View Full Version : Why port 1802?

April 6th, 2008, 19:40

This isn't really a support request, it's more of a complaint.
Basically my friends and I can't play over fantasy grounds because we're all on university residence networks that stealth port 1802.

Why does fantasy grounds use such a port when not all people have control over the network they're using?

I'd like to request that the next version of fantasy grounds has a more user-friendly way of connecting.


April 6th, 2008, 19:50
I second that. A different connection would be great. I almost feel like I wasted my money since I can't use the program one any network I have access to. Even if I could get a signal back my university friends wouldn't be able to receive min signal in the first place.

Of course, maybe I've misunderstood something about how FG works and/or what the support forums have said.
If that is the case please tell me. I'm behind a firewall which blocks unrequested traffic and since FG does not declare who it is from (afaik) it will not accept traffic from my friends.

April 6th, 2008, 20:19
I hear you but be aware you can't please everyone with the port you choose.

There are downsides to a popular port:

1) too much extra traffic
2) Likelyhood that the port will be closed because of rejected programs. This makes the "please open this port" argument much tougher. "Yes my program runs on the same port as World Of Warcraft but I don't want to play that game ......
3) Its good networking to make your port as unique as possible. Allows greater control & understanding.

If you don't have enough control of your internet service maybe you should change providers?


I recall there was a command line arguement for FG1 that changed the port it used. I haven't seen mention of that for FG2 but I haven't heard that it was removed either.


April 6th, 2008, 20:22
I thought there was a way to change the port that FG uses with an event line argument, but I can't remember what it was. I have searched the forum and couldn't find it. Maybe someone with a better memory than me might remember it. Then again, I could be thinking of a different software. Ha, just found it. Use -p80 to change the port to 80, or any other port you would like. Be sure that everyone connecting does the same.

April 6th, 2008, 20:55
fantasyground -p<portnumber>

April 6th, 2008, 21:10
Hi Guys

Getting out of port 1802 is no problem, but receiving traffic to the port is since all unrequested traffic is blocked. FG doesn't tell the firewall to expect the incoming traffic and therefore it is blocked.

April 7th, 2008, 01:01
It doesn't even matter the port is blocked. Even if the port was opened the university router would not be forward the port correctly anyway - and if it did who would be the one guy on the university network who could host? Universities don't want you running a server off their network. That is not Smitwork's fault.

People behind an uncontroled router can use a VPN like Hamachi. FG was designed for people who control their routers. Any TCP/IP server must use a port to listen to. Routers must forward a port. You are fighting basic server architecture and University policy.

April 7th, 2008, 06:02
SuperGeek, can you give an example of what application you use that tells the firewall to expect incoming traffic? To my knowledge, the firewall is essentially transparent to the application layer. I suspect your router is simply refusing all inbound non-80 traffic. Could be wrong though.

April 7th, 2008, 14:32
Most of the time, firewalls will allow incoming traffic from the internet if it is response to outgoing traffic on the same port. So only the GM needs to be able to recieve incoming connections on port 1802. If that's not the case Hamachi will do the trick, I've been told.

The only way for SmiteWorks to make sure that anyone anywhere can play is to host a server themselves and have it handle all traffic between clients. Which is not what they want to do, because it's expensive, and it's not what we want, because it means if that server is down, no one can play.

April 7th, 2008, 17:52
The only way for SmiteWorks to make sure that anyone anywhere can play is to host a server themselves and have it handle all traffic between clients. Which is not what they want to do, because it's expensive, and it's not what we want, because it means if that server is down, no one can play.

On the upside, doing this would make the application much harder to "hack" and make them more money in the end.

April 7th, 2008, 18:14
I actually bought FG *because* there was no central server. I don't want to be dependant on them.

You are right on the hacks, but I have grave doubts the user base is anywhere near big enough to justify the monthly overhead of running a central server.

April 7th, 2008, 19:14
Oh.. No... I should have phrased that better I guess.
I don't think I would use FG if it was dependent on a centralized server. I was just offering it as a solution. Another good solution would be the option for using a centralized server or your own system. They kind of come close to this already with the Alias servers.

April 9th, 2008, 01:40
On the upside, doing this would make the application much harder to "hack" and make them more money in the end.

Except that it would gaurantee the maintenence cost of the server, make them change their pricing strategy and lose many customers who like not needing the company to game.

Its elegant to run your own server for a few gamers its a really achievable demand for most high speed internet and it gives the DM autonomy.

IMHO This is the best model.

I'm sorry for those who have internet connections only for web browsing but the problem is their limits not the program.


April 9th, 2008, 05:18
Even if you are at a University or citywide wireless you can use a free VPN like Hamachi to connect anyway. I know people who have used it.

April 16th, 2008, 15:45
I tried hamachi and it didnt work, the signal was green and flashing all the time like it couldn't make the connection. Maybe i was wrong somewhere with it?