View Full Version : Connection problems

April 4th, 2008, 22:08
Hi to all
I wasted a night trying to start a game session without results. Strange things is that only two of four PG are unable to join, while the two other joined without problems whatsoever. This is our forth session, and the three others went on without problems (even with 5 PG).
The two PG where just able to choose the character before losing connection with a "lost connection to the host" error. If they insist (by double-clicking before timeout) they receive the error number 18
Firewall has been verified and I've a very fast dedicated internet connection line. By the way the other 2 PC have no problems at all
Version is the 2.1.0

April 4th, 2008, 22:25
If 2 players are able to connect then the port and GM client are most likely fine. The only thing I can think of is if the users are connecting from the same network or using the same keys.

Have you tried since that night? It could also be just really bad congestion in the hops between them and your PC that night.

April 5th, 2008, 20:06
There are two players who came from the same network (and thus they have the same public IP address). One of them connected and the other could not; but this is our forth session, the last three time I had the same PG (even with the two in the same network) and we had no problems. We played from the march the 10th and every friday until now

April 5th, 2008, 21:25
Typically two players on the same public IP are not a problem. Joshua's explanation about the same keys seems more likely to me than any problems on the host’s end. As they worked fine before, I would check with them and see if they recently re-installed FG on one machine or got a new computer and just grabbed the first key they found written down – instead of the one not in use. :p

April 6th, 2008, 14:38
I have noticed that using the same keys generates a very specific error message. In addition one of the trying we did is using entirely different keys never before used. It is possible instead that a new patch (or not updating the client) could eventually cause the problem?

April 7th, 2008, 01:55
Usually if they are using the wrong version you get a message about different versions. I don't remember the exact message but it did say something about the version. There was a problem with one version that didn't apparently detect as different from another. There were also some issues with CD's sold at GenCon. It certainly couldn't hurt to run the updater again.