View Full Version : New Low Prices on Licenses

May 11th, 2024, 05:17
With the success of the license sale for the 20th Anniversary, we have decided to experiment a bit and go with a permanent price drop on licenses. They are now $20 for Standard and $50 for Ultimate. Upgrades from Standard to Ultimate are $30.

We believe Fantasy Grounds has always worked to bring great value for the price; however, we can't deny that we were often referred to as the "powerful but expensive option" when comparing VTTs. We hope that this will directly combat that narrative and allow us to reach more users. We think that the power of the automation and campaign tracking features of Fantasy Grounds pairs well with no monthly or annual fees with our 1-time licenses to make Fantasy Grounds the best option in the market for many gamers. In the meantime, we will continue to work on enhancing the capabilities and experience for our existing users.

Thanks for all your support up to this point and we hope you will stick with us for another 20 years of evolution.


May 11th, 2024, 08:45
Excellent stuff.

May 11th, 2024, 08:54
Good call.

May 11th, 2024, 09:36
This is an excellent idea! Two thumbs up!

May 11th, 2024, 12:02
Awesome move!

May 12th, 2024, 12:58
I'm personally trying to get onboard some friends as GM for one of the many ruleset available, and your move I'm sure is going to help.

May 12th, 2024, 18:02
Love this! My biggest pain point with tabletop RPGs is the burden of cost on the DM, glad to see it's being reduced, hope to see some new faces around!

May 12th, 2024, 18:29
Good Day DDavison :)
Great call, here is looking forward to many more people joining the ranks! :)

May 12th, 2024, 21:17
A brave and bold choice, but I think the right one. Especially given the pricing of competitor base products.

I'm guessing the bulk of the income comes from the DLC in any case, and you can't sell people rulesets and adventures and tokens and maps here if they're put off by the high initial cost of the software.

Look forward to 20 more years and more!

Cheers, Hywel

Nick Frost
May 15th, 2024, 15:27
I think this was an excellent call!

May 15th, 2024, 15:35
Agreed. Good idea. I've already have a few online conversations with folks that were going to buy Foundry because of the price difference. Now that their is no price difference, FG is back in consideration for them.

May 15th, 2024, 15:36
Nice one!

May 17th, 2024, 14:33
Fantastic news, I will now have better options to convince people to try FG, something that gets harder and harder as people want to use their browsers on tablets or potato tablets/computers.

The Hermit King
May 18th, 2024, 05:46
made me get off the fense post and buy on the spot

May 19th, 2024, 11:17
While the decision to lower the price of the (ultimate) licence is undoubtedly very good news, I cannot be happy at all, since when I bought the ultimate licence a few years ago I paid 145 euros (3 times as much as today!).
In my group there are 3 masters, we bought 3 ultimate licences and now we are biting our fingers thinking about the amount we spent, which could have been invested in buying modules and adventures instead of just the licence.
Great news for the newcomers, but a poor choice for those who invested much more money in FG at the time. It would be fair to allow a free choice purchase as a ‘bonus’ for those who paid much more money years ago.

May 19th, 2024, 12:39
While the decision to lower the price of the (ultimate) licence is undoubtedly very good news, I cannot be happy at all, since when I bought the ultimate licence a few years ago I paid 145 euros (3 times as much as today!).
In my group there are 3 masters, we bought 3 ultimate licences and now we are biting our fingers thinking about the amount we spent, which could have been invested in buying modules and adventures instead of just the licence.
Great news for the newcomers, but a poor choice for those who invested much more money in FG at the time. It would be fair to allow a free choice purchase as a ‘bonus’ for those who paid much more money years ago.

I have bought about 8 FG licences at the higher price (some Ultimate and some standard) and given them to friends and other people, and I didn't for 1 second think that the lower price is a poor choice.

The more people that own FG the better for everyone.

May 19th, 2024, 13:17
I have bought about 8 FG licences at the higher price (some Ultimate and some standard) and given them to friends and other people, and I didn't for 1 second think that the lower price is a poor choice.

The more people that own FG the better for everyone.

