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View Full Version : LFG D&D 5e, maybe others (not AD&D, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder)

April 16th, 2024, 15:45
Anybody doing a story focused game on Monday or Friday nights (EST) in need of a player? I'm versed in a number of systems, but most of them are older, I know D&D 5e very well (DM multiple games every week), and am willing to try some other systems, though there are some that I already know are not of interest to me from long experience with them. I'd love a horror (Call of Cthulhu-esque) game but am less experienced with them. I also enjoy super hero games.

I am a "go along to get along" player, I try to be a useful member of the team. Not a fan of "evil campaigns" for the most part, definitely not interested in joining with murder hobos. I've been gaming since 1991, primarily the various versions of D&D though I have extensive experience with the original World of Darkness games.

Alternatively I could do just about any night (again, Eastern time) if the game started late, like after 10PM.

IF you're looking for someone to round out your numbers in those time slots, hit me up 8)