View Full Version : SRD3.5 1-shot dungeon crawl 8PM GMT 7/1 (1PM PST)

July 1st, 2008, 03:11

DURATION: 1 - 3 hours
DIFFICULTY: EL 1 - 2 several rooms, simple dungeon and hook. No going back into town because there is none :)
TIME: If you can't make the time post when would be a good time to reschedule if enough people post then we reschedule :)
VOICE: Not necessary nice to have for me as DM but if the group doesn't want it then fine... we forget about it

Well my son got confused with 3.5 rules. I just tried out the ruleset made by JPG and JM over at the FUM forums and it works fine. I am switching over to 4th Edition rules. If you want to join to learn the new rules please do so.

Want to test FG2 and teach my son 4.0 rules. Also want to try out my DM'ing skill. Its been awhile, if we can do VOIP at least for out of character chat that would be great, or you can hook into my voice chat server, and I can do all the talking, and everyone else can type. So if you are new to FG2 or DnD4.0 come join the mayhem...er...I mean fun :) If you want your children to join in on the fun they are more then welcome I ask they either use VOIP or type at a medium speed.

If time is an issue then please post suggested times here GMT I would like to keep it around afternoon-ish Pacific Time (GMT-7). Don't worry about VOIP its a 'nice to have' but not necessary. If the group doesn't want to do it then fine its only a 1-shot :)

This will be a dungeon crawl for lvl 1 characters. You can roll your own but I'm setting up the encounters for a party of fighter, wizard, and cleric. Basic rules only, if interested let me know and I will PM server alias, it will be up at 12:30PM Pacific (7:30PM GMT). I will have pre-mades available so don't worry if you don't want to roll a level 1, but I will only have 2 my son will take the role of the fighter, easiest class I remember playing.

All characters will need to be neautral to good alignment. Keep your characters maybe I'll have a future 1 shot that we can use your characters for.

I will open the server half an hour before game start. If you are new to FG2 or DnD4.0 come join the fun! It will be a learning expierence for all. Even though this is a 1-shot another one will occur I want my son (11 years old) to learn these different classes so if you like keep in touch, and I will post here and over at FUM when I get another time more then likely this coming Sunday between 11AM - 3PM Pacific time.

If you like playing in one shots without committing to a weekly meet up, because as we know commitment is hard, signup for the 'One Shot'ers' group over at FUM:


July 1st, 2008, 17:08
Cancelled due to lack of interest. Well I got one other friend and we'll just do some combat examples with my son.

However, I plan on re-posting with a 1-shot for this Sunday that will be 1-3 hours long with more then a dungeon crawl in order for my son to get rpg expierence. Hopefully, with a few days notice and on a weekend more people can attend.