View Full Version : onDrop Problem

June 14th, 2008, 08:20
I'm having a spot of bother trying to capture the onDrop event for the Identity List (the GM's view of the list of player characters).

I had hoped to be able to drag an NPC and drop it on the character list to 'publish' the NPC for a player to control.

Unfortunately, the onDrop event doesn't seem to fire.

Is there something special about the Identity List which stops the event from firing?


(Also posted in the House of Healing, because I'm not sure where the post properly belongs!)

June 16th, 2008, 07:47
The window class called "identitylist" is used for GM identities, not player characters. The window for player characters uses a window class called "charactersheetlist". Check that you're working with the correct class.

I checked the onDrop event on the character list class and didn't have any problems.

June 16th, 2008, 23:25
Yeah, I remember having a similar confusion around the names of these lists awhile back.

Now, is "charactersheetlist" the list of characters that the players/gm uses to open a character? or is it the set of character portraits along the top of the window.
I think it's the portraits that Foen is trying to access. Trying to get NPCs to mimic the way you can drag-drop an image onto a characters portrait to share it with only that character...?

June 17th, 2008, 06:09
I had believed identityselection was the GM's view of the Character Selection dialogue accessed from the button in the top right of the screen labelled 'Characters' and that charactersheetlist was the players' view. Both have a frame called 'characterbox'.

It is the GM's view of the Character Selection dialogue which I'm trying to change, so the GM can drag an NPC onto it and create a pre-populated character sheet for someone to control. This could be used for player (or GM) control of NPC party members, or to publish pre-generated characters for a module.

My previous post was confusing because I named the wrong class (identitylist not identityselection) in the post.

Am I looking at the right class (identityselection) for this?


June 17th, 2008, 08:11
Players use "identityselection", the GM uses "charactersheetlist".

June 17th, 2008, 18:59
Thanks Tero, this answered my question on windowclasses and explained why I couldn't get onDrop to work (I was dropping on the wrong window!).

