View Full Version : Yet another new guy looking to join some games.

June 19th, 2008, 16:58
I just picked up the full version of FGII, I have a fairly open schedual ( 5:00pm-11:00pm GMT -7:00 mountain, with two days empty that change thoughout the month) and I'm looking to get indo FGII's dnd stuff. I got some experiance with dnd3.5 and i have quite a few books and such outside of the game. I'm not much for sticking to one character or race to often so I have quite a few characters that all I need to to is roll up.

I'd like to get into some 3.5 fantasy with a good mix of roleplaying and combat; storys are not writen entirly about fights right :3

June 19th, 2008, 17:13
I'm looking to get more experience DM'ing. I have a gmae going on now with just one player so far. We should play saturday night and tuesday nights. But I'm into gaming sooner. If you want to try adungeon crawl with a couple of NPC's let me know!

June 19th, 2008, 17:42
I just picked up the full version of FGII, I have a fairly open schedual ( 5:00pm-11:00pm -7 gmt mountain, with two days empty that change thoughout the month) and I'm looking to get indo FGII's dnd stuff. I got some experiance with dnd3.5 and i have quite a few books and such outside of the game. I'm not much for sticking to one character or race to often so I have quite a few characters that all I need to to is roll up.

I'd like to get into some 3.5 fantasy with a good mix of roleplaying and combat; storys are not writen entirly about fights right :3

Always worth stating your timezone...

June 19th, 2008, 20:09
Always worth stating your timezone...

I thought -7 gmt / mountain was a time zone. :p

June 20th, 2008, 11:13
I know of several games you could join. The Sword and the Quill is running on Sundays from Noon to 6pm. Ironstone is running in 3 campaigns on Tuesday (7pm), Thursday (7pm) and Saturday (1pm). The Guild is starting up on Monday at 7pm, Age of Choas is playing every other Wednesday at 7pm, Open Table is starting up next week, and if you like a new, none D&D type game, Medieval is playing Sundays at 7pm. All these games are on the Calendar, just apply as a player or send me a message if there's any your interested in.