View Full Version : onCheckDeletePermission not working

Moon Wizard
July 6th, 2008, 04:03
I've been trying to use a onCheckDeletePermission event handler with no luck. Whenever I add this function handler to a windowlist object, I do not get any calls when a window is deleted using the right-click radial menu.

Any ideas?


July 6th, 2008, 12:23
Not sure, but quite a few of the events are disabled for windows within a windowlist, in order to spped up the processing I believe.

This could well be one of them.


July 6th, 2008, 12:25
On the more helpful side, I tend to make my windowlists static (no allowdelete or allowcreate tags) and then implement the right-click add and delete using custom menu handlers. It circumvents this problem.


Moon Wizard
July 6th, 2008, 21:29
Interesting, since the only time the delete item menu option is offered in the d20 ruleset is when it is in a list setting. This seems like the primary use for the function. Sort of strange that it would be disabled in lists.

Good thought on rolling your own.
