View Full Version : Starfinder Second Edition Playtest
August 1st, 2024, 01:50
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest launched on August 1st by Paizo - and Fantasy Grounds supports this launch with the following:
SFRPG2 ruleset - running on top of the feature rich PFRPG2 (Pathfinder Second Edition) ruleset. This includes a Starfinder theme and Starfinder specific additions.
Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook - available as a full FG conversion for $19.99, and as an ORC license data only release available to all FG users.
Playtest adventure product releases - see post #3 below.
More information from Paizo here:
The playtest rules are available from Paizo as a free PDF download (, or a printed softcover rulebook.
The playtest uses the Pathfinder Player Core and GM Core for the rules, skills, base feats, common spells, etc. and expands on these for Starfinder specifics. In Fantasy Grounds we have updated the Player Core and GM Core products so they can be loaded in SFRPG2 campaigns - allowing you access to the data that you need to run the playtest within a Starfinder 2 FG campaign. Depending on what you own you can mix/match full DLC and ORC license releases.
Shameless advertisement: Whereas you can use the ORC license data in FG to run your games perfectly fine. We community devs spend hundreds of hours putting these products together, plus what seems like a lifetime supporting and updating them. This is definitely a labor of love! If you'd like to support our work, and can afford it, please consider purchasing the full products from the FG Store or Steam (regional pricing can make Steam more cost effective for people not in North America); we get a small commission for every Starfinder 2 and Pathfinder 2 product sold. Thank you!
August 1st, 2024, 01:51
Wiki entries - until we get the Starfinder 2 Wiki up and running, please use the Pathfinder 2 Wiki as a reference, this will be 99% correct for SFRPG2:
Help Buttons (?) in FG will currently take you to the PF2 wiki.
Intro videos more available soon...
Data overview - offical full DLC and official ORC data.
August 1st, 2024, 01:51
Starfinder 2 playtest products in the FG store:
Released so far:
Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook ( - released August 1st, 2024. Doesn't include Paizo PDF synch.
Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday ( - released August 13th, 2024. Includes Paizo PDF synch
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet ( - released August 20th, 2024. Doesn't include Paizo PDF synch.
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! ( - released August 20th, 2024. Doesn't include Paizo PDF synch.
Paizo PDF synch Receive the PDF with those products that include the PDF synch, or get up to the price of the PDF discounted from the FG purchase if you already own the PDF at - more information here:
August 1st, 2024, 01:51
Reserved 4
August 1st, 2024, 18:35
SFRPG2 ruleset is now available - sorry for the mix up on our end.
SFRPG2 ORC license data will be available within 48 hours.
August 1st, 2024, 22:20
Just so I understand this correctly, I can purchase the playtest for $19.99 now, and then when the full thing comes out, I can convert to that for an additional $19.99? So, likely a discount over waiting until it's out to buy it all at once?
August 1st, 2024, 22:47
Just so I understand this correctly, I can purchase the playtest for $19.99 now, and then when the full thing comes out, I can convert to that for an additional $19.99? So, likely a discount over waiting until it's out to buy it all at once?
You'll be able to move playtest campaigns to the full Starfinder 2 release in a year. We don't know what the price of the full Starfinder 2 rulebook(s) will be in a year's time, nor if we can give a discount. We've started the discussion with Paizo, but any final decision and pricing details are a long way off...
August 3rd, 2024, 00:42
Operative seems to be missing the Striker and Sniper specializations.
August 3rd, 2024, 02:23
Thanks for reporting this. I will have a look and get it fixed. ASAP. [Fixed]
August 3rd, 2024, 02:52
Also: The Mystic "Rhythm" connection has the wrong automation - it adds the spells figment and grim tendrils when it should add reorient and motivating ringtone. And the automation for adding the focus spell Anthem is incorrect - the word "focus" should be removed from the name of the spell.
I believe another change is needed to make it add with a Focus cost of 1 point, but I am not sure exactly what that is - all of the variants of SPELL add that I tried added the spell with a cost of 0 focus points.
August 3rd, 2024, 06:31
Also: The Mystic "Rhythm" connection has the wrong automation - it adds the spells figment and grim tendrils when it should add reorient and motivating ringtone. And the automation for adding the focus spell Anthem is incorrect - the word "focus" should be removed from the name of the spell.
