View Full Version : Tales of the Valiant Bug Report Thread

October 22nd, 2024, 21:33
Report any bugs relating to Tales of the Valiant modules in this thread.

When reporting a bug, please denote whether it is in the Tales of the Valiant: Players Guide (KPFGTOVPG) or the Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault (KPFGTOVMV). Please include steps to reproduce the issue, if applicable, and pertinent screenshots.

This will help us more directly report bugs to the developers.

Thank you.

October 23rd, 2024, 07:20
Odd Character Creation behavior for pop up window, cannot select to click on or read the three options given from thew criminal background.

Clean Campaign, ToV ruleset toggle is enabled.

Build Path:
Level One Rogue, Human (Salvager Heritage.) Criminal background, last talent pop up, one cannot click on the data links to access Talents data to read prior to choosing. Not sure if this was intended, but it does not seem like typical FG behavior.

Attached Image.



Ivor MacKay
October 23rd, 2024, 09:13
This is a quick one with an easy fix, I think. The items in packs, such as the Dungeoneer's Pack or the Priest's Pack, are missing.
I think the items in the equipment pack sidebar on page 142 of the Player's Guide were missed.

I loaded the 5e SRD and used the packs from there.


October 23rd, 2024, 09:37
This is a quick one with an easy fix, I think. The items in packs, such as the Dungeoneer's Pack or the Priest's Pack, are missing.
I think the items in the equipment pack sidebar on page 142 of the Player's Guide were missed.

I loaded the 5e SRD and used the packs from there.


This was reported and we have a fix awaiting review from the developer.

October 23rd, 2024, 14:24
Hello I am loving the Tales of the valient on fantasy grounds
found a little snag the class for spellwright needs changed to mechanist


October 23rd, 2024, 19:30
Nomadic Heritage is missing, and unable to delete entries on the abilities tab

October 23rd, 2024, 21:44
Fixed in the next update. Thanks for the input.

October 23rd, 2024, 21:45
This is a quick one with an easy fix, I think. The items in packs, such as the Dungeoneer's Pack or the Priest's Pack, are missing.
I think the items in the equipment pack sidebar on page 142 of the Player's Guide were missed.

I loaded the 5e SRD and used the packs from there.


Fixed in the next round of updates. Thanks for the input.

October 24th, 2024, 10:52
Missing Beast Spirit stat block:

Navigating the links from CLASSES > Ranger > Pack Master > Beast Spirit

Beast Spirit window/panel has some text that reads, "See this creature's statistics in the beast spirit stat block, ...", but there is no stat block or link to such in the text, though it looks as though there is a place holder at bottom of text that reads, "ADD LINK FOR BEAST SPIRIT".

I could not find any other references to Beast Spirit in the NPCS or BOOKS or STORY or MODULES text for ToV Player's Guide or Monster Vault

The stat block for the Beast Spirit can be found on page 77 in the Tales of the Valiant Player's Guide physical book and PDF.

October 24th, 2024, 11:00
Missing Beast Spirit stat block:

Navigating the links from CLASSES > Ranger > Pack Master > Beast Spirit

Beast Spirit window/panel has some text that reads, "See this creature's statistics in the beast spirit stat block, ...", but there is no stat block or link to such in the text, though it looks as though there is a place holder at bottom of text that reads, "ADD LINK FOR BEAST SPIRIT".

I could not find any other references to Beast Spirit in the NPCS or BOOKS or STORY or MODULES text for ToV Player's Guide or Monster Vault

The stat block for the Beast Spirit can be found on page 77 in the Tales of the Valiant Player's Guide physical book and PDF.

I've added that to the next round of fixes. Thanks. FIXED

October 24th, 2024, 11:52
With only the ToV Player's Guide and Monster Vault modules loaded, the STORY window/panel with "(All)" Group selected from the drop down list has several record links listed twice and when those links are selected, they display similar but different, sometimes empty, content from each other, with some having odd navigation/paging links when clicking on the next or previous page arrow buttons beneath the windowed text and art content.

Included in this are two read only "<< New Story>>" entries for the Monster Vault Group that are locked and cannot be removed from the listings when Edit List mode is enabled by clicking the pencil icon at bottom of window.

