View Full Version : LFP 2 Players Needed Between Heaven and Hell DND 5e- In Progress

March 28th, 2024, 07:17
Applications Closed
FG License:Players only need the free Version
Game System: D&D 5e (Notable Homebrew)

Time Zone: Central
Day of week and time: Every Other Thursday 6:00 PM
Game in progress already
Planned Duration & Frequency: Four Hour Sessions every other Thursday. Additionally constant play-by-post between sessions
Term: This campaign is a level 1-20 epic length campaign, and will be playing for the foreseeable future.

Text or Voice: Thursday sessions require voice. Play-by-post is heavily encouraged between sessions
Main Language used:English
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 75/25 Roleplay Combat Mix (Note, side RP's are encouraged to be done in play-by-post since the plot only progresses during Thursday Sessions)
Number of Players in game & needed: The party currently has 4 players. I am looking to add up to two more players
Character starting level & equipment: Level 3. New players receive their classes starting equipment and rolled gold. Additionally players receive 1 uncommon item and 1 common item subject to veto (don't try to get a gleaming set of fullplate as your common item)
Character restrictions: Standard races only unless a cool character concept comes up when we talk during character creation. The more you work with me when making the backstory the more concessions I'll make (Hence why we have a Dhamphir and Tiefling despite those being restricted races)

I am actively seeking players who have a keen interest in role-playing and engaging in play-by-post interactions with fellow participants. This campaign might not be the best fit for those who prioritize combat, as it's quite common for our sessions to unfold without any combat scenarios. We're looking for individuals who are not only comfortable but also enthusiastic about diving into role-playing with other players.

Campaign Overview:
Our adventure is set in the mystical world of Myrthelis, centering on the exploits of "The Last Resort" guild. In this realm, traditional races are notably less powerful compared to standard 5e settings, with the most formidable among them barely reaching level 12. This imbalance makes the monstrous races exceedingly dominant, pushing the native races into a relentless struggle for survival over thousands of years. To counter these threats, societies have formed specialized guilds like ours, dedicated to monster hunting and preserving civilization through wit, teamwork, and sacrifice.

Campaign Structure:
From levels 1-10, the campaign is structured around the party serving as experts for various guilds, undertaking both standard and milestone quests. Standard quests usually involve the party, their followers, a few guild specialists, and any additional help they choose to enlist. Occasionally, there might be exceptions. At each level, the party has the option to embark on special or standard missions, leading up to significant guild quests against formidable adversaries. These guild missions often require intricate planning and execution, with the party playing crucial roles. Creativity in strategizing is highly encouraged, and contributions to the planning process are rewarded.

Interaction and Roleplay:
Interactions with NPCs, especially guild members and followers, are strongly encouraged to enrich the role-playing experience. Often, players will control allied NPCs during combat to keep engagement high and manage the game's flow more efficiently.

DM Style and Expectations:
My approach to DMing tends to immerse me into the game, which may not suit players who are more reserved or prone to anxiety. I am tend to be deeply invested in the game and might not always notice if a player feels sidelined. It's important for players to be assertive in their participation or to communicate directly with me if they're finding it difficult to engage when they are having the trouble. My narrative style does not shy away from consequences, including the potential for NPC losses and darker story elements, which are often the result of player actions rather than forced plot points.

Consequences and Death:
While player death is not overly punitive—thanks to the resurrection services provided by guilds as part of their membership—frequent deaths can lead to repercussions if they begin to strain guild resources. Permanent death is a rare occurrence and is generally reserved for situations beyond the reach of the spell raise dead. It's worth noting that while the stakes are high, especially for NPCs, I strive to craft a story that is engaging and fulfilling for all players, with a balanced mix of triumphs and challenges.

