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September 13th, 2024, 16:49
Hello, I found some bugs in the Ruins of Symbaroum (5e) base modules:

Ruins of symbaroum - bestiary

Book/reference manual:
"sorner" (page & title) -> typo. should be "scorner"

"Vearon" -> missing CR, proficiency bonus and xp (11,+4,7'200)
"Rage Troll, Group Livingtr" -> typo, should be "... Group Living"

Ruins of symbaroum Player's guide:

quarterstaff 1d8, versatile (1d8) -> should be 1d6, versatile (1d8)

Book/reference manual:
section 5 - Resources/ Equipment / Lesse Artifacts -> Typo (lesser Artifacts)

Ruins of Symbaroum - gamemaster's guide:

Book/reference manual:
"Gamemster's Guide" -> Typo (gamemaster's Guide)
"section 3 - expeditions in Davokar, Expditions in Davokar" -> Typo in subchapter and page (Expeditions in Davokar)

"Treasure of the Ruins - Curiousities" -> typo (Curiosities) and missing roll 7-8

"Girekosh's Steel Circle" -> Typo, it's "Girakosh's(...)"

Concerning all three books:
all the tables seem to be locked in terms of roll output/modifiers (can't hide results/add modifiers/change outputs) -> was it intended in this way?

Moderator: Moved to here since this isn't a 5e bug report