There are duplicate links in the Tales of the Valiant Monster Vault Group list for:
<< New Story>>
Appendix: NPCS

There are duplicate links in the TOV Player's Guide Group list for:

It is also curious to me that there is a TOV Player's Guide Group list and a Tales of the Valiant Player's Guide Group list.
Looks like inconsistent practice and poor proofreading after porting the book's information into the Fantasy Grounds platform.


October 24th, 2024, 21:17
I mentioned it in another thread but want to make sure it's tracked here.

The parser for saves and skill checks aren't working for NPCs, Spells, etc.

ToV uses a different set of standardized wording for all of these types of things and it looks like the parser is only recognizing 5E phrasing (even with the ToV game type set and the extension loaded).

In 5E you'd write DC 14 wisdom saving throw
In ToV you'd write DC 14 WIS save

The ToV books are all using the correct wording for the game, but the parser isn't recognizing them. This makes anything other than normal attacks unable to be automated without the DM manually changing the wording on anything being used to the 5E standard.

Please fix the parser so it recognizes ToV standard wording (I don't think the solution would be to rewrite everything with 5E wording, but technically, that would work too).

October 24th, 2024, 21:26
I mentioned it in another thread but want to make sure it's tracked here.

The parser for saves and skill checks aren't working for NPCs, Spells, etc.

ToV uses a different set of standardized wording for all of these types of things and it looks like the parser is only recognizing 5E phrasing (even with the ToV game type set and the extension loaded).

In 5E you'd write DC 14 wisdom saving throw
In ToV you'd write DC 14 WIS save

The ToV books are all using the correct wording for the game, but the parser isn't recognizing them. This makes anything other than normal attacks unable to be automated without the DM manually changing the wording on anything being used to the 5E standard.

Please fix the parser so it recognizes ToV standard wording (I don't think the solution would be to rewrite everything with 5E wording, but technically, that would work too).

Yes this was reported and we believe we have a solution that will be pushed with the weekly update.

October 24th, 2024, 21:27
Yes this was reported and we believe we have a solution that will be pushed with the weekly update.


October 26th, 2024, 04:10
Cleric character creation: "Any three skills of your choice" seems to have class skills broken.

October 26th, 2024, 07:04
Cleric character creation: "Any three skills of your choice" seems to have class skills broken.

Thanks for the report. I'll look into this.

October 26th, 2024, 22:35
When rolling dice from character sheet, does not display character name. Just the roll and character icon. Seems this creates confusion.

October 27th, 2024, 00:54
Adherant background: Choice 1 background broken?

October 27th, 2024, 05:15
When reporting it's best to provide as much detail as possible and exact replicable steps. For the dice rolling that would be a 5e issue and we can take a look, but need more details on what you were rolling and so forth. As for the background, what Choice 1 are you referring to that you think is broken?

October 27th, 2024, 05:56
Sorry, been ill this week. I know better.

1. If you add the Adherant background during character creation, and check the equipment page: Choice 1 background has no options, but demands one be taken as far as i can tell.
2. If you double click just about anything that rolls dice on the character sheet, the chat window shows the character's icon, what was rolled, but not the NAME of who was rolled. Check attributes as an example.

Is that better?

October 27th, 2024, 18:23
Thanks, gives me more direction on where to look for faults. Thank you again.

October 30th, 2024, 00:48
I believe I have all previous data entry issues fixed. Please keep reporting any new items found.

October 31st, 2024, 19:10
Wizards, bards and sorcerers seems to be dumping all spells under a single "Spells ([Class])" Group, they're not beeing separated into the proper ring groups, so it seems to be a problem with the Arcane classes, since Divine, Primordial and Wyrd do go into the proper ring(lvl) groups.
Also, in a somewhat related topic, will there be again a way to create new power groups within FGU? That woud help a lot to mitigate this issue while a permanent solution is implemented.
Ed.: In a revision of the power group, it seems it was created as an "Abilities" group, when I changed it to a "Spell" group it created the appropriate ring(lvl) groups and classified the already added spells correctly, in case this might help.

