View Full Version : Creating the Artificer class?

April 29th, 2024, 18:59
We're playing 5e D&D, and a friend of mine offered to run a short campaign so that I, the forever-DM, could play for a while.

I have a TON of 5e materials in Fantasy Grounds... been collecting them for years, and there are very few books I do not have in my account. My friend has an ultimate FG license, but not many of the books: I think he's got the PHB and MM1.

One of the other players in the group asked if he could play an Artificer.

My question is this: Is it possible for me to export the Artificer class so my friend can use it? Or are there copyright restrictions that would prevent that? I had started to create the Artificer from scratch, copying text from D&D Beyond, but it is ridiculously complicated.

Is there another option?

Thank you!

April 29th, 2024, 21:47
No, you can't copy the class and distribute it for copyright reasons. However the Artificer was detailed in the Unearthed Arcana module which your user could buy from the store (it's only $1; but isn't the latest version of the class - some amendment may well be required); or you could create a character yourself and export it to an xml file and send it to the player. You would need to do any housekeeping subsequently when the character levels up etc (they'd need to export the file send it to you and you'd need to send it back etc).

Creating the class yourself should be ridiculously simple - especially if you are copying from D&D Beyond. See video thirty-five here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

April 29th, 2024, 23:21
No, you can't copy the class and distribute it for copyright reasons. However the Artificer was detailed in the Unearthed Arcana module which your user could buy from the store (it's only $1; but isn't the latest version of the class - some amendment may well be required); or you could create a character yourself and export it to an xml file and send it to the player. You would need to do any housekeeping subsequently when the character levels up etc (they'd need to export the file send it to you and you'd need to send it back etc).

Creating the class yourself should be ridiculously simple - especially if you are copying from D&D Beyond. See video thirty-five here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

Thank you very much! I appreciate your response!