I believe another change is needed to make it add with a Focus cost of 1 point, but I am not sure exactly what that is - all of the variants of SPELL add that I tried added the spell with a cost of 0 focus points.
Thanks for reporting this. I will have a look and get it fixed. ASAP.
"The Mystic "Rhythm" connection has the wrong automation - it adds the spells figment and grim tendrils when it should add reorient and motivating ringtone." [Fixed]
I can not get it to add a cost to the focus spell. i will have to look into it further.
August 3rd, 2024, 15:59
I checked the wiki and according to that the automation should be [SPELL add spellname|Focus Spells|1]. However, using that formatting (at least for me) adds the spell with a cost of 0. I'm pretty sure that on the Pathfinder side that formatting works correctly.
Trenloe, is there possibly an issue with the underlying code here?
August 3rd, 2024, 18:10
I checked the wiki and according to that the automation should be [SPELL add spellname|Focus Spells|1].
The Wiki shows that the third argument is spell slot level, so this doesn't apply to focus spells.
The reason this isn't working is that the spell spcost field isn't set - this was hidden in the ruleset because it is always 1 ("always" until there's an exception!). This was auto filled in the tools we've used to create the PF2 data. I'll work with Madman for the best way to update this for the SF2 data.
August 3rd, 2024, 18:12
I checked the wiki and according to that the automation should be [SPELL add spellname|Focus Spells|1].
The Wiki shows that the third argument is spell slot level, so this doesn't apply to focus spells.
The reason this isn't working in SF2 is that the spcost field isn't set - this was hidden in the ruleset because it is always 1, except for Cantrip Focus Spells which ruleset overrides to have a spcost of 0. This was auto filled in the tools we've used to create the PF2 data. I'll work with Madman for the best way to update this for the SF2 data.
August 3rd, 2024, 19:16
The Wiki shows that the third argument is spell slot level, so this doesn't apply to focus spells.
The reason this isn't working is that the spell spcost field isn't set - this was hidden in the ruleset because it is always 1 ("always" until there's an exception!). This was auto filled in the tools we've used to create the PF2 data. I'll work with Madman for the best way to update this for the SF2 data.
BTW the "FILTER functionality" section on the wiki gives this example, which appears to be incorrect by what you just said: [SPELL add heal animal|focus spells|1]
August 3rd, 2024, 19:33
BTW the "FILTER functionality" section on the wiki gives this example, which appears to be incorrect by what you just said: [SPELL add heal animal|focus spells|1]
It would work correctly, the spell slot level would be ignored - and that example doesn't have any information that infers that the "1" would set the Focus Spell cost. Always refer to the base entry (in this case SPELL) for the correct syntax and further information, examples given in other sections without context aren't a good thing to base assumptions on...
August 7th, 2024, 05:39
The automation notes for "Grandmother's Lore" are incorrect. It currently reads: "If you are trained in Deception and Thievery, you become trained in another skill of your choice. Otherwise add trained to your choice of the two."
However, the actual feat reads: "you gain the trained proficiency rank in Deception and Thievery. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice." In other words, you become trained in both skills, and you get another skill of your choice for each skill you are already trained in.
August 7th, 2024, 21:58
Thanks for reporting this. I will look into this and get it fixed. [Fixed]
August 8th, 2024, 01:13
Originally Posted by Tenloe on August 1st
SFRPG2 ORC license data will be available within 48 hours.
As of today 08/07/2024, I can't find the SFRPG2 ORC data module. When will the module be available to use?
August 8th, 2024, 04:44
As of today 08/07/2024, I can't find the SFRPG2 ORC data module. When will the module be available to use?
It should have come out yesterday, but there appears to be an issue with this in the FG update process. I'll chase it up with them tomorrow.
August 9th, 2024, 17:07
The spell Motivating Ringtone is parsing its default automation as damage instead of healing.
EDIT: Also, it would be really, really nice if spells that are getting auto-parsed automation defaulted all their actions to min. actions = yes instead of min. actions = no.
August 9th, 2024, 18:02
Will the adventure the 2e adventure, Second Contact, be added to Fantasy Grounds? Unless I am missing something there is no actual adventure to test rules with in Fantasy Grounds.
August 9th, 2024, 18:28
Will the adventure the 2e adventure, Second Contact, be added to Fantasy Grounds? Unless I am missing something there is no actual adventure to test rules with in Fantasy Grounds.
Second Contact ( isn't an adventure, it's a mini bestiary. We will probably convert it at some point...
