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View Full Version : Best way to build Rogues Gallery?

April 4th, 2008, 02:43
I'm putting together a D20 adventure with 20-30 personas in all. I'm trying to stat them pretty well and its a lot of work.

What have people done to reduce the work and or stretch it further?

Has anyone made a monster manual module (An MMM) with personas - a Rogues Gallery?


April 4th, 2008, 09:15
I am a big fan of NPCDesigner - it can spit out a random NPC in seconds and you can customize/randomize the NPC as much or as little as you desire. I can generally put together a themed high level NPC in a minute or two with it. A lot of times I'll pick a few feats that are key, maybe put in a key stat and skill and run it. If something seems missing I'll add it and re-run the generator - I can do this two or three times in a minute or so.

The software does cost 12 bucks or so and I am a little reluctant to recommend getting it if you are going to switch to 4th ed - but for the money to time saving if you make just a couple of high level guys its already probably paid for itself.

You can see some example of vanilla single class NPCs I generated with it here: https://www.fouruglymonsters.com/community/showthread.php?t=487&page=2

Did I mention you can tell it to spit out the XML for the NPCs in FG2 or FG1 format and cut and paste it in? I'll be honest, I've gotten so instead of pressing the new tab on personalities I have NPC designer spit out the code for an NPC because it is faster than filling out the personality form for any NPC of reasonable level.

There is a demo here: https://www.rpgattitude.com/

April 4th, 2008, 10:36
I've got Everyone Else from EN Publishing (https://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=16606&it=1&filters=100_2181_0) which is pretty good for the off-the-shelf encounters in towns etc. I've also got The Bestiary: Predators from Betabunny Publishing (https://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=23158&it=1). This is an excellent book, describing a vast amount of normal animals to terrorise your party with.

There are a fair number of these products available on RPGNow/DriveThruRPG. It's then a cut and past exercise in to FGII personalities and then exporting off to to a module.

April 4th, 2008, 18:59
I'm not really worried about the game source for the NPCs. By hook or crook I will have stats. I'd really like a method to make the most of them once they're generated.


April 5th, 2008, 03:22
Ah. Well I have never made a rogues gallery module per se but it wouldn't be hard - tedious though. The only question is whether you want to make it a library module or an adventure module. The library is probably cleaner but the adventure module may be faster to make.

I have Dungeon Bash in an Adventure Module. Dungeon Bash has tons of NPCs of various levels (1-20). Unfortuantely I made the module for FG1 and I was in a real hurry to get the data in - so instead of putting the NPCs in personalities I put them in items because you could cut and paste stat blocks into item records in FG1.