View Full Version : Image/Drawing Corruption

June 4th, 2008, 21:21
In my current campaign document, I had for a long time a hand drawn image. Recently I created a new image which I also drew by hand (first time adding a second hand-drawn image). I expanded it using the new expand features, put in a grid, added some tokens and then quit FG. When I came back, the new image was empty of the drawing, and only contained the tokens (whose scaling info from the tracker had been lost, as the tracker had also reset). Worse, after some investigation, it turned out my old hand drawn image was gone and it's image replaced by the new hand-drawn image.

So, to repeat, I had two images--Watchpost and Gate. Watchpost was an old hand-drawn image. Gate was the new hand-drawn image I was adding. When I reloaded the campaign, Watchpost now contained the hand-drawn image from Gate, and Gate now contained nothing but grid and tokens (Gate had also lost awareness of it's expanded size, resulting in some tokens being "off the edge").

So I redrew part of the Gate in Gate, after expanding the image, and restarted. This time the new drawing appeared in *both* Gate and Outpost.

Exact steps (near as I can remember)--
1st Pass:
Create Image Gate
Assign Grid
Enable pin layer
Draw some
Expand up
Put down tokens
scale token
rescale grid/image
Draw some
Expand left
Expand down
Draw more
put down more tokens
scale tokens

Pass 2:
Remove Tokens
Expand image (up, left and down, I forget the order)
Remove Tokens
Draw image
Enable pin layer
Add pin link

((BTW, the Pin Link was not saved either))

June 5th, 2008, 02:14
This is a known problem with maps drawn with the pen tools in FG2. For some reason the last few numbers of the drawing id number in the XML becomes corrupt. In most cases the drawing remains in the drawing folder and is not really "lost." However sometimes if the corupt number happens to point at another id number then the drawing can be lost. This problem does not happen to images in the main campaign.

You can go to your campaign folder in data apps and look in your drawing folder to see if the missing drawing is still there. The images are "negatives" but still easy to recognize. If you find the missing drawing you have two choices: 1) open the xml for the campaign and fix the image entry for that drawing by changing the wrong ID number to the correct one. 2) Convert the drawing to an image and drop it in your image folder. To convert the drawing, an easy way would be to load the drawing into Paint then pull down the Image menu and select Invert Colors, then save the drawing with a real name. Drop the new image into your campaign's image folder.

June 5th, 2008, 06:36
Thank you for the information, I managed to track down the problem. Will be in the next patch.