View Full Version : Recruiting for Friday night, GMT game

Waldo Pepper
March 31st, 2008, 19:21
I'm trying to build up my Friday night gaming group once again: At the moment I have 3-4 players, but I'd like to get us up to 5 or 6 ideally. We play every Friday, from 8-11pm GMT. At the moment we're alternating between two different games each week: One week, game 1 is one, the following week game 2. This lets us get more gaming ideas going, plus lets players commit to only one campaign if they're not available every week.

The game started out being exclusively Savage Worlds based but I may open that up a bit in the coming months, with one of the games moving to using the Gumshoe or PDQ system for some variety.

As far as Savage Worlds goes, right now we're finishing up a sci-fi storyline (Star Fall) and have an ongoing contemporary horror/investigation game (Dark Matters). Next up is either Solomon Kane or Shaintar, depending on which way people want to go. We're all big in to role-playing interesting characters; the game mechanics and pushing tokens around the map are secondary elements in the game. We are very friendly to beginners.

We are using the Fantasy Grounds 2 software (naturally).

If you're interested, drop me a PM and I'll send you more details.

March 31st, 2008, 21:32
I would very much lke the opportunity to partake.

Waldo Pepper
March 31st, 2008, 21:50
Are you cool with a game that runs at 8pm GMT? (that would be about 3pm your time I think). If so, you're more than welcome to join us.

March 31st, 2008, 21:52
bah, I misread GMT... phooey *throws stuff at Waldo*

Hey, I sent you a PM about your CitM game!

March 31st, 2008, 22:52
I might be interested, but I have no knowledge of any of the settings you've mentioned. I've only played D&D Forgotten Realms and d20 Modern Shadow Chasers plus Star Wars RPG. But I'd definately like a group to play with :)

April 1st, 2008, 09:17
I'd be interested in joining your game. Although it puts me at having to wake up at 5 am on saturday mornings :P also Im not sure about the settings as i really only have experience with Forgotten Realms. Let me know if your willing to put a sleepy newb on your campagn.

Waldo Pepper
April 1st, 2008, 19:45
XpressO & Astroboyqu
You are both more than welcome to join us. I could care less if you have no experience with the game system(s) we'll be using nor the setting. The only thing you've got to be willing to do is roleplay a cool character, add to the story, and be reliable. The rest is all stuff you can learn along the way. Please drop me a PM with your email address and I'll send you the full details.