View Full Version : Encryption?

July 3rd, 2008, 11:18
Hohum... All things considered with the political climate in Sweden recently.

* The FRA laws lets FRA have computers scan all trafic between Sweden and other nations looking for certain phrases and words.

* Funnily those phrases and words would probably include things like assassin, kill and tactical planning.

.. is there any chance to get crypted transmissions in FG ? ;) I don't want any big-brother to sit and look over my shoulder while GMing. ;)

No, this isn't a joke, I would LIKE this even if it isn't really a high priority.

July 3rd, 2008, 18:29
The problem with encryption is it would add a little overhead to data transfer. I suspect most people would rather see data transfer speeds increase. :\

July 3rd, 2008, 23:12

The fact that you typed these words onto this message board means you are probably screwed anyway.



July 4th, 2008, 00:21
I allready KNOW I am screwed. I even add interesting phrases to ALL my outgoing E-mail just to give them something FUN to read.

- Obe.

P.S. I know it'd be a hassle... but right now I am VERY sore with the party I helped vote into power here in Sweden. This law makes me pretty dang sure I will vote... very differently next time.