View Full Version : Adding a Heritage?

January 7th, 2025, 16:38
One of my players wants to play a Dhampir from the Tales of the Valiant Lineages and Heritage pdf. I don't have any hopes this will come out anytime soon in FG, so I'd like to add it manually.

While it might not be "coded" in 100%, I can see how to manually add a lineage, but there is no "right-side button" to ad hoc add a heritage. It looks like it is coded behind the scenes??

Is there an easy way to do this? I don't care if it isn't 100% automated (half the stuff isn't anyway), I just want to have the information in FG and we can manually make changes.

Sorry for the noob question, not up to speed on FG coding.

Thanks in advance,

January 7th, 2025, 17:18
When you click on the lineage button on the right side, it opens a new window. This is the master index for lineages. Along the top of that window is a heritage button that will open a similar window.

January 8th, 2025, 00:20
Ack! Staring me right in the face. Ugh.
