View Full Version : World of Warcraft: Into the Winterfall

June 25th, 2008, 04:12
Well, due to coercion from my own evil brain....

I have decided to run a World of Warcraft campaign using Fantasy Grounds II. The characters will be level 1 (as I find it fun to start fresh), and I've allowed access to all the available books (All three factions, Monster Guide, Core book, Lands of Mystery, More Magic and Mayhem, and if I missed one well ya).

Also, if you need any more info regarding which races and classes aren't allowed then my contact info is available through my profile (because I forget to check on here a lot).

Also, the game will be played on Thursday (not set time yet sadly due to the fact I'm waiting to see). It will be most likely every week, though I can switch to every other week if enough of the players want. The game will start the week I find a suitable mod(charasheet/NPC sheet/combat tracker/etc) for the game with use for FG (I know nothing about xml and the like)

Available Slots: 4 out of 5
Slot 1: glacius
Slot 2: Blahness98
Slot 3: (Open)
Slot 4: (Open)
Slot 5: (Open)

Edit: I've posted it on the Game Calender.
Edit 2: I have a suitable file for Wordl of Warcraft now, and am just waiting for players to sign up.
Edit 3: I apologize to any one who was looking for my alternative contact methods and could not find it. I thought I had put them on there and I had not, however they are there now.

June 28th, 2008, 10:19
Well, I have one character, and I've got it listed on the Game Calender.

The Races I've allowed so far are: Ironforge Dwarf, Night Elf, High Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Orc, Tauren, Jungle Troll, Forsaken Undead, Wildhammer Dwarf, Furbolg, Half-Elf, Dark Iron Dwarf, Murloc, Naga, Dragonspawn, Pandaren, Quilboar, Satyr, Tuskarr, Dragon, Blood Elf, Gnolls, Kobolds, Ice Trolls, Zandali Trolls, Half Ogre, Half Orc, Nerubian, and Forest Trolls.

All but Nerubian and Dragon are standard races in WoW. Nerubian and Dragons are monster classes but ya.

I'll be looking through the races some more to add more to that list. I am allowing any of the classes in the books, because I already know they are ok.

I am hoping for more people to be interested in this game.

July 2nd, 2008, 23:25
Guess this is a free bump..

July 3rd, 2008, 04:03
Second that bump

July 3rd, 2008, 05:07
I'd love to join in - but the chances of it being in a time friendly for me to play would be slim ;)

July 4th, 2008, 00:20
Well, I'm waiting for more people before I decide on a set time :-D I'll wait to see how many people are interested (to a set point), then I'm going to let them set up the time frame so it is friendly for all of them.

July 7th, 2008, 14:59
super bump cause this could be awesome

July 9th, 2008, 19:12
New Races I am Allowing by book:

Horde Player's Guide: Ogre, Ogre-Magi, Centaur

Alliance Player's Guide: Dryad, Keeper of the Grove

Monster Guide: Leper Gnomes


That should (combined with all the classes and feats and items and what not allowed) allow for a wide variety of characters (meaning no two characters should be alike unless two players decide to play a monster class, which even then there should be some minor differences here and there).