October 31st, 2024, 20:41
Wizards, bards and sorcerers seems to be dumping all spells under a single "Spells ([Class])" Group, they're not beeing separated into the proper ring groups, so it seems to be a problem with the Arcane classes, since Divine, Primordial and Wyrd do go into the proper ring(lvl) groups.
Also, in a somewhat related topic, will there be again a way to create new power groups within FGU? That woud help a lot to mitigate this issue while a permanent solution is implemented.
Ed.: In a revision of the power group, it seems it was created as an "Abilities" group, when I changed it to a "Spell" group it created the appropriate ring(lvl) groups and classified the already added spells correctly, in case this might help.

I'm not seeing any issues with Wizard created using the Character Wizard. Spells are populated into the correct spell power groups by level. Do you have any steps to recreate that I might be missing (also make sure you disable extensions before checking). EDIT: Just noticed this is the Tales of the Valiant thread; so ignore me. I don't have this so I don't know if it's an issue just with this ruleset.

You can create a power group. Click on the Add power button at the bottom right and then click on the edit list button beside it. This will open up the right hand box into which you can put the name of your power group.

November 1st, 2024, 01:07
Ok, the power groups creation really helps, thx a lot.
But yes, the issue is with the Arcane classes and spells from the ToV Player's Book, both with the Character Wizard and the Manual Creation.

November 1st, 2024, 08:12
I'm inputting some of my custome player options for ToV and am running into issues with custom backgrounds. Basically, with the character wizard, all it seems to detect is the list of talents. I think maybe it's got some hard coding based on the names?

I copied the criminal background into my campaign, tried to use it in the wizard, and it worked...skills,etc, show up as things to pick. Modify the same record to swap out a few skills and change the name of the background, and nothing but a choice of talents shows up.

I copy the criminal background again into my campaign and the copied record works as expected. Change the name, and only the name to criemeinal or something like that...and only talents show up.

Is there no way to make custom/3p/homebrew backgrounds work in the character wizard?

November 1st, 2024, 08:24
It would require an extension as the data is hard coded to ensure the current player options are accessible. So the answer is currently that you would need to set up homebrew content by hand that which the system can't handle.

November 1st, 2024, 08:48
It would require an extension as the data is hard coded to ensure the current player options are accessible. So the answer is currently that you would need to set up homebrew content by hand that which the system can't handle.

Ok, so if I wanted to publish some of my player options for fantasy grounds, currently I'd have to put a note somewhere in the reference manual that "character wizard doesn't work well with options not found in the ToV Players Guide...double check and manually setup stuff the wizard missed" or something along those lines? That's pretty much my only option without writing a new extension?

November 1st, 2024, 10:03
If this is something that will be sold and in conjunction with the publisher, it's best to work through appropriate channels by reaching out to James and we can move from there. If this is for personal use, it can say what you wish it to say. Also, I was referring to all facets of character creation. Drag 'n Drop operates under the same guidelines.

November 1st, 2024, 22:24
If this is something that will be sold and in conjunction with the publisher, it's best to work through appropriate channels by reaching out to James and we can move from there. If this is for personal use, it can say what you wish it to say. Also, I was referring to all facets of character creation. Drag 'n Drop operates under the same guidelines.

I am the publisher technically, but I haven't signed anything yet. I'm in "try it and see how well it works and what needs to be done" mode.

Is this something that will eventually be expanded upon? Text parsing to discover these extra traits so long as standardized wording is used? It did autopick up the base AC change for Cheltarians so there's some parsing going on in lineages for sure...


November 1st, 2024, 22:55
We are moving away from natural language parsing. A better solution is on the books, just haven't completed it yet and there is no ETA.

November 1st, 2024, 23:03
We are moving away from natural language parsing. A better solution is on the books, just haven't completed it yet and there is no ETA.

I see. OK, thanks for the information. I'll keep working on the conversion then, see where the holes are, report any other bugs that may or may not be fixed soon, and then decide how to proceed from there :).

November 9th, 2024, 07:46
Cleric class has bard stuff going on....


November 11th, 2024, 19:14
Another bug with the parser. For creatures like the Chol Czol that have a "melee or ranged" attack (the dagger in this case), the parser sees this as a ranged attack only. This means they have disadvantage when stabbing someone with a dagger in the automation.

November 11th, 2024, 20:41
Groups of immunities and and resistances seem to be being ignored.

