View Full Version : Ruins of Symbaroum (5e) Corruption Fix!

January 9th, 2025, 23:09
Big thanks to the Smiteworks team, who released publicly a ton of ruleset-specific extensions recently.

this allowed me to look at an issue that's been in the Ruins of symbaroum D&D extension for a while and was bothering me quite a bit:
the corruption threshold is currently only calculated like so: proficiency x2 + Charisma modifier. which works for all the classes other than the Mystic class!
The mystic class's corruption threshold is calculated like so: (proficiency + spellcasting modifier)x2 keep in mind the spellcasting ability might change depending on the subclass chosen.

I tinkered with the extension and managed to make it work!

now the threshold is automatically calculated accordingly, and using the right spellcasting modifier if need be

here's the updated extension, be sure to place it under "extensions" in your FGU folders and load it. name:Setting: D&D - Symbaroum (corruption update)

(if a higher being would like to check my updated version and push it on the original extension (considering if I did a good enough job, not really used to modifying character stuff) so anyone who owns it receives it they would have my 100% approval (there is only one file that has been modified: "template_char.xml"))

January 12th, 2025, 07:47
Thank you for this!

Moon Wizard
January 26th, 2025, 20:01
I have included your changes in the base extension; so you no longer need the alternate extension.