If you think so, that's fine. Everyone is free to do what they like with their own money.
Personally, I regret not having been able to take more modules for AD&D (I only use this system and MoreCore) because of the cost, not inconsiderable at the time, of the ultimate licence. That's all.

May 19th, 2024, 14:45
If you think so, that's fine. Everyone is free to do what they like with their own money.
Personally, I regret not having been able to take more modules for AD&D (I only use this system and MoreCore) because of the cost, not inconsiderable at the time, of the ultimate licence. That's all.

Sorry, but that makes no sense. Unless you can time travel.

Would you have been happier if the price went up?

I am not going to respond further to this, so feel free not to respond to my rhetorical question.

May 19th, 2024, 16:14
This is not an uncommon feeling when product prices change significantly. It's what happens when competition drives prices down. Folks who bought Tesla's a year ago feel the same way about the new lower car prices.

I think of it this way, I have gotten years of use out of FG, that's worth the price difference for the price change since then. What would I have been doing for all these years if I had not invested in FG?

Most everything we purchase decreases in value and cost over time. And either through inflation or price decreases, the real cost of most luxury items decrease over time (except real estate). The car I bought 3 years ago is cheaper to buy now. The couch I bought 2 years ago are cheaper now. The tools in my garage are cheaper to replace with more powerful ones today.

But I don't feel I should be given a free chair today. Or DeWalt should compensate me for my less powerful impact that I paid more for than today's model. There is a price we pay for any product when either it is new or the market continues to mature and various good become closer to commodities. I'm thankful I have had years of great enjoyment from FG and that I see this price drop as a sign of the market being more competitive and FG adapting to maintain or even increase it's role in the market. It's a good indicator that my investment will still be useful in the years to come.

May 19th, 2024, 17:58
As someone who recently bought FG for my group, I think this is a great idea. The cost initially made us hesitant, but after trying it for a few months, it is clear that it is much better than Roll20. Look forward to buying more modules!

May 19th, 2024, 18:23
Sorry, but that makes no sense. Unless you can time travel.

Would you have been happier if the price went up?

I am not going to respond further to this, so feel free not to respond to my rhetorical question.

If there is something that really bothers me, it is when someone makes stupid assumptions and does not read what I have written.
Please READ how I started the sentence, and THEN re-read your statements.
The text is easy and immediately understandable, as LordEntrails demonstrated in the post immediately following yours.
I only pointed out how drastically the price of the ultimate licence has fallen: it's a 66% drop in value over a few years. Allow me to say that I find this a bit annoying ALWAYS Bearing in mind that the money saved on the licence I would have ALWAYS spent on expansions and modules for AD&D.
As far as I am concerned, the topic is closed. It was just an observation.
I apologise in advance if my tone comes across as harsh, but I really can't stand it when people make blatantly silly assumptions like ‘being happy about a price increase’.

May 19th, 2024, 19:33
I cannot be happy at all, since when I bought the ultimate licence a few years ago I paid 145 euros (3 times as much as today!).
I would understand being unhappy if you paid 145 Euros only a few months ago, not a few years ago. Your account was created 6 years ago, so I'm guessing (but could be wrong) that you've had maybe 4-6 years use out of your FG license before the recent price drop?

The price drop is due to the current VTT landscape - to keep FG competitive in the marketplace so that it can operate for many years to come, which will allow you to continue to use your ultimate license years into the future.

You're unhappy, fair enough you're entitled to your own feelings. I just struggle to understand being unhappy, and publicly posting that unhappiness, about the cost difference when you purchased over a few years ago.

May 20th, 2024, 04:57
I would understand being unhappy if you paid 145 Euros only a few months ago, not a few years ago. Your account was created 6 years ago, so I'm guessing (but could be wrong) that you've had maybe 4-6 years use out of your FG license before the recent price drop?

The price drop is due to the current VTT landscape - to keep FG competitive in the marketplace so that it can operate for many years to come, which will allow you to continue to use your ultimate license years into the future.

You're unhappy, fair enough you're entitled to your own feelings. I just struggle to understand being unhappy, and publicly posting that unhappiness, about the cost difference when you purchased over a few years ago.