The first playtest adventure will be A Cosmic Birthday (, which is currently on schedule for release on Tuesday August 13th.
August 10th, 2024, 22:05
The spell Motivating Ringtone is parsing its default automation as damage instead of healing.
EDIT: Also, it would be really, really nice if spells that are getting auto-parsed automation defaulted all their actions to min. actions = yes instead of min. actions = no.
Thanks for pointing this out.
Not all the spells have been completed yet. They are a work in progress. I wanted to get the Adventures done. I will be going back to them in a couple days.[Fixed]
August 11th, 2024, 00:29
EDIT: Also, it would be really, really nice if spells that are getting auto-parsed automation defaulted all their actions to min. actions = yes instead of min. actions = no.
This will be in the next release.
August 12th, 2024, 05:08
Problem with Background selections not allowing ability boosts.
Choosing Disciple as a background did not allow me to select ability boosts. It happened with another character I built too.
August 12th, 2024, 05:33
Problem with Background selections not allowing ability boosts.
Choosing Disciple as a background did not allow me to select ability boosts. It happened with another character I built too.
The Disciple is an out of the ordinary case: "Choose two attribute boosts. One must be an attribute specific in your deity’s Divine Attribute, and the other one is a free attribute boost." Players may not know their deity at this point.
But, coding this to allow you to come back later and select the boosts when you know your deity is something we overlooked. Sorry about that. Thanks for letting us know, will work on a fix for a future release.
August 12th, 2024, 16:16
Thanks for the response. If I choose deity before background, is that a good workaround?
August 12th, 2024, 16:29
If I choose deity before background, is that a good workaround?
There's no code in the system right now to cater for that because backgrounds usually have fixed boosts. We'll also need to code for the eventuality of players selecting their deity after selecting their background. We'll need to look at a short term solution of at least allowing the background boosts to be added later (via the cycler controls in the chargen tracker) as currently those aren't enabled.
August 13th, 2024, 18:30
Is A Cosmic Birthday scenario still looking to release today?
August 13th, 2024, 19:52
Is A Cosmic Birthday scenario still looking to release today?
We're waiting for Steam approval. We're still hoping it will release today...
August 14th, 2024, 17:09
Released yesterday:
Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday ( - released August 13th, 2024. Includes Paizo PDF synch
August 14th, 2024, 20:11
Purchased. Do we know if there will be any other short adventures released during this time period, like to keep up with leveling? There was an entire adventure path for Pathfinder 2e playtest time.
August 14th, 2024, 20:18
Thank you!
Do we know if there will be any other short adventures released during this time period, like to keep up with leveling? There was an entire adventure path for Pathfinder 2e playtest time.
We will be releasing the playtest adventures, information here:
Similarly to the PF2 playtest, the adventures jump in levels, with the two main parts being levels 1-3(4) and 10-12(13).
August 14th, 2024, 20:37
"Includes Paizo PDF synch"
I uploaded in the store my Paizo purchases, but does not seem to be showing up on the Paizo side for PDF download. At least not yet.
CORRECTION: All might be good. =)
August 14th, 2024, 23:12
For those of us that have access to other Pathfinder 2e content, will there be a way to use that content once Starfinder 2e goes live? I have a player that is sad we actually have access to Tiefling through own books but cant play their Tiefling SF1E character because the Playtest only sees Core Rulebook. I assume this is due to limitations of testing Starfinder 2e and that when the game goes Live they be able to use each others materials as one big system.
August 14th, 2024, 23:20
For those of us that have access to other Pathfinder 2e content, will there be a way to use that content once Starfinder 2e goes live? I have a player that is sad we actually have access to Tiefling through own books but cant play their Tiefling SF1E character because the Playtest only sees Core Rulebook. I assume this is due to limitations of testing Starfinder 2e and that when the game goes Live they be able to use each others materials as one big system.
Per this thread:
You can use the universal module extension, I believe.
August 14th, 2024, 23:35
Thank you, this will be helpful. =)
August 15th, 2024, 00:30
Sorry if this has been asked already ... what about conversions for the adventures It Came from the Vast, and Shards of the Glass Planet?. Is there a schedule for those conversions?
August 15th, 2024, 00:55
I think the original Starfinder Boxed Set was pretty great for a starter adventure.
August 15th, 2024, 04:25
Sorry if this has been asked already ... what about conversions for the adventures It Came from the Vast, and Shards of the Glass Planet?. Is there a schedule for those conversions?
