View Full Version : Valutating Fantasy Ground

March 14th, 2008, 10:29
Hello there,
I'm valutating you demo of Fantasy Grounds. It seem a good software and I've watched your demo. Before purchase it I'd like to know if i can edit che ruleset, let me explain:

I've got an excel file with a lot of materials from D&D supplements that I've collected during the ages and I'd like to add it to the program. My spell's excel file is created with a table and a lot of columns eg name, level, components, casting time ecc.ecc. and I think that the fastest way to use all my excel file is to import all the material directly in XML files. Can I import all that in your XML already saved? I've watched the XML using Excel, but when trying to save it gives me an error. Can the program works for me or not?
Thank you so much

March 14th, 2008, 10:49
I think it will be possible, yes. But not necesarily easy.

I know that some people here on the board have made FG templates for Excell and used it to input new spells. I am pretty sure that those templates could be used to input your material as well.

- Obe

March 14th, 2008, 11:12
Hi Sauramud, Welcome.

Other people have posted that they use Exel to simplify their XML. I think it likely that at least some of the xml work can be made easier this way. Like every other conversion process though there are bound to be headaches.

Still, with the program you have a lot of freedom in XML and LUA to do custom spell lists and custom rulesets. Other people do it....

I wish you luck.

There is online programming documentation here:


That will give you more concrete answers.


March 14th, 2008, 15:59
Hi Sauramud and welcome to the FG forums.

I think the following topic might help you:

Please shout if you have any problems and I'll try to help out.



March 14th, 2008, 21:23
Hello again :)
Foen I'm watching you XML Data.... i don't understand how to use it...
do I have to compile the entry as i need and then copy re results from the arrow ??? I'll try to explain you my problem, I've got an excel file with all the spells of a lot of books.
My excel file made of 8 columns
spell name,
spell level,
castin time
are of effect/target

How can I use your excel file with there file to add one spell ... for examle to the file spelldesc.xml?

Thx a lot :)

March 14th, 2008, 23:19
in my spare time I have been slowy (very slowly have class work and other stuff to do)making a program in vb to spit out xml for spells. it should do most the work just leaving minor editing to splice it in. If you have any programing skill it wouldnt be that hard to automate adding spells to the xml. You could even set up the program to work from excel :) (not a lot of people know you can add programing inside of ms office)

March 15th, 2008, 00:19
in my spare time I have been slowy (very slowly have class work and other stuff to do)making a program in vb to spit out xml for spells. it should do most the work just leaving minor editing to splice it in. If you have any programing skill it wouldnt be that hard to automate adding spells to the xml. You could even set up the program to work from excel :) (not a lot of people know you can add programing inside of ms office)
Well, I use VB in office, the only problem is how to format and define fields for the XML in the right way :(

March 15th, 2008, 00:36
if you open up the xml you can see how it is put together. Using that you can append the tags that are needed to your spells. For the one i am making i set up a database, i have textboxs to to input the data then save to the database. this lets me revise and keep a them for later use. When im ready to make the xml im going to have the program go thru the database appending the needed tags for that field, at paste it all to a text file.

March 15th, 2008, 00:42
also you will need more fields if i remember right. looking at the xml well help alot at what you need to do to add the spells.

March 16th, 2008, 00:29
Hello again, maybe I've learned something but not too much. Take a look, this is a part of the XML code that I've put in

spellist.xml (in the bard 3rd level spell)

<node name="allegro">
<stringvalue name="name" value="Allegro" />
<intvalue name="level" value="3" />
<stringvalue name="shortdescription" value="You and your allies gain +30 ft. speed for 1 min./level." />

and this in the spelldesc.xml (respecting the alphabetical order):

<node name="allegro">
<stringvalue name="name" value="Allegro" />
<stringvalue name="school" value="Transmutation" />
<stringvalue name="level" value="Bard 3" />
<stringvalue name="components" value="V, S, M" />
<stringvalue name="castingtime" value="1 standard action" />
<stringvalue name="range" value="10 ft." />
<stringvalue name="effect" value="10-ft.-radius burst, centered on you" />
<stringvalue name="duration" value="1 minute/level (D)" />
<stringvalue name="save" value="Fortitude negates (harmless)" />
<stringvalue name="sr" value="Yes (harmless)" />
<formattedtext name="description">
<p>You and your allies gain +30 ft. speed for 1 min./level.</p>

but there is a problem... when i open the PG generator I can't see the Allegro spell added to the bard spell... someone can tell me why ? do I have to add it in some other file?

Thanks a lot :)

March 16th, 2008, 07:49
Ahh, this is FG1 xml. The xml for FG2 looks quite different and my spreadsheet was designed for FG2 so it won't be much use I'm afraid.

If you are evaluating FG for purchase, you should not invest too much time in customizing the demo (FG1) as you won't be able to re-use the changes when you install FG2.


March 16th, 2008, 11:50
The real problem is that if it can be customized easily (with my XML for example) It should be a good program, otherwise I must look for something else :(
I don't understand why the Allegro Spell doesn't work. Even if it's FG1 someone can help me ?

March 16th, 2008, 17:36
If you are trying to put it in there under the FG1 demo the problems is that the Demo doesn't do custom rulesets. The full version likely would accept that without problems.

March 18th, 2008, 08:28
Ok! Done :P
I get my copy of FG II ;-)
Can someone tell me one thing? I've seen that the folder "ruleset" present in the demo is no more there, and I can't find the xml for the ruleset with spell and other in FGII... can someone help me to find them? :P
Thanks again
A neewbe of FGII

March 18th, 2008, 09:38
When you have installed FGII it creates a shortcut on the start menu to "Application Data" that is where the rulesets et all resides. Particularily in the modules folder.

The MOD files are renamed zip-files. Unzip, edit, rezip.

March 18th, 2008, 10:01
Ok, thanks a lot!!! :)
Does someone have already added the ruleset for Complete Arcane, Adventurer, Warrior and Priest or not?

(FGII is awesome :P)

March 18th, 2008, 17:02
those would not be rulesets but rather modules.

March 19th, 2008, 06:26
You might want to start a new thread (in Armory perhaps) for that question. It is a bit mis-placed in here (which is for bugs/errors).



March 19th, 2008, 09:14
Ok, thanks a lot!!! :)
Does someone have already added the ruleset for Complete Arcane, Adventurer, Warrior and Priest or not?

(FGII is awesome :P)
I sort of doubt you'll ever see them, personally. They are strictly copyrighted expansions to the game that not everyone uses. Once you have the basics of the game, the running mechanics, variations in character rules don't help a huge amount.

Its like face to face gaming. Once you agree on the expansion books you don't need them that intensely. Buy the expansion books and trust your players to do the same. It might not be there to drag and drop but its much simpler.

As a DM you might have house rules that benefit from custom modules mostly because it helps them be more clear. IMHO modules for a well written expansion book don't justify their time and effort.

Just my two cents.