Here are most of the rules and homebrew rules that directly apply to players. The discord server contains more of the world information and homebrew systems I don't consider player-centric.
Maintain Respect: Treat others as you'd wish to be treated. No disrespectful behavior will be tolerated.
Discuss Disagreements Outside of Sessions: Any disputes with the GM should be addressed privately, outside of gameplay.
No Explicit Role Play: All role play should remain within acceptable boundaries. Explicit content is not allowed.
Quorum Required: If more than 25% of the party is absent, the session will usually be rescheduled.
Definition of PvP: In this campaign, Player versus Player (PvP) activities include, but are not limited to: direct harm to another character, damage to another character's property, and actions that could disrupt party cohesion.
Consent for PvP: All PvP activities must be discussed and agreed upon by all involved players outside of the game before implementation in the game. If any player is uncomfortable with in-game conflict, an alternate course of action must be agreed upon.
Open to Conflict: Players who enjoy in-game conflict can designate themselves as "open for conflict". This waives the need for out-of-game agreement for these individuals.
House Rules and homebrew
1 Point Allocation: A 27 point-buy system is in effect. Use this calculator for accurate point distribution: https://chicken-dinner.com/5e/5e-point-buy.html
2 Ability Score Improvement and Feats: When a class level provides an ability score improvement, a feat is also granted. However, you cannot opt for a feat in place of an ability score improvement.
3 Modified Legendary Resistances: Legendary resistances now come with a drawback. Any powerful monster using a legendary resistance will suffer a debuff until it completes a long rest.
4 Revised Monster Stats: Be aware that many creatures' stats and challenge ratings have been significantly adjusted from those given in the Monster Manual.
5 Banned Spells: The spell 'Silvery Barbs' is strictly prohibited. No exceptions or negotiations.
6 Milestone Leveling: Advancement will be primarily through milestone leveling. Expect most early milestones to be tied to guild quests.
7 Broderick's Compendium: For an extensive guide on the various plants and fungi found across Myrthelis, players may refer to Broderick's Compendium: Plants and Fungi Across the Realm, available via the following link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/7rb6rj/i_have_put_countless_hours_into_a_roughly_175/
8 Proficiencies: In order to enhance gameplay and character development, players are allowed to learn additional proficiencies. The rules and guidelines for acquiring these new skills can be found in the following document: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-M9oZ2lRS-ZpX-368Y3M. This addition allows for more customization and depth in shaping your characters' abilities and expertise.
9 I will be allowing the players to take a number of half proficiencies (see jack of all trades) equal to their wisdom modifier (Minimum of 1). Depending on how this plays out I may give a minor buff to jack of all trades

Flavor Text for Homebrew Mechanics
Below, I've elaborated on the unique lore and cultural context that explains and justifies several game mechanics in our world. These flavor texts don't alter the existing mechanics in any way, but rather add depth and atmosphere to the gaming experience.

Death Saving Throws: In our world, guild emblems carry an aura of protection. They're imbued with a subtle variant of the 'death ward' spell that shields the wearer from fatal blows. However, this enchantment isn't as potent as a fully-fledged 'death ward', and thus while it can stave off immediate death, it doesn't provide complete protection.

Hit Points and Damage: In this realm, the interpretation of Hit Points (HP) and damage varies among individuals, often in line with their unique abilities or disciplines. For instance, a barbarian might interpret HP loss as physical wounds sustained in battle, which are remedied through the application of herbal remedies during rest. Meanwhile, a monk might perceive HP damage as expended Ki, used to evade or deflect attacks, which is replenished through meditation and self-centering. This leaves room for players to creatively interpret how their characters take and recover from HP damage, unless a specific injury from combat is specified by the DM.

Spell Levels: In the magical lexicon of our world, spell levels are referred to as 'Circles of Magic'. This terminology signifies the complexity and power of the spell, with a 9th level spell being referred to as a spell of the '9th Circle'. This hierarchical system denotes a spellcaster's mastery and progression in their magical abilities.

If you managed to read all this and are still interested, shoot me a message and we'll do an interview to see if you are a good fit (Note I won't be deciding in the interview to give everyone a chance to talk to me before I decide)

March 30th, 2024, 19:54
Hi there. I'd be interested in playing. I like the writeup of your campaign. I also sent a DM.