In the works. SOON™
August 15th, 2024, 18:42
Sorry if this has been asked already ... what about conversions for the adventures It Came from the Vast, and Shards of the Glass Planet?. Is there a schedule for those conversions?
FWIW, I ran Shards without a conversion and it was pretty painless. Neither of the maps need vision blocking, so you basically just need to build out like... three bestiary entries and you are more or less good to go.
August 20th, 2024, 16:51
Released today!
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet (
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! (
August 25th, 2024, 03:11
Released today!
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet (
Starfinder Playtest Society Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! (
Thank you, sir. :)
Another question, since I just noticed ... were the pre-gen SF2 1st and 5th level characters not added to the FG playtest material? Or are they posted somewhere else? Kind of difficult to playtest something without the playtest pre-gens. Do we have to build them ourselves? Ugh ...
August 25th, 2024, 08:26
Thank you, sir. :)
Another question, since I just noticed ... were the pre-gen SF2 1st and 5th level characters not added to the FG playtest material? Or are they posted somewhere else? Kind of difficult to playtest something without the playtest pre-gens. Do we have to build them ourselves? Ugh ...
I started working on them but, I have not gotten very far. I will try to get them done. No ETA though.
You can create your own characters, and you do not have to use the pregens.
September 2nd, 2024, 22:58
I'm a bit confused at what I'd need to just build a PC to import into a FGU campaign I'll soon be playing in? I'm not looking to run a SF2e adventure anytime soon, just build a couple of PCs.
At the beginning of this thread it mentioned a SFRPG2 ruleset. I can't find any such ruleset DLC on Steam or the fantasygrounds store - just the Second Edition Playtest Rulebook. One of my PCs is a mystic and some of the content for it is in PF2e Player Core. I don't want to buy the PF2e Player Core + 2e Playtest Rulebook DLCs just to build a PC; those 2 DLCs together cost over $100 in my countries (CDN) currency.
I've been building some PCs in the SF2e Playtest content for Herolab and when I come upon something that is in the PF2e Player Core, it allows me to link to it. It does that even though I don't own the PF2e PC content.
So I guess what I'm wondering is if that necessary PF2e PC content is also provided with the FGU SF2e Playtest DLC?
And for a follow up question in case it isn't; can I still add feats, spells, domains, etc. in the Playtest module the way I could for any other FGU ruleset module?
...Another question, since I just noticed ... were the pre-gen SF2 1st and 5th level characters not added to the FG playtest material?...
Where do you get these playtest pregens? I own the PDFs for SF2 Playtest Rulebook, Second Contact, Field Test #5, Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came from the Vast. There are no such Pregens in any of those. Is there another PDF I need?
September 2nd, 2024, 23:12
I'm a bit confused at what I'd need to just build a PC to import into a FGU campaign I'll soon be playing in? I'm not looking to run a SF2e adventure anytime soon, just build a couple of PCs.
At the beginning of this thread it mentioned a SFRPG2 ruleset. I can't find any such ruleset DLC on Steam or the fantasygrounds store - just the Second Edition Playtest Rulebook. My PC is a mystic and some of the content for it is in PF2e Player Core. I don't want to buy the PF2e Player Core + 2e Playtest Rulebook DLCs just to build a PC; those 2 DLCs together cost over $100 in my countries (CDN) currency.
I've been building some PCs in the SF2e Playtest content for Herolab and when I come upon something that is in the PF2e Player Core, it allows me to link to it. It does that even though I don't own the PF2e PC content.
So I guess what I'm wondering is if that necessary PF2e PC content is also provided with the FGU SF2e Playtest DLC?
As mentioned in post #1 of this thread, there's a SFRPG2 "Starfinder (2E Playtest)" ruleset and an ORC license version of the Starfinder Playtest Rules module included with Fantasy Grounds. As the PF2 Player Core and GM Core also have ORC license modules included with Fantasy Grounds, you don't need to purchase anything to create a Starfinder playtest PC using the ORC license modules.
Create a new campaign using the "Starfinder (2E Playtest)" ruleset, and in the "Campaign Setup" window click next to the Data Modules screen and click on the "Starfinder 2 Playtest - ORC License" button to load the ORC modules you'll need to create a PC.
And for a follow up question in case it isn't; can I still add feats, spells, domains, etc. in the Playtest module the way I could for any other FGU ruleset module?
