View Full Version : just checking

The Hermit King
May 19th, 2024, 01:58
Anong other things i am trying to learn tables. im actually coming along nicely with it. been watching lots of videos about table making and not seen this. i just wanted to check to make sure im correct in this BUT i take it there is no simple way to roll percentages for what might be on a table. 30% of this and 70% of this other thing. am i correct that you have to do that by table entry such as 1-5 roll you get nothing, 6-10 roll you get an orc or the like?

May 19th, 2024, 02:31
Correct, all tables are die ranges. If you don't add dice then it will generate a straight random number from min value to max value.

May 19th, 2024, 03:17
You can place a d100 roll into the die field and set it from 1-30 for one result and 31-100 for the ranges. Basically percentages if you look it like that.

May 19th, 2024, 15:28
You don't even need to put the dice in. On the left of each entry, you can enter the number range you want.

If you want each entry to have multiple outcomes, you can link another table to that entry that automatically makes a roll on another table.You can do this ad infinitum, an IF/THEN/ELSE blackhole, if you will.

May 19th, 2024, 16:32
I think the real request here is to enable tables to be input with weights instead of ranges. i.e. instead of putting in 1-2, 3-5, 6-10 for three rows with different chances, to be able to put in 2, 3, 5 and let FG do the math.

Weighted tables are really nice when you don't know in advance. For example; say I have 9 items I want in my treasure table, 2 of the items are rare so they only happen on one rolled value. 3 of the items are twice as likely (weight 2). 2 items are twice as likely as those (weight 4) and the last 2 items together occur 50% of the time. That's going to require a bunch of out of FG math to build with the current range functions. But if you could do weighted rows it would be easy. We already have the weights for the first 8 items (rows). Which total a weight of 2x1+3x2+2x4=16. So I know my last two items have to sum 16 as well and each gets a weight of 8.

Using weights that's easy to figure out. Using ranges I have to do weights anyway and then go back and figure out each range; 1,2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-10, 11-14, 15-22, 23-30. oops, I messed up (unintentionally, but it makes my point!), so now I have to go back and change the ranges of the 7-10 to squeeze in my third weight 2 item or put them out of order etc.

I've submitted a request titled "Weighted Table Values". Once it is reviewed and approved you can vote for it if you like.

May 20th, 2024, 16:37
I use tables all the time treasure encounter weather I’m working on a sickness table for a disease in my game . Just to spice up some role play. But anyway be careful to click the right settings for the output. I did not make one result invisible to the players and based on the table it was awkward a bit as the DM lol

TLDR make sure it’s set based on if it’s for your eyes only or not