View Full Version : 4th Edition DM Looking for players

June 23rd, 2008, 07:38
I posted a slot in the calender please sign up there, first come, first serve. 3-5 players wanted. I'm new to DMing and I'm looking for a group to practice with, maybe become a long term online group(depending on if the players wish to stick around)

Game will be 4th edition. I will host a short getting used to DMing campaign in a general forgotten realms setting(using PHB deities), and when I feel ready I will start a longer campaign in my own setting which will allow players to pick races not in the PHB, such as gnome, warforged, and other races that can fit into the campaign setting I create. But also all players must have compatible players. So if everyone wants to play good characters than I won't allow evil ones. But if people are open-minded I will allow anyone to create any character.

Also I have a rule. If you don't like your character (at any point in the game) you can respec any time between sessions(within reason) and you can "suicide" your character and make a character of equal level up until 10th then you must stick with your character until end of campaigns or until it dies. Upon death you can reroll something exactly the same or completely different but with the exact same experience level, but you will lose most of your treasure or whatever to your party, who may sell it or give it to you.

More to be discussed when people start joining. If your interested in just the test campaign thats fine, but I would enjoy it more if people stayed for the long term. Hopefully I can find people with lots of free time.

Here's the link to the calender: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=292, please sign up there if you want to play, don't talk here and expect me to add you to the list.

June 23rd, 2008, 15:38
What day/time are you expecting to be available to play?

June 23rd, 2008, 17:02
Yes, my question exactly. :)

June 23rd, 2008, 17:23
Well I placed a link to the calender where you should sign up and it gives the first day that I wish to DM. I supposed I could divulge that here.

Fri, Jun 27th
05:30 PM

Matopi: For our first session/mini-campaign, I would like PHB races, the first session is so I can see where everyone is with the rules, I want to make sure everyone is clear on attacking, theres lots of confusion with some people(including me). When I start my long-term campaign I'll let you guys know what races from the MM I'll be allowing. Most likely Gnomes, well, we'll talk about it when you join.

Remember get the 4th edition ruleset from the Four Ugly Monsters website. https://www.johnandjenn.org/docs/fg2_4E_JPG_v0_94.zip Theres a link.
Theres a problem with powers/spells. Instead of using the - vs - spot on the list, type, for example, "Str. vs. AC" without the quotes, in the description, or you can make a hotkey for your most used combat rolls including all of your bonuses.

June 23rd, 2008, 17:33
I'll PM you if I want you to play.

And for f***sake please forward your 1802 port for FGII so you can connect to my session

Don't forget to make your character before the session, I have no problem helping anyone with any problems, but at least have most (98%) finished, including all of your powers filled out. For the first session backrounds are optional, I'm just gonna put you guys in a group quickly and have you start the adventure immediately when everyone is ready with their characters.

Don't worry about me being too strict or a d**kface, I'm supremely laid back and I like to keep my games fun, so don't worry I won't try and kill off your characters(on purpose) and I will go easy on the strictness of the rules for the first 3-4 levels.

When we are in a situation where we aren't sure about the rules (especially in the middle of combat) I will use common sense, and I'll check the rulebook at a later time.

Alright I'm discussing a lot here, I'll leave the rest for when we chat in person.

June 23rd, 2008, 17:58
I'll be on skype all day if you guys wanna chat.

June 23rd, 2008, 19:08
I'll PM you if I want you to play.

And for f***sake please forward your 1802 port for FGII so you can connect to my session

Players dont need to worry about forwarding port 1802 to connect to a DM. Only the DM should have to worry about forwarding that port. Some of my players don't even know how to get into their router and still connect fine.

June 23rd, 2008, 20:14
Players dont need to worry about forwarding port 1802 to connect to a DM. Only the DM should have to worry about forwarding that port. Some of my players don't even know how to get into their router and still connect fine.

K thanks then

June 26th, 2008, 16:52
not looking for anymore players, please lock or close or delete or whatever

July 3rd, 2008, 18:26
OK, we are reopen looking for 2 more players to play a temporary session today at 5:30 pm PST. We have a Goblin Warlord, Bugbear Ranger, and an Eladrin Wizard.

July 3rd, 2008, 19:14
I can't make it tonight, as 5:30 pm pst is about 1 hour too early for me. That's 7:30 cst, and I need more like 8:30. Two questions: 1) Any chance of running this campaign a little later in the evening? 2)How often do you plan to play? I'd prefer every other week. If you're still open to new players and can shift time a bit, I'd be interested in playing. I could use a lvl 1 human ranged cleric I've already rolled, or roll up something new to fit what your group needs.