View Full Version : Game Won't Run!

June 2nd, 2008, 17:40
I posted this to support but have received no response yet:

Hi. I just bought Fantasy Grounds 2 Full and I can't get the program to
run. After the initial update it just crashes. I had the same problem
with the demo, but figured the full version had patched it, since a lot
of demos have such issues.

My computer is:
Win XP
Amd Athlon 64
Geforce 7800GTX with the latest Nvidia drivers.

It's very unusual for my computer to not be able to run a directx game. Actually this is the first time, so the error is likely on your end.

Fantasy Grounds 1 demo worked fine if I remember. Please tell me
anything i can do to get more info to you to get this thing working. Second it starts i get a standard windows crash error.

Can anyone please help me figure this out. I've got a group looking forward to 4th edition and I can't recommend a program that i can't even get to run. :confused:

June 2nd, 2008, 19:18
Sad but true, double check your drivers, double check they are for XP - and make sure aceleration enabled. Also if the demo didn't work then usually FG won't work. The demo and retail versions require the same functionallity.

You might try running FG in full screen mode (second entry in link): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=DirectX&match=all&titlesonly=0

If you get an error message when it crashes, it would help if you would post it.

Does FG run on another computer for you?

June 2nd, 2008, 19:41
Submit dxdiag to support - may help them track down any issue?

June 2nd, 2008, 19:44
Well your graphics card should support DX9.0c according to the specs.

If you go to START>RUN Type dxdiag<Enter>

What does the diagnostic tell you about your system?

Go to 'display' and run the tests. Is everything enabled?

Graphics drivers are usually the big culprit.


June 2nd, 2008, 20:10
I made sure to get the latest version of 9.0c after checking the website. My directx install shows no errors and all acceleration is enabled in dxdiag. I'm 100% sure these drivers are correct for my system.

Error says: FantasyGrounds.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

It's a standard windows error. The game crashed immediately after starting, although the updater works fine.

I tried changing various graphics settings, resolutions, even different compatibility modes but never get any farther than an immediate crash.

I just sent a dxdiag to support as suggested so I hope something turns up there. Tried -f and didn't do anything either.

Is there a way to copy detailed crash info. I can see the details in the crash box but can't copy them or find the file it seems to reference. Thanks.

June 2nd, 2008, 23:37
Are you using a custom ruleset? Have you made any changes to the campaign you're selecting?

June 3rd, 2008, 07:21
You might also want to try uninstalling FG, cleaning the registry (if you know how to), and then reinstalling. Maybe something went south during the installation.

June 4th, 2008, 06:39
I cleaned my registry and reinstalled multiple times but thanks for the suggestion. As far as custom rulesets, i haven't been able to get into the game to change anything. This is a clean install.

I'm really baffled. I never have issues with my computer that aren't experienced by everyone using the same or similar hardware. I install and use dozens of programs weekly. I'm guessing the smaller sample of users for this software has led to some big groups of settings not being tested.

Are there any geforce 7800gtx users who can verify running this properly? How about Athlon 64 owners? Also, there is still no word from support.

Frankly, at this point I'm convinced it's a bug of some type causing the crash and not something on my end. I would do anything necessary to help fix the bug so i don't have to get a refund as i really am excited about the program.

June 4th, 2008, 08:51
Running an Athlon 64 here and it has caused me no problem.

I am thinking that the problem is more with the combination of programs than with the hardware.

Use MSconfig to try and turn off other programs that start in the background, restart and try to start the program if it works with everything else turned off, turn the other programs on one by one until you find what combination doesn't work.

MOST likely it is something that competes for the same space. Also, it might be a good idea to double-remind the crew of developers at [email protected]

June 4th, 2008, 09:37
Oberoten, i tried your advice and ran in diagnostic mode and it still crashed. I also use hijack this to keep my processes pretty clean and make sure to cancel any processes i don't need when running games, like avg anti-virus. So far no dice. I tried re-installing with all unnecessary processes closed and still had same problem so it's not a bad install due to virus software.

I went through my services turning on those that might have some effect but still no change. At this point unless something clicks I'm going to need the devs to help me get crash info to them to find what is causing it. I consider myself pretty computer savvy, took comp sci in college, listen to security now, etc. so it's unlikely i just make some wacky goof and this is a bug in the program itself. Either that or some weird interaction only the devs would be able to find, but please keep with the ideas.

Also, I've yet to hear any Geforce7800gtx users respond. It would limit a major cause if there were others that have/don't have this problem with that hardware.

June 4th, 2008, 10:21
I received an e-mail reply and am in contact with support so I'm going to wait on their help for now. I'll respond to this thread again if/when i have an update and hopefully help anyone else that has this issue. Here's hoping I can get this working before my 4th edition group starts.

June 5th, 2008, 16:56
I have a geforce 7300gs, but needed to use the latest Nvidia drivers, not the official MS ones that had been certified.

October 6th, 2008, 06:47
Same problem here. Any Update?