Example: Undead Resilience -

Should be immune to poison. Specters are still receiving full poison damage when applied.
Should be immune to the poisoned condition. You can still apply it.

November 11th, 2024, 21:19
Looking again at the specter, in addition to ignoring the resilience groups, there seems to be a data entry issue. It has a lot of condition immunities in the damage immunity section.

November 12th, 2024, 17:02
Another parser bug.

Doesn't look like ability and skill checks are being parsed correctly.

Ambush Hag - Mimicry has DC 16 WIS (Insight) check not being picked up. Same if I remove the (Insight).

November 12th, 2024, 17:40
With statblock set to "ToV" NPC's still do not have a condition resistance field. This is something ToV has. ToV also has condition vulnerability.

November 12th, 2024, 21:26
Spellcasting isn't being parsed quite right either.

Lizardfolk Shaman:

"...using WIS as the..." seems to be being ignored. It's cure wounds in the tracker is only getting a 1d8 not a 1d8+5

November 22nd, 2024, 05:40
NPC's are missing XP values in the monster vault. Which makes sense, since ToV doesn't use XP. However the encounter window won't refresh the challenge rating of encounter (leaving it empty) unless the NPC's are given an XP value.

workaround solution would be to enter in the XP values for the appropriate CR's...however Encounter building is a little different in ToV than 5E (either 2014 or 2024). XP doesn't come into play, so maybe when using ToV as the ruleset the encounter window could calculate differently?

November 25th, 2024, 23:45
Is anyone looking at these?

November 26th, 2024, 00:27
Manual of Golems is missing half it's text.

It only goes up to the table and is missing the following text

"To create a golem, you must spend the time shown on
the Manual of Golems Type table, working without
interruption with the manual at hand and resting no more
than 8 hours per day. You must also pay the specified cost to
purchase supplies.
Once you finish creating the golem, the book is consumed
in flames. The golem becomes animate when the ashes of
the manual are sprinkled on it. It is under your control, and
it understands and obeys your spoken commands."

November 26th, 2024, 06:48
Is anyone looking at these?

Yes, we are looking and passing along to the developer who made the module. It's been a bit chaotic and we haven't responded to let you know we have done so and we apologize. Just waiting on the developer to respond and take care of your reports.

November 26th, 2024, 19:46
I've put in another bug report with their developer today. I don't know when they might get to fixes, but I wanted to let you guys know that reports are indeed being sent in.

November 27th, 2024, 01:32
Yes, we are looking and passing along to the developer who made the module. It's been a bit chaotic and we haven't responded to let you know we have done so and we apologize. Just waiting on the developer to respond and take care of your reports.

Ok, thanks :)

November 28th, 2024, 07:13
Magma Mephit is missing it's CR. It's blank. Should be 1/2

November 29th, 2024, 17:21
Seems that the naming convention in the monster vault for NPC templates is NPC: <name>

eg: NPC: Bandit, NPC: Guard.

The Berserker however is missing this prefix.

November 29th, 2024, 19:54
When reporting a bug, please denote whether it is in the Tales of the Valiant: Players Guide (KPFGTOVPG) or the Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault (KPFGTOVMV).
This will help us more directly report bugs to the developers.
Thank you.

November 29th, 2024, 23:03
Cleric has Bard stuff: Fixed

November 29th, 2024, 23:09
manual of golems is missing half it's text.

It only goes up to the table and is missing the following text

"to create a golem, you must spend the time shown on
the manual of golems type table, working without
interruption with the manual at hand and resting no more
than 8 hours per day. You must also pay the specified cost to
purchase supplies.
Once you finish creating the golem, the book is consumed
in flames. The golem becomes animate when the ashes of
the manual are sprinkled on it. It is under your control, and
it understands and obeys your spoken commands."


November 29th, 2024, 23:14
As of today I'm fixing/updating all bugs once a week to avoid multiple uploads. I monitor several bug report threads for KP and sometime it takes a bit to get them fixed as this is a part-time gig for me. As mentioned previously, please state which book your error appears in. This helps locate it much more quickly. I do not correct anything mentioned as a 'parse error' as that is SW domain.


