View Full Version : "<spells>" node inside magic items in official modules?

July 24th, 2024, 16:10
Hello! I was just wondering what the purpose of the <spells> node is inside many magic items in some 5E modules. For example, potions of healing have the following node inside their entry when creating a copy of the item from a module:

<name type="string">Potion of Healing</name>
<link type="windowreference" />
<name type="string">Potion</name>
<link type="windowreference" />

Another example is Mithral Armor, with the following node in it:

<name type="string">Mithral Armor</name>
<link type="windowreference" />
<name type="string">Chain Mail</name>
<link type="windowreference" />

What is the purpose of these nodes? Do they serve some purpose or hidden feature that I'm unaware of?

July 24th, 2024, 16:12
Each ruleset can do things differently, please remember to indicate the ruleset you're referring to when posting in generic forums.

July 24th, 2024, 16:24
Each ruleset can do things differently, please remember to indicate the ruleset you're referring to when posting in generic forums.

Sorry, I meant for the 5E ruleset

Moon Wizard
July 24th, 2024, 20:15
They might be left over from some sort of Item Forge building process in the past; or left over from older tools used to build modules. There is nothing in the ruleset that generates or uses that field.


July 24th, 2024, 20:28
Indeed, it's legacy code from Par5e.