Usual FG functionality is the same. So, yes, you can do all of this.
Where do you get these playtest pregens? I own the PDFs for SF2 Playtest Rulebook, Second Contact, Field Test #5, Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came from the Vast. There are no such Pregens in any of those. Is there another PDF I need? - scroll down to the More Resources -> Pregenerated Characters section.
September 3rd, 2024, 03:57
Trenloe, many thanks for the reply, links and info.
While I did read about the ORC License version of the playtest rules in this thread, I completely misunderstood what it was - all makes sense now. With Herolab not having any export options yet for Playtest PC's, I'm strongly considering getting the Playtest DLC for FGU.
September 3rd, 2024, 22:39
I read this earlier in the thread and it probably accounts for what I experienced when I created my Mystic...
There's no code in the system right now to cater for that because backgrounds usually have fixed boosts. We'll also need to code for the eventuality of players selecting their deity after selecting their background. We'll need to look at a short term solution of at least allowing the background boosts to be added later (via the cycler controls in the chargen tracker) as currently those aren't enabled.
After I took the Deity's Domain feat, there was no automation or even a way for me to slot in a Domain. As it is, I dragged & dropped the Domain from the 'Lookup Data' window into my [Notes] > [Deities] tab, just so my PC would at least have a record of it. I also found the correct domain spell and successfully dropped it into my [Actions] > 'Focus Spells' section. The problem now though, is that I have no way of deleting that entry out of the [Deities] tab if support for Domains is added later - doh!
I'm assuming support for Domains will eventually be added?
Or is there already a way of doing this, but I just missed it?
BTW excellent work by you and madman on the Playtest ruleset and the PF2 ORK.
[Edit] I'm also assuming the rest of the SF2e deities will eventually be added to the 'Lookup Data' > [Deities] tab? Currently only Abadar is listed.
September 4th, 2024, 00:41
I'm assuming support for Domains will eventually be added?
The problem with domains is that they can operate differently for different classes and multiclass archetypes, so there's not a straightforward way to automate them. We may look at handling domains better in the future, for now the "Deities" section of the PC Notes tab is where links to things like domains can be added for easier reference.
September 4th, 2024, 05:37
As the Starfinder 2 playtest ruleset is built on top of the Pathfinder 2 ruleset, this is also appropriate to SFRPG2. With today's release of the PFRPG2 ruleset, phase 1 of implementing automation for the dying process has been implemented. There's more to come in future releases, with this release covering the manual rolling of a PC recovery check.
More details in this video:
September 4th, 2024, 08:14
[Edit] I'm also assuming the rest of the SF2e deities will eventually be added to the 'Lookup Data' > [Deities] tab? Currently only Abadar is listed.
I missed that. Thanks for letting me know. I will get those done in the next couple of days.[FIXED]
September 4th, 2024, 17:59
Thank you madman.
Is there somewhere on the character sheet where a Mystic's Vitality Network pool/points are tracked? Or is it something that needs to be manually tracked in [Notes]?
September 4th, 2024, 22:38
Thank you madman.
Is there somewhere on the character sheet where a Mystic's Vitality Network pool/points are tracked? Or is it something that needs to be manually tracked in [Notes]?
One of my players has set it up as a weapon, using ammo as the tracker. Not the best solution, but it works.
September 5th, 2024, 05:32
Data overview video available - official full DLC and official ORC data.
Sorry I've been slow in getting any SF2 videos done, more to come (hopefully soon)...
September 9th, 2024, 21:15
I started trying to build Chk Chk today. Other than the already discussed issue of the Disciple background free attribute modifier increases, the deity Zon-Shelyn is not available for selection, and that impacts the information already presented during the rest of the discussion about the Disciple.
September 10th, 2024, 06:16 Originally Posted by kronovan (
[Edit] I'm also assuming the rest of the SF2e deities will eventually be added to the 'Lookup Data' > [Deities] tab? Currently only Abadar is listed.
"I added the wrong Quote. Sorry"
They have been added to the book. I think they will be in the Tuesday update.
September 10th, 2024, 20:18
[Edit] I'm also assuming the rest of the SF2e deities will eventually be added to the 'Lookup Data' > [Deities] tab? Currently only Abadar is listed.