November 30th, 2024, 01:40
Looking again at the specter, in addition to ignoring the resilience groups, there seems to be a data entry issue. It has a lot of condition immunities in the damage immunity section.

This isn't a data entry issue, but it can be fixed with data entry (and I will). However, IMHO, to correctly do this several entries need to be added to the NPC data sheet: Condition Immunities, Condition Resist, Conditon Vulnerability and Damage Vulnerabilities. The need for these entries is caused by the 'lumped together' resistences, damages and vulnerabilities that KP has chosen to use. Example:

Angelic Resilience =
Damage Resistence: radiant
Condition Resistence: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, charmed, frightened

Edit: Some of the monsters were added to the data before the extension was written. I was told to use the 5e stat block and paste the data in so SW had a base to work from.


November 30th, 2024, 02:07
Ok, cool beans. I figured some of these were software issues vs data entry issues. But I'm reporting them all the same.

Got another one.

Items in the KPFGTOVPG. There seems to be some inconsistency. For example, longsword just has versatile in its properties, and gives descriptive text disarm and hamstring, while the warpick has disarm in its properties and no descriptive text.

Warpick +1 has "-, magic" in it's properties...not sure what the - is supposed to denote (inherits from base weapon? should it have disarm there?), Longsword +1 doesn't have the -, has the versatile property, and no mention of disarm and hamstring.

Don't know what the right way to do this is, but it's not consistent as it stands right now.

(I'm hitting a lot of these things because I'm doing some pdf->fg conversions for some ToV compatible modules and looking at official modules as "how do I do it right". So I'm running into the errors as I find them and reporting)

November 30th, 2024, 02:56
Ok, cool beans. I figured some of these were software issues vs data entry issues. But I'm reporting them all the same.

Got another one.

Items in the KPFGTOVPG. There seems to be some inconsistency. For example, longsword just has versatile in its properties, and gives descriptive text disarm and hamstring, while the warpick has disarm in its properties and no descriptive text.

Warpick +1 has "-, magic" in it's properties...not sure what the - is supposed to denote (inherits from base weapon? should it have disarm there?), Longsword +1 doesn't have the -, has the versatile property, and no mention of disarm and hamstring.

Don't know what the right way to do this is, but it's not consistent as it stands right now.

(I'm hitting a lot of these things because I'm doing some pdf->fg conversions for some ToV compatible modules and looking at official modules as "how do I do it right". So I'm running into the errors as I find them and reporting)

Understood that this is confusing. This (-, magic) is copied directly from the source material. Having not played any version of 5e in a while, I would guess that this means no other properties other than magic. I believe you could simpify your entry to simply 'magic' or modify it however you like without any problems.


Ivor MacKay
November 30th, 2024, 08:46
Cleric has Bard stuff: Fixed

The cleric has bard stuff is still evident in my campaigns, even after reloading the book/module. Am I missing something?

November 30th, 2024, 11:06
The cleric has bard stuff is still evident in my campaigns, even after reloading the book/module. Am I missing something?

The fix should be approved by Tues next week. I marked it as a hotfix, but I uploaded it after office hours.


Ivor MacKay
November 30th, 2024, 21:21
The fix should be approved by Tues next week. I marked it as a hotfix, but I uploaded it after office hours.


:) cool

Ivor MacKay
November 30th, 2024, 23:33
I am unsure if this has been reported; I did not see it in the past notes. The Multiclassing proficiencies are missing. A table on page 15 of the TOV Player's Guide lists them per class. If this has already been reported, sorry, please ignore it.

December 1st, 2024, 16:15
Half Plate in the players guide has the correct dexterity bonus setting (max 2), but all the magical half plate gives you the full dex bonus.

December 1st, 2024, 16:22
The Beserker in the monster vault has the following text:

"Stalwart. If the berserker starts its turn afflicted by an
ongoing effect that allows for a repeated save to end the
effect, such as the hold spell or the poison from an ettercap’s
Bite, the gladiator can make the save at the start of the turn
instead of the end and has advantage on the save."

"gladiator" should be berserker.

My copy of the PDF has the same error, not a FG conversion bug per-se, but reporting it all the same.

