View Full Version : Cyrrillic support

March 29th, 2024, 12:01
Hi, I would like to create rulsets and extensions in my own language, which requires Cyrillic support and currently does not have it. (Although modules are devoid of this problem)

If I try to create an extension and write in Cyrillic, the text is converted to question marks. The text is transformed after trying to run the written extension in a program. (Picture attached)

Can this be fixed?

If necessary, I can create this as a new feature request, and invite my community to show how many people would like it. This kind of support would also help to expand the community, as many people I know don't want to play Fantasy Grounds just because they don't know English.

March 29th, 2024, 13:25
I'm no expert in these matters but xml won't accept those letters unless they are coded like this &#1234 where the 1234 is the code for the ASCII code character.

March 29th, 2024, 13:57
I am unfortunately not an xml expert either, that's why I decided to ask. Since I look at the modules made by me and realize that somewhere he uses Cyrillic and somewhere translates it into SCII code. And Cyrillic continues to work after reading by the program, not changing to "????".
Module lines like that make me think there's a chance it should work.

March 29th, 2024, 15:02
So I've never tried, or looked into it before today. First thing you will have to overcome is; are Crylic characters included in iso-8859-1? And are the included in the subset that FG uses? (I can't find current reference to what subset FG uses). That is the character encoding used in the xml and lua files FG uses. Second will be if the font you are using to display text in FG has the Crylic characters. I have no idea if FG's default font's do.

Looking at the LUA 5.1 reference manual, it seems to indicate that general LUA 5.1 can use localized characters. But your code might have to start with a declaration of os.locale. Which means that if FG's version of LUA does support that command, your code would probably only run on a machine with the same locale language as yours (which may not be a problem for you).

Moon Wizard
March 29th, 2024, 17:48
Some notes related to other language character sets. This is relevant to all non-Latin-based languages, not just Cyrillic.

If you add your language characters to the existing user interface, I believe they will be saved in the campaign database in the UTF-8 encoded format already. You can check by creating a Character, typing a name in your language, then closing and re-opening FG to the same campaign. This data would also be saved in XML format in the campaign db.xml file.
If you are manually making XML files (such as for a module) outside of FG interface, you need to make sure they are correctly encoded. (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>). This shouldn't be needed if you are just exporting modules using the built-in user interface. You can use above method to get the codes, if you don't want to look up online.
If you are making a theme, please note that not all fonts support all language characters. We try to use the Noto Sans font as much as possible, since it has the largest support for different language characters that we've found. If you override a font in a theme, it will be up to you to check whether that font supports your language.
If you are making a ruleset/extension, as @LordEntrails mentioned, Lua does not support multi-byte character sets natively, so you'd have to look up the multi-byte codes if anything needed to be hard-coded in a Lua script. Resources defined in XML data, such as string resources, etc., are not affected by this, and can be defined just like XML above.

If you are making a ruleset or extension, I highly recommend that you put all hard-coded text into string resources (i.e. <string name="[resource name]">[string text]</string>); which can be referenced in all ruleset/extension XML or Lua.