I started trying to build Chk Chk today. Other than the already discussed issue of the Disciple background free attribute modifier increases, the deity Zon-Shelyn is not available for selection, and that impacts the information already presented during the rest of the discussion about the Disciple.
These have been added to the Playtest Rulebook DLC (not the ORC module) with today's update:
We'll get the ORC module updated in the next couple of days.
September 10th, 2024, 20:43
They have been added to the book. I think they will be in the Tuesday update.
These have been added to the Playtest Rulebook DLC (not the ORC module) with today's update:
We'll get the ORC module updated in the next couple of days.
Many thanks for getting the deities into the ruleset and posting the update.
I'm unable to drag & drop a deity from the Lookup Data-Deities window to my Notes > DEITY field. Even though when I hover over that field it pops up the message; "Drag a 'deity' Lookup Data record to populate."
I could however successfully drag & drop a deity to my Notes > 'Deity' tab, with the result that I now have a entry there that list as Lookup Data: deityname.
I dont' see any button on the Notes tab that might enable/disable dragging & dropping to the 'DEITY' field, so I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working?
September 10th, 2024, 21:27
I'm unable to drag & drop a deity from the Lookup Data-Deities window to my Notes > DEITY field. Even though when I hover over that field it pops up the message; "Drag a 'deity' Lookup Data record to populate."
The original code makes an assumption that only deities with Category = "Primary" will be added to a PC. This was originally done based on the core rules and gods & magic categorizations. But I don't think we need that restriction now. I'll remove it from the ruleset.
September 10th, 2024, 22:57
I'm unable to drag & drop a deity from the Lookup Data-Deities window to my Notes > DEITY field. Even though when I hover over that field it pops up the message; "Drag a 'deity' Lookup Data record to populate."
I could however successfully drag & drop a deity to my Notes > 'Deity' tab, with the result that I now have a entry there that list as Lookup Data: deityname.
Please run an update, we've hotfixed this issue.
September 11th, 2024, 12:19
Excellent work on the hotfix. I was able to successfully drag & drop a deity to the DEITY field and then click the icon/link to access the deities' details.
September 12th, 2024, 21:11
They have been added to the book. I think they will be in the Tuesday update.
FYI, not in this week's release notes. Hopefully next week?
Great thanks for getting this done, going to save our group a ton of time.
September 13th, 2024, 03:05
September 13th, 2024, 03:11
FYI, not in this week's release notes. Hopefully next week?
Great thanks for getting this done, going to save our group a ton of time.
Sorry, I replied to the wrong Quote.
I added the 1st level pregens. They should be in the next update.
5th level versions are not done yet.
September 13th, 2024, 21:30
Sorry, I replied to the wrong Quote.
I added the 1st level pregens. They should be in the next update.
Most excellent!!! Thank you again, sir!
September 19th, 2024, 00:37
FYI ... characters are in the Playtest book, thank you so much. One point ... no tokens/portraits are showing. Images, yes, but you can't drag those to the character sheet. Not a deal breaker, easy to do you own.
One other note ... the module icon for the Playtest Multi-Pack Maps is missing. See below. Also, nick-pick (sorry, its the project coordinator in me), but can we get the module categories the same? There is STARFINDER 2.0, STARFINDER SECOND EDITION, and STARFINDER 2 ORC LICENSE. Seems to me these could be condensed down to one.
Again ... thanks so much for the characters!!!
September 19th, 2024, 18:43
One other note ... the module icon for the Playtest Multi-Pack Maps is missing. See below. Also, nick-pick (sorry, its the project coordinator in me), but can we get the module categories the same? There is STARFINDER 2.0, STARFINDER SECOND EDITION, and STARFINDER 2 ORC LICENSE. Seems to me these could be condensed down to one.
Again ... thanks so much for the characters!!!
The categories are to allow separation of the various library entries into relevant sections within the library "Modules" view. At present "Starfinder 2.0" is used for adventures and adventure related maps, "Starfinder Second Edition" is used for full release DLC products, and "Starfinder 2 ORC License" is used for ORC license data. I think these three separate categories are fine, although we may rename "Starfinder 2.0" to something more adventure related.
September 20th, 2024, 20:45
[QUOTE=WilliamRiddle;725962]FYI ...