December 1st, 2024, 21:02
Understood that this is confusing. This (-, magic) is copied directly from the source material. Having not played any version of 5e in a while, I would guess that this means no other properties other than magic. I believe you could simpify your entry to simply 'magic' or modify it however you like without any problems.


The "Disarm" is a weapon option in ToV (something you can use the weapon for other than applying straight damage). I think the issue is that the weapon options are being entered inconsistently. In some cases, it's in the descriptive text for the item, in other cases it's in the properties, and in other cases it's not there at all.

It is convenient to know what weapon options are associated with each weapon without having to look it up in the table, and putting it in properties seems like the correct way to do it to me instead of pasting the full description along with how the weapon options work. Assuming one wanted to add that convenience for VTT users (and if it was consistently applied, extensions - or the base extension - could automate putting those options on the character sheet action tab when the weapon is equipped).

Anyway, EOD, I'm asking for consistency with a preference for adding the weapon options in the properties field, but I understand that's a lot more work. The other way would be to remove it entirely from all the items (probably less work). However, it does limit the ability to automate these features.

Thnx for all you are doing BTW.

December 4th, 2024, 08:40
The fix should be approved by Tues next week. I marked it as a hotfix, but I uploaded it after office hours.


I don't think it's fixed. The only change I see is that the wording of hit dice has changed from bard to cleric.

It still has all the other bard stuff

A cleric should have the following:
Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your CON modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your CON
modifier per cleric level after 1st

Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saves: WIS, CHA
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, and Religion

However the one in FG has the bard versions of these:
Light Armor, Dex, Cha, any three skills, musical instrument, and some bizarre wording on the weapons:

"Simple weapons, martial weapons with the Simple weapons, martial weapons with the Finesse property"

December 4th, 2024, 17:48
Monster Vault:

Rug of smothering has blinded and deafened in its damage immunities, it should be in condition immunities. It doesn't have it's CR entered (should be 2)

December 4th, 2024, 23:46
ToV Players Guide

Wand of the War Mage +3 only has a bonus of +2.

December 5th, 2024, 03:53
Monster Vault.

Animated Object, Flying Sword doesn't have it's CR entered.

December 6th, 2024, 17:49
Monster Vault.

The Winter Wolf has each different effect that its freezing nose can do as a separate Bonus action. They are all one Bonus Action. I double checked to see if doing it this way added any convenience in the combat tracker (like putting dice rolls in) but it doesn't. So not sure why it was done this way, it's confusing when one looks at the statblock for the first time..."Body bonus action? Head Bonus Action? huh?".

I think all that text should be moved into the Freezing Nose bonus action like it is in the books.

December 7th, 2024, 02:31
hello I'm unsure if this is a bug or im just missing something but ill post it anyway, just in case. when i load up tales of the valiant charter wizard everything work's fine except i cannot put spells onto spell casting classes even if i have the books loaded. so none of my spell-casting characters are working right now. just to note i only have tales of the valiant books loaded none 5e books.

December 7th, 2024, 04:08
I tested this with a cleric and wizard and after clicking on the spells button in the class entry (in the character wizard) I was able to add spells to the character. You don't mention the steps you are performing for us to check over and see if there is an issue. Can you please relay your steps and show us what you are seeing if the spells button is not displaying?

December 7th, 2024, 05:48
Okay thanks for responding. what i have been doing i been going to my library tab and going to books and activation activating my tales of the valiant books. then when i go to character wizard in the player tab and try to add spells to my character and nothing shows up so that my main confusion am i forgetting something? Tell me if i didn't provide enough information i still new to fantasy grounds.

December 7th, 2024, 06:08
Okay thanks for responding. what i have been doing i been going to my library tab and going to books and activation activating my tales of the valiant books. then when i go to character wizard in the player tab and try to add spells to my character and nothing shows up so that my main confusion am i forgetting something? Tell me if i didn't provide enough information i still new to fantasy grounds.

I see the issue, the way the character wizard works is pulling from the spell lists from within FG and the modules didn't have them for each individual class. It is using the correct naming, but we will have to reach out to the developer and inform them that the source for each spell will need to contain the class as well so they are available with the features of the ruleset. Thanks for the report I will pass this along to the developer.

December 16th, 2024, 22:59
Hi, the additional talent for Humans (Ambitious trait) is missing in the Character Wizard.