Their point is valid, whether you agree with it or not. 4-6 years from now the people that buy today will have the same amount of usage that those of us that bought 4-6 years ago do today, but will have paid significantly less than us. The cost to produce FGU didn't go down, but yet those that bought into it before this SIGNIFICANT price drop bore the brunt of it.

Me personally, I feel it was money well spent, but I understand that it can be felt like being "screwed in the drive-thru".

Empathy is a wonderful thing

May 20th, 2024, 06:52
Their point is valid, whether you agree with it or not. 4-6 years from now the people that buy today will have the same amount of usage that those of us that bought 4-6 years ago do today, but will have paid significantly less than us. The cost to produce FGU didn't go down, but yet those that bought into it before this SIGNIFICANT price drop bore the brunt of it.

Me personally, I feel it was money well spent, but I understand that it can be felt like being "screwed in the drive-thru".

Empathy is a wonderful thing

I am not sure its got anything to do with empathy.

Lord Entrails summed it up well. Competition drives prices down and us that bought it at the higher price contributed to FG getting to its 20th anniversary.

We invested in the best VTT. I got a lot of mileage for my money so far as have my many players

May 20th, 2024, 13:46
We absolutely understand feeling a bit disappointed if you paid a lot more for the licenses and see that they are on sale for cheaper now. We worked with some of our long term partners to provide everyone who already had a license with some freebies to help soften the blow, and we added a few smaller items from our end as well. Everyone with a license before the price drop should have these on their account for free:

Hearts and Skulls Dice Pack
Stars and Clovers Dice Pack
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) Ruleset
Black Scrolls - Sewer Map Pack
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks

May 20th, 2024, 15:08
I am not sure its got anything to do with empathy.

Lord Entrails summed it up well. Competition drives prices down and us that bought it at the higher price contributed to FG getting to its 20th anniversary.

We invested in the best VTT. I got a lot of mileage for my money so far as have my many players

Nobody is disputing value for money proposition. Indeed, I confirmed my feeling that it was money well spent.

We're just acknowledging that some people might feel slightly bitter about having paid so much more than it now costs, without trying to make them feel bad about how they feel. That's where the empathy comes in. Acknowledge, empathize, move on.

May 20th, 2024, 16:01
We absolutely understand feeling a bit disappointed if you paid a lot more for the licenses and see that they are on sale for cheaper now. We worked with some of our long term partners to provide everyone who already had a license with some freebies to help soften the blow, and we added a few smaller items from our end as well. Everyone with a license before the price drop should have these on their account for free:

Hearts and Skulls Dice Pack
Stars and Clovers Dice Pack
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) Ruleset
Black Scrolls - Sewer Map Pack
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks

I hope to clarify my thoughts definitively, since being Italian I may have written differently from what I have instead in my head.
My regret is due not to the price of the license itself paid years ago, but to the fact that with the current price I could have bought more modules to add to the ones I have and have a more complete collection, since the difference between the two prices is very wide.
That is all. I have never said or even thought that I have spent my money badly, or that I am complaining because the price has gone down instead of up, as someone wrote.
The next purchases (again for AD&D) are already planned for when I return from various business trips from the Far East (since I don't like to use my credit card outside my home network!). I have invested a fair amount, and will continue to spend on FG to get all the published material for AD&D.
I hope this is all made clear.

May 20th, 2024, 21:53
I think lowering the price was a good move, and a needed one to keep FG competitive. Hopefully that will result in more users, so more development an implemented feature.

I am not bothered by what happened despite being a fairly recent (<1 year) user who got the license at a sale - still I probably paid more than the current price.

If I really had to nitpick: announcing a sale and then keeping the sale price after the sale ends could be perceived as slightly disingenuous. In a sense the sale lowered price is the reward for deciding to buy at the right time. If the price stays low you don't get to feel smart about your purchase, and in fact you could feel slightly played. More offensive versions of this include shops which seem to always be liquidating/closing/etc, or pretend discount prices. While I do not know, I like to think that when the FG sale was announced it had not already been decided to keep the lower price at the end of it.

