View Full Version : 3D map reveals hidden tokens

March 10th, 2024, 07:10
Today's session we discovered that tokens loaded into the combat tracker that are hidden and tokens on the map that are hidden if you switch to 3d mode all the tokens become visible.

Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2024, 09:32
Are you seeing this on the player side; or only on the GM side?
You can start a second instance of Fantasy Grounds and connect to yourself to see what your players would see.

Also, are you running any extensions? Does it still happen if extensions are disabled?


March 10th, 2024, 10:48
Only add on I have is the crown initiative indicator, "CoreRPG - Has Initiative Indicator", on the load screen. Other than that running stock while I build this adventure in the ref manual.

One of the players in the group discovered it and let me know. Screens are from myself as DM running it.

The session ended before the battle finished. Disabled the add on and fired it back up. There are still 3 mobs top left of group not visible to the party, DM screenshot.

Logged in as a player on one of my stock test characters and 3d map revealed them as a player also, Player screenshot.

edit: map is 1.8 mb jpg with no lighting or LoS or anything else on it. Just a bare image. Daytime outdoor like that I just toggle visibility rather than add all the rest of it.

March 10th, 2024, 17:11
Are you running in the Test Build or the Live Build? You have posted in the sub-forum for the Test channel. If this is for the Live channel, I will move to the House of Healing. Otherwise you should move to the Live channel as the Test channel is not currently in use/supported.

March 10th, 2024, 17:21
Couldn't tell ya the difference. I Fire up FGU and host on cloud server and run an adventure for the players. This forum is only one I saw for reporting bugs. If there's another spot it should go then move it.

Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2024, 18:28
Can you provide a zipped up copy of your campaign folder and which map was affected? You can share the zipped file on Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.; mark as Shared to Anyone with a Link; and post the link. Then, I can pass onto our image feature developer.


March 10th, 2024, 19:00
No need for a campaign file. I was able reproduce the issue.

Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2024, 21:11
Just pushed a new update. Please run a Check for Updates, and try again.


March 11th, 2024, 00:34
Looks good. From DM side they are faded for not visible and player side are back to being hidden.

Good work.