In the ToV player's guide the "Nomadic Heritage" and "Slayer Heritage" are missing.


"Armor Expert" talent is not incrementing the AC +1.

December 17th, 2024, 03:46
Not all talents are automated and will need a manual touch. You can add a misc bonus in the combat calc helper window by hitting the gear icon near AC on the character sheet. Also some parsing may fail as well and you can add the additional talent once the character is complete.

December 18th, 2024, 04:03
Hi, on the character sheet, the checkboxes for each spell are missing in 'Preparation mode'

I've tried in DnD 5e and the checkboxes are displayed correctly.

December 18th, 2024, 05:22
The extension doesn't touch that area of the character sheet and functions as 5E. I was able to get them to display by adjusting the Uses in the Power Group editor.

December 18th, 2024, 06:16
The extension doesn't touch that area of the character sheet and functions as 5E. I was able to get them to display by adjusting the Uses in the Power Group editor.

Thank you! I didn't know that I had to change the prepared spells in the 'Power Group' editor manually. In DnD 5e was set automatically.


December 18th, 2024, 20:23
hey not sure, if this is another bug, but I seem to not be able to find some of the features for classes to add like a sorcerers meta-magic features, or a mechanistic augment features. to add to a character i know in the 5e version they added it into the spells, with the meta magic abilities, is this a glitch or is it something i missed.

December 19th, 2024, 02:25
Game Masters Guide, lot of art missing from the book.

Art - CHAP 1 (pretty much all the art for chapter headers it seems)
Crafting Encounters has an empty art thing too. I'm not gonna list them all (it's a big list). Suffice to say, go through all the pages in the book and you'll see a lot of missing art.

There's an empty "Structuring Your Campaign" page between "Theme and Setting" and "Beginning A Campaign". I assume that page isn't supposed to be there because there's another structuring your campaign page that is filled out after Beginning a campaign.

December 19th, 2024, 02:30
Game Masters Guide. Dungeon Chambers Contents is (ironically) empty. There doesn't appear to be another page with content further in the book like there is for "Structuring Your Campaign" above.

December 19th, 2024, 02:33
Players guide still has Bard stuff all up in Cleric. Wrong proficiencies, wrong skills, etc etc

December 19th, 2024, 06:26
Dwarven Resilience auto-populated on a character, but for some reason, the duration of the poison resistance effect is 1 round instead of permanent.

December 19th, 2024, 06:40
Players Guide.

Cleric class record. Table for progression shows under levels: 1st, 2nd, rd, 4th, etc. rd should be 3rd.

December 19th, 2024, 07:47
Players Guide.

Wizards class record. Says "Arcan Spell Slots By Circle" instead of "Arcane Spell Slots By Circle"

December 19th, 2024, 07:51
Players Guide.

Wizards spell casting record. The entire section on Learning Spells of 1st Circle or Higher is missing. If you didn't have the PDF or had played any other version of 5E before you'd think the only way to get spells in the spell book is to copy them. There's no text on gaining spells as you level.

December 19th, 2024, 22:17
I've sent all of the recent bug reports in individually, so they might be addressed accordingly.

December 20th, 2024, 01:52
hey not sure, if this is another bug, but I seem to not be able to find some of the features for classes to add like a sorcerers meta-magic features, or a mechanistic augment features. to add to a character i know in the 5e version they added it into the spells, with the meta magic abilities, is this a glitch or is it something i missed.

The Sorcerer entry has a link for the metamagic information. This was done the same way the 5e SRD was done.

December 20th, 2024, 01:55
Players Guide.

Wizards spell casting record. The entire section on Learning Spells of 1st Circle or Higher is missing. If you didn't have the PDF or had played any other version of 5E before you'd think the only way to get spells in the spell book is to copy them. There's no text on gaining spells as you level.

Fixed in next update. Minx

December 20th, 2024, 01:56
Fixed in next update. Minx

December 20th, 2024, 01:57
Players Guide.

Cleric class record. Table for progression shows under levels: 1st, 2nd, rd, 4th, etc. rd should be 3rd.

Fixed in next update. Minx

December 20th, 2024, 02:00
Also don't forget to add to the Book ToV player's guide the "Nomadic Heritage" and "Slayer Heritage".