Nitpick #2 is that I believe all users who bought during the sale period got the freebies, so not just preexisting/long time users?

Anyway, just wanted to join in the discussion, I am not bothered nor I think I am owned something because of the lowered price.

May 21st, 2024, 02:42
Correct. They also got the freebies, so the best possible time was to buy during the sale.

Dropping the price this much is a big gamble for us, but the pricing that we settled in is the most competitive option. We have to make it up in volume of 2X sale on Standard and 3X on sales of Ultimate. The sale let us test the water at that price point and have enough confidence to make the permanent move. A sale almost always creates more volume than a regular price and now that we are discounted, it didn’t leave us much room for further sales. There is not really a good way to satisfy everyone, but it seemed like a worse decision to bump back up to $150 for a while once we decided that $50 was going to be our new price.

May 21st, 2024, 09:19
Correct. They also got the freebies, so the best possible time was to buy during the sale.

Dropping the price this much is a big gamble for us, but the pricing that we settled in is the most competitive option. We have to make it up in volume of 2X sale on Standard and 3X on sales of Ultimate. The sale let us test the water at that price point and have enough confidence to make the permanent move. A sale almost always creates more volume than a regular price and now that we are discounted, it didn’t leave us much room for further sales. There is not really a good way to satisfy everyone, but it seemed like a worse decision to bump back up to $150 for a while once we decided that $50 was going to be our new price.

Thanks for the reply, I think it was the right decision then. Perhaps you could offer people who purchased within 30 days before the sale started a coupon for the price difference to be spent on the FG shop. It would be a nice touch which could increase product loyalty, certainly not something due or required. Within that time scale they could have refunded and repurchased anyway, but may have not noticed or thought about it (I would not be among the ones affected by this so I am not proposing the idea in the hope of getting something out of it).

May 21st, 2024, 16:40
What I would most long for is supporting FG in the transition to a web-based solution. If this discount is they way to support this, I'm more than happy to have paid more in the past.

that's my two cents.

May 22nd, 2024, 13:47
I believe this was a wise move, as long as you have enough revenue streams from modules, forge items and other add ons.

As someone that has dipped a toe into several VTT options, I know my home is here. with several options hitting the market since covid, this was most likely a very smart move. I have dipped a toe, lurked and blatantly tried several well known as well as up and coming VTTs. WotC eventual offering also could cause issues across the landscape. There are AI creation and VTTs coming. those that want a video game feel will have those options. but for my preference of more TTrpg but with the ease of letting the computer take some of the load, FGU is hands down the best.

The good/bad thing with FGU is I am literally invested in it being successful. Other than Paizo, Everything I have purchased here is FGC/FGU only. So once invested a certain amount, a user is essentially all in. (I mean this in no negative way) Smiteworks has to make money, they are a business and people need paid to do work. We want the upgrades, addons and bug fixes.

Doing this now will hopefully lock in many more DMs and Players. the price difference from standard to ultimate may also encourage some players to try their hand at DMing. T
The gifts are a reasonable way to acknowledge those that paid full price (I personally waited for sales for my second ultimate license and many of my books, but the first ultimate was needed at the time it was bought). I have no regrets or hard feelings. If had bought it right before the sale, yes I would feel annoyed at my piss poor timing, but there is nothing underhanded here.

good luck. and I can't wait for my DM to get us back up and running

May 22nd, 2024, 22:01
We absolutely understand feeling a bit disappointed if you paid a lot more for the licenses and see that they are on sale for cheaper now. We worked with some of our long term partners to provide everyone who already had a license with some freebies to help soften the blow, and we added a few smaller items from our end as well. Everyone with a license before the price drop should have these on their account for free:

Hearts and Skulls Dice Pack
Stars and Clovers Dice Pack
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) Ruleset
Black Scrolls - Sewer Map Pack
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks

Thanks! These are great!

Btw on a side note. Even if the price had NOT dropped the value of FG has only gotten greater and greater in the past 5 years.

