View Full Version : How to copy and paste in the storybook chatframe?

June 17th, 2008, 22:41
I just got FG2 and i try to copy some pdf dialogue in the chat frame , i copy like 5 lines from a pdf with ctr+c , i right click the story book to open a chat frame window inside , then paste the lines with ctrl+v . My problem is that only the first sentence is in the frame the 4 other lines are just body text.
If i paste immediately on the storybook then select itall all , right click to translate in chat frame , the lines are all in chat frames , but each line has its own window, so i have to drag them one by one in the DM chat...
Anyone knows how to solve this and copy a whole paragraph in he same chat frame window?

June 17th, 2008, 23:21
The issue is that PDFs have line feeds at the end of each line so FG treats each line as a new paragraph. Chat boxes show only one paragragh per box.

To do what you want you have to get the text out of PDF format. If you can save it as a text file you should then be able to cut and paste. The other option is to cut and paste the text directly into the campaigns db.xml file and that will fix it also. That is what I do myself.

Thus if I want to make an adventure based on a PDF I will start a new campaign and then create a storybook entry with just the number of the encounter/area/room and the title. Once I have build that I open the db.xml up and cut and paste room decriptions in from the PDF. To find out what the various tags that work in the db.xml just make a 00 room with a chat frame, paragraph, header, ect so you can see what the correct formatting tags are when you open up the db.xml.

June 18th, 2008, 08:14
I use JEdit to pull the lines together when creating story text. It's a text editor, also useful for XML and Lua coding (highlights code).

June 18th, 2008, 11:49
ok , thanks for answering , i never succeeded to paste it in txt form , but editing the XMl files and pasting inside, then editing and cuting the <frame> works ,
thanks for helping