December 20th, 2024, 02:33
I've uploaded a new round of fixes tonight. Not sure when they will go live. Hopefully I have everything fixed with the exception of the Spell missing class connections in Player's Guide. This is not used in TOV. I'm waiting for KP to get back to me if they want me to spend the time to update this.

December 21st, 2024, 18:17
Monster Vault

Owl, Giant.
Ability scores are incorrect, they are all +0, they should be +1, +2, +1, -1, +1, +0

Languages are "Giant Owl, understands Common, Elvish, and", should be "Giant Owl, understands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can’t speak them"

December 23rd, 2024, 05:02
Bug report has been submitted! Thank you!

December 31st, 2024, 16:33
After a session 0 last night we ran into a few things. Not sure if these have been submitted yet.

* During character creation, after selecting a Background, when you get to the automated Talents selection the presented links to the talent descriptions do not work.

* At 1st level, if you select a class then add your stats, your adjusted max CON bonus to hit points is not applied (not sure if this is a bug, but it would be nice if it adjusted for 1st level).

* For a monk, there is no easy way to add an Unarmed Strike to Actions Tab --> Weapons (unless I'm missing something). I had to add a dagger, then manually change it. Would be nice if there was a better option.

* Under ITEMS, SHORTBOW appears to be missing. We had to copy a Shortbow +1 and edit it.

* Under ITEMS --> WEAPONS (button at the top), the COST column is only 5-characters (or less) in length and wraps the line making it difficult to read. Many of the columns for the ITEMS buttons are like this, needs cleanup.

Feature Request
* After choosing a lineage that has a sub-lineage (like kobold, smallfolk, syderean), it would be nice if the player was presented with a selection box to make that choice and added to the sheet.

We have another session 0 coming up, so might have more.

Thanks in advance,

December 31st, 2024, 17:31
Sorry, one more ...

When adding spells to a character sheet, the DC of the spell is only adding 8 + proficiency bonus - it is not adding the ability modifier. I'm wondering if this is not tied to my previously mentioned adding a class before filling in your ability scores. Also, if you level would the DC auto-increase or is this something that needs to be manually done.

Ivor MacKay
January 5th, 2025, 08:17
Sorry for the double post

Ivor MacKay
January 5th, 2025, 08:19
The background Spy is missing a space between Covert and Polyglot. This causes Polyglot not to appear as a choice in the Character Wizard.

January 5th, 2025, 08:34
The background Spy is missing a space between Covert and Polyglot. This causes Polyglot not to appear as a choice in the Character Wizard.

I'll get the developer alerted, but you can insert a space in the mean time as that field is editable.

Ivor MacKay
January 5th, 2025, 08:38
Okay, thank you

Ivor MacKay
January 10th, 2025, 20:59
Missing a basic Shortbow in Items. I am editing it at present.

January 10th, 2025, 23:45
Missing a basic Shortbow in Items. I am editing it at present.

I let the developer know about this issue, thanks for reporting it.

January 15th, 2025, 21:43
Missing a basic Shortbow in Items. I am editing it at present.

This is fixed, at least according to the newest version of the module I have downloaded.

January 15th, 2025, 21:48
The background Spy is missing a space between Covert and Polyglot. This causes Polyglot not to appear as a choice in the Character Wizard.

I'm not seeing the Spy Backgroud in the Player's Guide. Are you certain it's from this book?

January 21st, 2025, 23:02
Here's the scoop on the Conditions/Resiliences issue that has a lot of people frustrated. KP is working with SW to fix this issue. Once it is fixed the Monster Vault will be updated properly so the parser recognizes all of the text. Until then, please be patient.

Moon Wizard
January 22nd, 2025, 00:05

We’re not aware of any changes scheduled on our end. From our understanding of next steps, the creatures need to be updated with individual resistances like they are in 5E.


January 27th, 2025, 11:06
Here's the scoop on the Conditions/Resiliences issue that has a lot of people frustrated. KP is working with SW to fix this issue. Once it is fixed the Monster Vault will be updated properly so the parser recognizes all of the text. Until then, please be patient.

FG TOV extension has been fixed and I've completed the updates to the MV. It should go live on Tues without issues.