May 23rd, 2024, 15:54
Thanks for the reply, I think it was the right decision then. Perhaps you could offer people who purchased within 30 days before the sale started a coupon for the price difference to be spent on the FG shop. It would be a nice touch which could increase product loyalty, certainly not something due or required. Within that time scale they could have refunded and repurchased anyway, but may have not noticed or thought about it (I would not be among the ones affected by this so I am not proposing the idea in the hope of getting something out of it).

If someone had purchased at the higher price in the last 30 days, they can reach out to Customer Service who would help them out. SmiteWorks has a long standing policy of refunding the difference (or the entire product cost and just have you repurchase it at the lower price).

Myrdin Potter
May 23rd, 2024, 20:03
If I calculate the cost per hour I got out of my older and more expensive licenses, it is about the cheapest entertainment I ever paid for ...

Happy that lower prices will mean more get to enjoy the program.

May 23rd, 2024, 23:10
If I calculate the cost per hour I got out of my older and more expensive licenses, it is about the cheapest entertainment I ever paid for ...

Happy that lower prices will mean more get to enjoy the program.


May 24th, 2024, 23:12
If I calculate the cost per hour I got out of my older and more expensive licenses, it is about the cheapest entertainment I ever paid for ...

Happy that lower prices will mean more get to enjoy the program.

Oh agreed very much. Last time I checked I was around $0.17/hour for cost and I have a significant DLC library... a great value for time spent.

May 25th, 2024, 20:34
FG has a great cost value as long as you actually use it. I remember my long time group did some rough calculations of the value we had gotten from FG Classic when we were switching over to FGU - it was *tiny* fractions of a cent.

May 29th, 2024, 02:41
I'm glad to see the price drop. I seem to hear more about competitors than Fantasy Grounds. Kickstarters often seem to have competitor VTT options without FG, which is a bummer.

Out of curiosity, is Smiteworks advertising the new price? Roll20 got a lot of coverage with its Discord integration. Foundry got coverage with its WotC partnership. Demiplane is getting attention with Daggerhear. I haven't seen any FG news on the YouTube channels I view.

Iain Little
May 30th, 2024, 15:44
What I would most long for is supporting FG in the transition to a web-based solution. If this discount is they way to support this, I'm more than happy to have paid more in the past.

that's my two cents.

What I would most hate is FG transitioning to a web-based solution. I bought FGU UL specifically because it lives on my computer and was a one-time purchase. I am sick and tired of subscription-based VTTs, of being unable to work on my campaign because I'm not online, and of server-based lag hampering my game night, especially with large maps. If FG became online-only, I would stop using it.

May 30th, 2024, 15:54
What I would most hate is FG transitioning to a web-based solution. I bought FGU UL specifically because it lives on my computer and was a one-time purchase. I am sick and tired of subscription-based VTTs, of being unable to work on my campaign because I'm not online, and of server-based lag hampering my game night, especially with large maps. If FG became online-only, I would stop using it.

Agreed. Some limited browser availability to be able to read modules without having FG up and running would be nice; but leave the client as it is.

May 30th, 2024, 15:54
What I would most hate is FG transitioning to a web-based solution. I bought FGU UL sapecifically because it lives on my computer and was a one-time purchase. I am sick and tired of subscription-based VTTs, of being unable to work on my campaign because I'm not online, and of server-based lag hampering my game night, especially with large maps. If FG became online-only, I would stop using it.

Awesome! I like FGU as it is now too, for the same reasons

May 30th, 2024, 23:38
I have a license of FG and playing as a player with Roll20 and Foundry. I appreciate FG for being the best solution for automating rules but it is clear to me how cumbersome is compared to the others e.g. when in need of sharing music or getting peer-to-peer with people connected on ipad. The IT Industry is all moved to the web browser UI and cloud computing and FG has to struggle against a market more an more attuned to that.
This is a matter of fact, whether we like it or not.
If you hope FG would be here in the next 20 years, they need to understand how to make new generation of TTrpg gamers more likely to use FG instead of others. Opening to mobile and ipad to some degree is mandatory imho.
But I dare say it's probably more important getting an AI support for devs nowadays. That could increase the base and getting more people more confident in making FG their own ground.

