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View Full Version : LF DM Sundays 2PM to 5PM (EST) - 6 players mixed exp

March 24th, 2024, 15:55
I am a DM that is looking to play but the other players in the group either dont DM or arent DMing. We had another member that was alternating DMing but died from a bad case of RL. We are looking for a solid DM to run D&D 5e (mostly). We are open to other games later down the road. A couple players are very limited on their experience so would like to stay in D&D 5e for a campaign or two. Dont care if it is your world or a standard D&D campaign setting. If you are interested please let me know here. Ask any questions you have. Here is hoping I can finally get to play.

March 27th, 2024, 18:32
I am throwing my hat into the ring for this one. Been gaming since 85, DMing since 87. Love to DM rather than play. If interested, here I am.

Talon Draconis
April 20th, 2024, 14:02
Looking for group been dming since blue book dnd
Had campaign that ran over 20yr RL covid restrictions killed it :(
Tried starting a campaign using FG but my old players could not quite adapt to VTT and other video games like solasta and BG3 sort of replaced our dnd sesions
I am available 1-5 pm on weekends and probably could schedule more sessions if demand warrants it
I have very limited experience with vtt and FG but learning how to use it
I Have the full fg so players only need the free vers
I use all the core rules 5e plus tasha & xanth and sword coast adventures although I allow most anything I state if you go for something really exotic I might say no or the world might not support your character
My world is based on FG with the modification that the time of troubles and spell plague never happened
Magic while not restricted is highly regulated by the guilds
There is also very regulated support structure for characters in the main urban areas while the wilderness and rural areas are pretty open
If interested contact me by email [email protected]