View Full Version : LFP - Savage Worlds - Fantasy w/text-based RP between sessions

April 3rd, 2024, 01:55
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a Live Session/Text-Based RP hybrid game. Read below for details

FGU License: GM has Ultimate license
Game System: Savage Worlds

Time Zone: Central (CST)
Day of week and time: Every other Friday, 8:00p.m. CST
Planned start date: April 26th
Planned Duration: 3-5 hour sessions
Term: Roughly planned for 4-5 sessions (This is a mini-campaign that we are running between Act 1 and Act 2 of our main campaign, and the opportunity to join the longer-term main campaign will be possible if players are interested.)

Text or Voice: Voice & Text (See below)
Voice software used: Discord Voice

Roleplay & Combat mix: Heavily RP focused, narratively driven game where combat is used to enhance the story. Most RP will happen in text while sessions tend to lean into combat a little more.
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 current players, looking to add 2-3 additional players

============================STORY================= ===========

Lord Valadihr. “The Everlasting Winter”, “Master of the Northern Realms”, “The Frigid Lord”.

The White Dragon Tyrant of the lands of Valdaria.

For over three hundred years, this monster has reigned over the frozen continent that sits on the northernmost edge of the World of Grae, still holding on to his seat of power on this forsaken corner of the globe. Having lived through the Draconic Wars and escaped the near extinction of his species, the Dragon Valadihr and his cults of fanatical zealots now lord over the various villages and clans scattered all across the continent. Valdaria is a place of oppression and fear for those unfortunate enough to live there. Their crops and livelihoods subject to seizure by those claiming to do so in their Dragon-Lord’s name, even their own children stolen in the night to be taken into the cults and indoctrinated to serve Valadihr, nothing is safe from the frigid claws of the great white dragon and his followers. And any sort of resistance, however slight, is met with swift and disproportionate retribution. The people suffer. The people cry for justice. The people cry for liberation from their Tyrant-Lord Dragon.

It is in this frigid, frozen oppression that the spark of rebellion will begin.

The village of Silentcreek lies within the lower regions of Serpentmouth Pass within the Nordrok Mountains. It is a small, unassuming village, like most within the lands of Valdaria. It’s population is barely over one hundred souls, and the Clan Raunuk that resides there is considered to be small and insignificant, even amongst its peers. The only advantage Silentcreek had over the other villages of Eastern Valdaria was it’s relative seclusion and the difficulty one would face should they choose to travel there. This was problematic for trade and inter-clan relations, however it provided the distinct advantage of being too far out of the way for Valadihr’s minions to make regular visits to. Once, perhaps twice a year would the residents of Silentcreek play host to the zealous cultists of the Everlasting Winter. These visits are unpleasant, but manageable. The zealots come, they collect what they claim is due as homage to their Lord Valadihr, they may remain a day or two eating, drinking and cursing the small village life, and then they leave.

This is the way of things. It is not ideal, but it is life in Valdaria. The Clan Raunuk is far better off than most in this regard, the other, larger villages getting far more frequent visits from not only cultists, but Drakes, wrymlings and even the half dozen or so Draconic children who roam the continent to carry out their father’s will. Silentcreek has never had any of that. They simply put up with these lesser thugs once or twice a year and spend the rest of their lives happily isolated.

That is, until now.

A small but vital caravan has gone missing on its way to the village of Silentcreek, carrying much needed supplies from the neighboring villages. Supplies imperative to the Clan Raunuk’s survival through the upcoming winter months. And so a band of scouts, hunters and other concerned villagers have been assembled to locate the missing caravan.

However, unbeknownst to them, their simple task will have echoes throughout history, and their fates may very well shape a nation.

============================WORLD================= ===========

The World of Grae is a homebrew, low magic, fantasy setting that is RP heavy where combat is used as a means to further the story. Grae is set to be a heavily sandbox styled game in which players' decisions determine the flow and direction of the story. Within the world of Grae, players will be faced with many dilemmas of morality where the answers may not always be easily black and white. "Good" is not always right, and "Evil" is not always unreasonable. The world is filled with age-old prejudices and rivalries that the players will have to come to terms with, making their stands and establishing how exactly they wish to be known by society around them.

The population of Grae is mostly comprised of humans, whose population makes up roughly 80-90% of the entire world. Beneath them, the next most populous races are the Dwarves, the Elves and the Orcs along with their respective half-races. And beneath even that a number of other common "Fantasy" races exist, albeit in a very rare dispersal around the world (Most D&D/Pathfinder races exist in Grae in some form or another, just very rare and unusual within most human societies).

Magic within Grae is very rare, with less than 1% of the world's population having some form of magical aptitude. Arcane magics are often distrusted and as a result are highly regulated within most countries of the world, even being altogether illegal in some places. Likewise, Divine magics are equally rare and met with suspicion when practiced outside the accepted faiths of Grae's most honored and trusted patrons, once again resulting in certain "pagan" faiths becoming outright outlawed in some places.

======================OUR HYBRID SYSTEM======================

This campaign/group is a bit unique in that we are a sort of Hybrid kind of game. We use Discord voice alongside Fantasy Grounds during session, but we also use Discord Text for text based RP between sessions. In essence, we are always Roleplaying. Pretty much every day here and there. This creates a very story driven campaign where the narrative is central, character development is key and party relationships are dynamic. It also creates a very tight knit group of players. THIS IS A KEY FACTOR IN THIS GROUP. Relationships are developed here, and the plot moves forward and you will miss important details if neglected. Hate to list this as a "Requirement" for consideration into the group, but it kinda is, not necessarily implemented by me as a GM but as the group dug in, this is what it became. And quite honestly, it's super awesome.

That being said, we understand the pull of day to day life in the "real world" and it is understood that some players may not be able to participate as heavily in text RP as others based on availability. This is okay, and as long as some degree of effort to participate is shown and attention is given to "follow along" with the narrative as it plays out then that should be plenty. Ultimately, the more you put in, the more you get out. This has honestly has become our groups favorite aspect of our games and we are very excited to potentially bring more people into the circle with us.

================================================== ===========

If you are interested or have any questions about the world or our hybrid live session/text-based RP, feel free to send me a message. The best way to do so is most likely via discord as you will probably get a near immediate response that way. My discord is zyoncrest

April 3rd, 2024, 22:58
Hello zyoncrest or is it Mr Zyoncrest
Wow this looks fantastic. I played Pathfinder for SW and have the new Fantasy companion which is seems to be a comparable system. I really like your thoughtful description of the world and the play style. I am certainly an RP driven player. With the continuing RP over text I think that is a great idea and I’d definitely try to keep up. Since; fantasy is by far my favorite genre I think I’d do fine.

Anyway I am John.

I sent a Discord friend request.

John (Nephilim)