View Full Version : Adventure Playtest: The Missing Harvesters

June 26th, 2008, 17:05
White Haired Man (https://www.whitehairedman.com) plans a playtest of our latest adventure, The Missing Harvesters, on July 5.

A harvesting team has discovered the most abundant concentration of swamp plants in a generation. Yet they also found something else more ominous: possible Harlass Orn ruins. Two Harvesters ventured inside and never returned. Harvesting has been suspended until Dorian Orsova, leader of the Order, can guarantee the safety of future expeditions.

Learn the fate of the missing harvesters. Join the search for forgotten knowledge and unravel the first thread in the mystery of the ancient reptilian race of Harlass Orn.

If you are interested, sign up at Four Ugly Monsters (https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/index.php?view=details&id=18%3Athe-missing-harvesters&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=74). Here you will find all the information needed to prepare for adventure.