January 10th, 2025, 22:47
Things are definitely incomplete and probably broken in places.
This module is for the Cypher System (and derivative) Rulesets and is released under the Cypher System Open License. When complete, it will contain all of the information in the CSRD released by Monte Cook Games.
This file is currently based on the 2023-04-18 release of the CSRD so it does not contain things that were added after that date, such as Rust & Redemption.
What's currently in:
Types and their associated Abilities
Descriptors and their associated Abilities
Flavors and their associated Abilities
Foci from Abides in Stone through Drives Like A Maniac and their associated Abilities (plus a few other Foci that my own players needed).
Cyphers, including rollable tables where appropriate.
Fully linked Campaign Book (Reference Manual) up through the Focus chapter.
The Campaign Book chapters are set up to mimic the layout of the Cypher System Rulebook.
Everything can be drag-n-dropped to character sheets
Abilities are set up with buttons and effects where appropriate.
What's not currently in:
Things added to the CSRD after 2023-04-18.
NPCs and Creatures.
Equipment items and Artifacts (though most starting gear is).
The incredible chapters on how to GM and run a Cypher game.
I am releasing this now so that people can use the work that has already been done without needing to wait on my slow self to complete it.
Forge Store Page (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/2030/view)
2025-01-10: Initial Alpha Release
Things are definitely incomplete and probably broken in places.
This module is for the Cypher System (and derivative) Rulesets and is released under the Cypher System Open License. When complete, it will contain all of the information in the CSRD released by Monte Cook Games.
This file is currently based on the 2023-04-18 release of the CSRD so it does not contain things that were added after that date, such as Rust & Redemption.
What's currently in:
Types and their associated Abilities
Descriptors and their associated Abilities
Flavors and their associated Abilities
Foci from Abides in Stone through Drives Like A Maniac and their associated Abilities (plus a few other Foci that my own players needed).
Cyphers, including rollable tables where appropriate.
Fully linked Campaign Book (Reference Manual) up through the Focus chapter.
The Campaign Book chapters are set up to mimic the layout of the Cypher System Rulebook.
Everything can be drag-n-dropped to character sheets
Abilities are set up with buttons and effects where appropriate.
What's not currently in:
Things added to the CSRD after 2023-04-18.
NPCs and Creatures.
Equipment items and Artifacts (though most starting gear is).
The incredible chapters on how to GM and run a Cypher game.
I am releasing this now so that people can use the work that has already been done without needing to wait on my slow self to complete it.
Forge Store Page (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/2030/view)
2025-01-10: Initial Alpha Release