View Full Version : Looking for Ars Magica players

June 30th, 2008, 18:46
Greetings everybody,

Would anyone be interested in playing Ars Magica (5th ed)? I already have one person who agreed to join and we're looking for another one or two. There was a ruleset being developped a while ago, but even if there isn't a working copy available, I'm sure we'd get over that.

We're both beginners, so no worries if you don't know the game at all; I'm thinking of running an introductory adventure first, which requires no previous knowledge of the rules and provides an easy start point.

PM me if interested :)

June 30th, 2008, 21:50
AHAHAAAA! *steals the new players* MINE! MINE I SAY!
... ehehehe... Sorry about that. I tend to get a bit carried away.

Yes, there are more players. I GM frequently if somewhat irregularily but seem to have a good spread around the table most of the time.

The ruleset as it is now is workable, I am yet to decide wether or not I should go with a standard initiative counter or with the house-rule one. ... it is really the last big obstacle for me to call it "Working" No combat-tracker yet in other words.

I am also rather hoping the be able to add at the least for personal use a spell-lab helping newer players to design spells on the fly more easily.

- Obe Arm-veteran since V 2.0

July 5th, 2008, 19:20
I'm still looking for one more player. Anybody?
Our first session takes place on Monday evening (the GMT -5ish timezone)

July 5th, 2008, 19:26
I will play, but I don't know how, I remember a friend had the book and we would read it but we never played it cause it seemed overly complicated.

July 5th, 2008, 20:05
I love Ars Magica. Been playing it since 2nd edition.

But you are playing at gmt 5 pm? if so, since I'm at GMT-5, thats noon my time, and I'd be at work.

July 5th, 2008, 20:26
No, it's about midnight or 1 AM GMT actually. I'm myself GMT +2 and that's like 3 in the morning :D

July 5th, 2008, 22:57
The one sitting at GMT+1 says : Ruleset updated.