View Full Version : LFP PF2 Sunday 7pm UTC+9 1-2 players

April 28th, 2024, 13:03
Due to player life circumstances, one of our players has had to bow out. Currently our group of three players (and one GM) is looking for people to join the team! We welcome people new to PF2 but do note that you will be joining at level 4.

FG License: Ultimate - join for free!
Game System: Pathfinder 2e (NOT REMASTER)

Time Zone: UTC +9
Day of week and time: Sunday 7 pm
Next Session: May 5
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, about 4 hours
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Both
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Depends on the group, usually about 60/40.
Number of Players in game & needed: 1-2
Character starting level & equipment: Currently level 4 - Character wealth and magic items as per “treasure for new characters”
Character restrictions: Basically the pre-remaster stuff I have in FGU. CRB, Advanced Player's Guide, Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears, Gods & Magic, LO Character Guide, LO Ancestry Guide, Inner Sea World Guide. If there is something outside of this that you want (and you can make it in your own fantasy grounds), let me know. Common options please.

Details of your scenario: Join a group of outlaw antiheroes on their adventures in Oppara, capital of Taldor! Currently the group is pursuing an undead threat embedded within the corrupt ranks of Opparan high society. If you want to hear more, I am happy to discuss the setting and story :)
Note: As outlaws, the group will occasionally commit crimes. That said, this is not an over the top evil game. Although a certain amount of “bad behavior” among the party might be tolerated (pilfering a few extra coins for yourself, running away to leave a party member to be arrested etc - subject to consent among all players) this is not a campaign to engage in destructive pvp or other nastiness.

If this interests you, please leave a comment below