens only when they're actually visible.

Anyway, thanks for your inputs, it looks like what I have in mind is possible, even if it means launching FG twice :)

July 10th, 2008, 18:48
You might be able to put the client instance on one monitor and the dm instance on another. You'd still share a keyboard and constantly be shuffling back and forth. Your combat sequences would be very awkward.

You know that there is no autonomous 'game' in FG right? You need the books, need to make a story, and need a thinking DM to move the story along.

The second instance is really for testing and 'seeing' player points of view - for which its very useful. You'd be using the DM instance so much that the player instance would have little or no mystery.

A second computer & license connected over a LAN would make the game play a lot more fun.


July 10th, 2008, 18:52
From what I can tell you can probably get away with just launching once. I did use to play Dungeon Bash solitaire with FG on my laptop when I had "dead" time between traveling. That worked out well because all I needed was the laptop – which I was lugging around anyway. I just used one instance.

July 10th, 2008, 22:06
My mistake. One of the useful improvements in FG2 is that I think it reenters your initial instance when you run it a second time as a client. This must clean up a lot of the data access issues that used to crash FG1 when you tried to do this.

I wish that DMs could open and run player characters but then I also think its very handy to be able to test your adventure from the players window. Both approaches have advantages. I hope we never lose the ability to be a client on our own machine just to trouble shoot or design.

So under normal circumstances restarting the program seems to use a second window on the same instance.


July 12th, 2008, 11:08
Sigurd : I only have one monitor though :)

I do know it's not autonomous, I have NWN for that ;), but you're right, I might be giving too much credit to solo play (except maybe for a Dungeon Bash as Griogre points out). I don't know yet if I'll be able to have players available (or someone to DM) that would even be willing to go with FG, so... I was considering other options in the meantime.

After trying DM client + Player client with the demo, I can tell how cool FG is, but it's clear I'll need other people if I want to have fun with this.

Griogre : do you play with the Player mode or DM mode when doing this?

Btw, I've found another d20 helper that does a lot more automation on the character sheet (giving default feats, automatically adding race bonuses, doing auto-level up, etc...). Are there other versions of the 3.5 sheet for FG that would do more than it currently does?

July 12th, 2008, 11:12
JPG has made an excellent version of the charsheet for 3.5

July 12th, 2008, 16:13
I've tried looking for it in these forums, to no avail. Is there some sort of repository for sheets and rulesets out there? Thanks for all the help btw, it's appreciated :)

July 12th, 2008, 16:31

Think that's the one.

July 12th, 2008, 21:07
Griogre : do you play with the Player mode or DM mode when doing this? As a general rule, if you have a full version you always want to be in GM mode unless you are connecting to another computer as a player and then it will automatically go into player mode. This is mostly because it allows you access to GM library books like the d20 monsters and allows access to the different adventure modules.

This not only allows you to create adventures but it also allows you run a solitare game where you need access to the monsters and NPCs.

Dungeon Bash is fun and I hear he is planning on upgrading it to 4th Ed, but where FG shines is playing in a real game with others. Most of the time it's not too difficult to find a group, but if you work odd hours or have a rotating shift or something it can be tough. For me it was a great way to kill a few hours when I was stuck somewhere and couldn't leave for while. Though I did play it occasionally with a friend online.