View Full Version : 4e Playtest

May 8th, 2008, 00:21
I have been looking at running a 4e playtest game for a couple of friends. I currently have three players for Thur. 8 May around 1900 CDT (GMT -6). If anyone is available please post here and I will send you a PM with the logging info tomorrow about an hour before game time. I am using the Pre gen characters from the D&D XP and I am running the Raiders of Oakhurst. This is going to be a very crunchy game as everyone learns the rules of how everything works.

May 8th, 2008, 02:54
Hey Wraith,

Count me in for trying the game out with 4e!

- Q

May 8th, 2008, 17:52
Alright Quis,

Two places open for tonight. I will send out the info in about 5 hours.

Quis you know the place. :D

May 8th, 2008, 18:18
Sorry but the game has been postponed until Saturday.

Quis I hope you can still play if not sorry.

The friends that I was going to run the session for had some stuff come up at work.

This gives me more time to get a full group. I still have two possibly three slots open for a Sat afternoon game. I will take times from about 1500 on. CDT central time US (GMT -6)

May 9th, 2008, 05:07
I should be able to swing Saturday. If something comes up I'll let you know.

May 9th, 2008, 15:06
And then there were two.

Two slots available that is...

If anyone wants to check out the pre-release rules before we play they are available on EnWorld.com (https://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=221806). These are the rules we will be playing by and what is leaked out of WotC so far. If you have downloaded it before you might want to check it out again cause they have updated.

May 10th, 2008, 06:28
I'm in for the game tomorrow, Wraith. Just let me know the start time. :D

May 10th, 2008, 14:05
Ok, Dofo
You were already on the list I assumed Axe had talked to you and everything was a go.

So, two slots still open. We will play with 4 if we must, but 6 would be better. With 4 I will have to cut down on the monsters and their difficulty, but it is doable.

May 10th, 2008, 17:20
Games on for 4pm CDT (GMT -6)

We have 5 players

I think Axe was wanting to play the ranger, but I'm not sure. There is a Elf Ranger, Dwarf Fighter, Halfling Paladin, Tiefling Wizard, Human Cleric, and a Half-elf Warlock. I will put up the server about a half an hour early so people can get on check out their character and set up hot keys. Since all of you are from my regular campaign I won't be putting out the server info, just that we are on the secondary IP and TS is the same.

May 10th, 2008, 20:26
Well, if nobody has laid claim, I would like to play the warlock. :D If someone has already, I'm good with a cleric.

May 10th, 2008, 23:45
I know we're still in the middle of it, but I'm thinking that this PWNS!!!!! Heck, I'm even willing to play a cleric in 4e now :P

May 11th, 2008, 15:01
If you need anything clarified out of the PrRC, Wraith, let me know--I'm running the games at my local game shop, and I have access to Keep on the Shadowfell because of that.

re: clerics:
No doubt, the cleric in my last delve used Lance of Faith once; the rest of the time he was on the front line braining monsters with his mace, held two-handed!

And then there were two.

Two slots available that is...

If anyone wants to check out the pre-release rules before we play they are available on EnWorld.com (https://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=221806). These are the rules we will be playing by and what is leaked out of WotC so far. If you have downloaded it before you might want to check it out again cause they have updated.

May 11th, 2008, 16:36
The game went great everyone seemed to have fun and although the Hobgoblins were a bit of a problem the dragon seemed to have trouble hitting. They got it down to 13hp before it got away.

I do have a couple of questions Xorn.
1) The Warlock's curse does that have to target the same target as her attack or can she attack one person and curse another?
2) Does a Hunter's Quarry, Warlock's Curse, or Cleric's Spell override a Paladin's Divine Challenge or the fighter's Mark?
3) On the fighter's passing attack can they still make the second attack even if the first misses? Can they still make the shift?
4) Is the warlock's Shadow Walk a move action or can she only do that when she reduces a target to 0hp?
5) Can a warlock still slide a target she can't see when she has control of it with her Curse of the Dark Dream?