One other note ... the module icon for the Playtest Multi-Pack Maps is missing. See below.[QUOTE]
Thanks for pointing that out, I will get that updated. [FIXED]
Birger Tucholski
September 23rd, 2024, 01:30
I know, its not in the the Playtest rules, but can you make it Possible to OPen the PF Core 2 Rules in the "Birthday Campain" then i dont create a Campain to create Characters and Import them into the Game
September 23rd, 2024, 01:38
I know, its not in the the Playtest rules, but can you make it Possible to OPen the PF Core 2 Rules in the "Birthday Campain" then i dont create a Campain to create Characters and Import them into the Game
We're discussing internally exactly what PF2 content might be available in the Starfinder 2 ruleset in future releases (playtest and full version next year). No specific details or an ETA at this stage. In the meantime, you can use this free extension to open any PF2 modules you wish in a non-PF2 campaign:
Birger Tucholski
September 23rd, 2024, 08:48
i forgot this Modul, thank you for the reminder
October 2nd, 2024, 21:07
Does WHEEL OF MONSTERS include the pre-gen playtest characters leveled to 10th?
Thanks in advance,
October 7th, 2024, 22:41
Does WHEEL OF MONSTERS include the pre-gen playtest characters leveled to 10th?
Thanks in advance,
No it does not.
October 13th, 2024, 23:02
I just leveled up my Mystic to 3rd via the Tracker, but no spell group for level 2 spells was created.
Is there anyway to manually create a group for level 2 spells?
I'm attempting this on my own FGU server with an import of an XML export of my campaign PC. I own the Playtest Rulebook DLC and have it activated on my server.
Capt Judan Vos
October 18th, 2024, 20:58
Hi folks,
I was just wondering if, as Errata has been released for the new SF2 playtest content, are the modules converted so far being updated to reflect the changes?
Was this previously addressed elsewhere, that I missed looking at?
Thank you for making these modules, I'm glad I bought them.
Moon Wizard
October 19th, 2024, 00:03
As far as I know, the errata has not been applied yet. The community developer working on it is out on vacation, so I'm sure it will be something he tackles once he returns and gets caught up with RL stuff and outstanding items on this system.
October 19th, 2024, 05:40
I just leveled up my Mystic to 3rd via the Tracker, but no spell group for level 2 spells was created.
Is there anyway to manually create a group for level 2 spells?
I'm attempting this on my own FGU server with an import of an XML export of my campaign PC. I own the Playtest Rulebook DLC and have it activated on my server.
Thanks for reporting this. I will look into it and get it fixed. [Fixed]
October 19th, 2024, 05:41
Hi folks,
I was just wondering if, as Errata has been released for the new SF2 playtest content, are the modules converted so far being updated to reflect the changes?
Was this previously addressed elsewhere, that I missed looking at?
Thank you for making these modules, I'm glad I bought them.
Not yet. I am working on the updates and will have it done soon.
October 21st, 2024, 00:33
I just leveled up my Mystic to 3rd via the Tracker, but no spell group for level 2 spells was created.
Is there anyway to manually create a group for level 2 spells?
I'm attempting this on my own FGU server with an import of an XML export of my campaign PC. I own the Playtest Rulebook DLC and have it activated on my server.
Thanks for letting us know about this issue. We'll get it fixed in the next release.
In the meantime, you can work around this issue by manually editing the appropriate spell numbers in the Mystic Spells details header in the actions tab.
October 22nd, 2024, 19:19
I just leveled up my Mystic to 3rd via the Tracker, but no spell group for level 2 spells was created.
Is there anyway to manually create a group for level 2 spells?
I'm attempting this on my own FGU server with an import of an XML export of my campaign PC. I own the Playtest Rulebook DLC and have it activated on my server.
Should be fixed in today's PF2 ruleset update (which SF2 uses):
There may still be edge cases (e.g. if the Mystic spell class is called "Mystic Primal Spells", which it is for the Rhythm connection). We'll work on correcting these data issues in a future rulebook update.
October 22nd, 2024, 21:11
Should be fixed in today's PF2 ruleset update (which SF2 uses):
There may still be edge cases (e.g. if the Mystic spell class is called "Mystic Primal Spells", which it is for the Rhythm connection). We'll work on correcting these data issues in a future rulebook update.
Awesome - thanks.
October 30th, 2024, 20:19
Empires Devoured playtest adventure now available:
November 9th, 2024, 18:42
The Playtest Errata has been applied to the official Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook from the FG store. We'll get the ORC license module updating in the coming week.
November 18th, 2024, 05:50
Do the Auto Fire action does not exist for weapons?
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