View Full Version : Adjusting Current Turn/Targeted Indicators

March 18th, 2008, 14:35
Okay, as I don't know what these things are actually called in the ruleset, I'm going to call them that (Current Turn & Targeted Indicators) and post a screenshot of them:


Okay. Those! In the combat tracker, when someone's turn is selected you see the little arrow beside them--great! On the map, you will see a highlight around that entry's token (Kathra, in this case). Whenever a player targets something, a circle "pointer" (using their dice color) will be drawn around the token in question, as well. (Kathra is targeting Nightscale (100 pixels) the young black dragon, Varkaze (50 pixels), the hobgoblin warcaster, and The Letter A (30 pixels), which is really kind of weird, because letters aren't very scary, until you realize they are flanking you.)

The current turn indicator will extend out to the target ring on the other tokens (I left it on Kathra so it was easier to see), so it appears that it will be at a fixed distance from the token--I don't think it scales with token size. The targetting ring also appears to appear at a fixed distance and width.

Now--is there any way to _adjust_ those fixed values, and if so, where? I looked through the .xml files that sounded right, and thought maybe one of the utility files had something like that, but I was frankly nervous to adjust it. Now that I've gone down to 50 pixel tokens (someone mentioned a good reason too, heh) it's not as big an issue as it was with my giant tokens, but still, I'd like to figure out how.

March 18th, 2008, 14:49
I believe if you modify one the portait_XXX_mask in the icons folder those might change those. I believe it just puts that mask underneath the token for active and targets. I am not 100% sure on which one does the active highlight and targeting though but I would start by resizing and even recoloring the white areas of those to see if that works.