Just a few to start. :D

May 12th, 2008, 03:46
1. They can attack a different target, but they only get the extra damage if they attack the cursed target.

2. These are not marks, so they do not overwrite the Mark from the paladin or fighter.

3. The secondary attack is a result of the primary attack hitting, so they have to hit with the first attack.

4. Shadow Walk is a result of their movement. If the warlock moves 3+ squares away from where they started the round (no dancing back and forth), they gain concealment (+2 defense). Misty Step is a Fey Pact ability that lets the warlock teleport 3 squares if they reduce a cursed target to 0 hit points. The teleport is a free action.

5. While it doesn't state specifically so, fluff-wise I say yes they can move them even out of sight, as they are controlling the nightmare.

Note on the changes to Paladin and Fighter marks:

Whenever the fighter attacks an enemy, hit or miss, they can choose to mark that target until the end of the fighter's next turn. (They can have multiple targets marked.)

When the paladin issues a divine challenge, they must engage the target or challenge another target. Engage means either make an attack (hit or miss) or finish their movement adjacent to the target. If they fail to engage or challenge a new target, then the mark fades, and they can't challenge on the next turn. If the challenged foe makes an attack not including the paladin, they take 6 radiant damage.

The game went great everyone seemed to have fun and although the Hobgoblins were a bit of a problem the dragon seemed to have trouble hitting. They got it down to 13hp before it got away.

I do have a couple of questions Xorn.
1) The Warlock's curse does that have to target the same target as her attack or can she attack one person and curse another?
2) Does a Hunter's Quarry, Warlock's Curse, or Cleric's Spell override a Paladin's Divine Challenge or the fighter's Mark?
3) On the fighter's passing attack can they still make the second attack even if the first misses? Can they still make the shift?
4) Is the warlock's Shadow Walk a move action or can she only do that when she reduces a target to 0hp?
5) Can a warlock still slide a target she can't see when she has control of it with her Curse of the Dark Dream?

Just a few to start. :D

May 12th, 2008, 14:23
Thanks for clarifying that for me. I was also wondering if any new info on the rogue has come to light?

May 12th, 2008, 17:43
ok so now I have a q about shadow step...3+ squares from where they began the round, so ANY movement of that distance during their turn, and that is a shadow walk??


May 12th, 2008, 19:35
I'm not Xorn or Wraith but,

Shadow Walk (move 3+ squares away on your turn, ...)

I think you have to move i.e. you can't be slid, ect. I think you determine this by effectively laying down a burst 2 template centered on where the Warlock started his turn and if the warlock ends up outside the template by a conscious action he gets the Shadow Walk concealment.

May 12th, 2008, 23:37
Yes, like Griogre said. If you use your move action to move three or more squares away from your starting point (not back and fourth in the same spot) then you add +2 concealment bonus to your AC. I don't think this includes the movement from Misty Step. I think you would have to move 3+ squares and Misty Step, or Misty Step and then move 3+ squares. I would think that since the Misty Step is a teleport that you aren't really moving your are teleporting and there for wouldn't get the Shadow Step bonus.

May 14th, 2008, 13:39
So far I have allowed Misty Step to grant the Shadow Walk bonus, because they voluntarily teleported that far. I did not grant Shadow Walk when a hobgoblin warcaster used a Slide 3 on the warlock, though. :)

But you could have it not trigger off the teleport, I could see it being viewed either way, easily.

What news do you want about the rogue? I have the halfling rogue pregen in my book-bag. :)

May 14th, 2008, 18:52
Yeah I waffled on the Misty Step triggering the Shadow Walk. You really can't tell without the full rules and some sort of move definition. In the end I let him do it. But it could really go either way.

May 14th, 2008, 18:59
Thanks for clarifying that for me. I was also wondering if any new info on the rogue has come to light?
Someone posted a scan of all the pregens for Keep on the Shadowfell over on the OoTS board one of which is a rogue. https://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4306958&postcount=1