View Full Version : Legends of the Empire (Star Wars Saga Edition)

July 7th, 2008, 00:55
Alright, due to a lack of interest in a few of my players...I am offering up two slots for my Saturday game of Star Wars Saga Edition over FG.

The time frame is Episode V. I allowing more or less every race in the books, within reason. However, I request to be asked first before a race is picked. Jedi class can't be used right away.

Game time is 9 PM to 12 AM Saturday Nights. I will try to run the game every weekend if possible.

Slot 1: (Open)
Slot 2: (Open)

Current Characters:

1. Shi'Ido Scoundrel
2. Taung Soldier (I think the class is right)
3. Chiss Scoundrel

Current Up-to-date Location: Nar Shaddaa (one battle, 200 xp).
Approximate time to introduce new characters: Start of Next Session.

July 7th, 2008, 08:29
What time zone are you playing in? ...... please be Europe/UK

July 7th, 2008, 14:30
Sorry :-\ it is GMT -5...thus Eastern Standard Time. So no it isn't Europe/UK. Also, I apologize for not saying that before.

Another side note that I left out on accident. Yuuzhan Vong and Yevethan races (and a few others like them) are not allowed due to the fact they are under the concept that all other races besides their own should be destroyed. Another note: no classes posted on the Wizards forums will be used. I will only be using the classes provided in the book. As for races: I will be using a fan-made alien anthologies transfer PDF that transfers over races from the Revised Edition Ultimate Alien Anthologies book.

That should cover every thing...if not well I am always open for questions.

July 7th, 2008, 17:35
Damn ... would've liked to have played but most of the times are in the very early morning for me (and I have work and kids to think about). I've not played Saga Edition, but I've got the WEG d6 and d20 (Revised) versions and I'm a fan of both.

If you ever switch to Friday/Saturday afternoon slots, let me know. I'm free from about 8pm UK Time (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=12&month=7&year=2008&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=136)

July 7th, 2008, 18:41
Well, 8PM your time would be about....3 PM my time I think...and considering most of my current players are busy at that time...as am I on Saturday...9 PM-12 AM is the time frame set, and that means 2 AM-5 AM or something like that for the UK.

Any one else interested?

July 13th, 2008, 01:17
*bump* still looking for two more to participate in this game. Would appreciate contact soon.

July 14th, 2008, 05:18
I'm interested, but I don't know what "Saga Edition" is. I have the old SWRPG book though. I enjoyed playing that ruleset (which I think was based on D&D 3.5e) very much. If this is anything like this then you can count me in. Though most of my play time will need to be late night in order to make most of the sessions. I typically work late shifts until about 10PM on a fairly regular (about once or twice a week) basis.