View Full Version : Player Looking for 3.5 game

May 24th, 2008, 00:39
I'm looking for a pretty much any 3.5 D&D game.
I have a wide availiblity
mon-fri anytime after 5CST til when ever, ill stay as late as needed as well as not sleep.
sat-sun anytime at all

May 24th, 2008, 19:49
Im running a campaign, call Ironstone. Its pretty much an openworld game but there are something pretty interesting about. I host an arena style fighting portion for the game, were teams work together to defeat, monsters, other teams in the arena. But there is also quests to take, to help to city of Ironstone, which brings in a little bit more money. Then there is the main plot line, which slowly open up as you take quests.

The calender is here:

I am running an openworld game, just roleplaying, very very little combat, today Saturday May 24th, at 2:00pm-4:00 CST/CDT. If you are interested, just join in, Ill have the server up and you can come in and experience the campaign.

If you like a little reading also. I have a wiki website for the campaign. Its located here:


Feel free to join in, most people are really nice that do play, and it fun. Im not a rule monger or combat fanatic, I try to make it fun for the players.