Mike Serfass
May 31st, 2024, 15:00
Web apps come with a whole set of problems and limitations.
FGU can do some of the things it does because it's a desktop app. It would lose functionality if moved to a web app.
FGU will be able to do more as it progresses and the devs take more advantage of the underlying game engine, things that web apps can't do.

May 31st, 2024, 15:40
We have been developing a companion reader app for mobile. We think that GMs will want additional power of running it via a desktop app, but that players may want to connect with mobile devices for limited, specific functionality. Initially it will be for reading reference manuals without loading the full program. Later, we could see it being used to manage a character as a player.

May 31st, 2024, 21:13
We have been developing a companion reader app for mobile. We think that GMs will want additional power of running it via a desktop app, but that players may want to connect with mobile devices for limited, specific functionality. Initially it will be for reading reference manuals without loading the full program. Later, we could see it being used to manage a character as a player.

This is all I would really need it for. I would love for my players to be able to open up FG and read a refman I made for campaign specific information and to leave out of game updates.

June 1st, 2024, 09:39
The IT Industry is all moved to the web browser UI and cloud computing and FG has to struggle against a market more an more attuned to that.
This is a matter of fact, whether we like it or not.

Be cautious when considering trends in the IT industry "matter of fact". Techologies rise and fall. Not long ago it was matter of fact that all interfaces had to be optimised for Internet Explorer, as it had no competitors in the browser market. We all know how it went.

We have been developing a companion reader app for mobile. We think that GMs will want additional power of running it via a desktop app, but that players may want to connect with mobile devices for limited, specific functionality. Initially it will be for reading reference manuals without loading the full program. Later, we could see it being used to manage a character as a player.

Way to go, Doug! This would definitely add value to the application.

Better control over Syrinscape would also help, but I think this is due to limitations in Syrinscape.

And of course Discord integration...

June 3rd, 2024, 18:24
[QUOTE=RosenMcStern;717649]Be cautious when considering trends in the IT industry "matter of fact". Techologies rise and fall. Not long ago it was matter of fact that all interfaces had to be optimised for Internet Explorer, as it had no competitors in the browser market. We all know how it went.

You are definitely right, and the direction is still the same since those days: getting the UX onto the web UI.
don't think I'm a super fan of that though, but I see the opportunity.

June 7th, 2024, 15:18
This is all I would really need it for. I would love for my players to be able to open up FG and read a refman I made for campaign specific information and to leave out of game updates.

Even as a GM I would love this. Sometimes I am lazy on a Saturday morning and would like to be able to sit in bed and read an adventure module I intend to run on Sunday, without having to get in front of my PC to launch FG. Or, if I purchased a new module or rule book, to read it while I am not in front of my PC.

Obviously I can't run a game this way, but just being able to access the library is already powerful.

June 8th, 2024, 16:05
Not a fan of switching FGU to a web only UI. That's a complete rewrite of all things FGU I would imagine (Base App, extensions and all store items except maybe maps) or more of a clunky front end that takes the LUA and makes it web UI "readable" and back again.. the Lag would be insane most likely.

My thoughts:

1) Web based reading of materials I purchased or made available from the DM (assume the DM game would need to be up and player signed in).. definitely. kinda like having a book open during TT.
2) Discord integration for things like static shared images, talking and maybe sound? I feel like all of this is already a thing (Our DM shares things like maps and such via discord so people with a tablet have more room on FGU window)
3) an API that would allow a player to join a game via any device and see their character sheet and use discord for the above items would let them join a session but just have the DM or another player control the character in FGU. clunky but doable.

and as a mobile option, I use Splashtop to control my PC from my laptop or tablet and have played that way. a little laggy, yes but very doable in a pinch.

June 9th, 2024, 06:10
I'll admit, there was part of me that was always a little bummed when FG had a periodic sale after I had purchased full price back in 2020. And when I saw that it was going to $50 bucks permanently I had the same twinge of regret. But here's the thing: I want more people to play on this platform, and I really like the vibe I get from the Fantasy Ground Youtube stuff and the support on the forum. And I've enjoyed myself tremendously playing over these past four years. So I'll take that return on investment and just keep telling people to check out this software.