View Full Version : Can't Edit Certain Features (D&D 5E Ruleset)

March 7th, 2024, 04:38
I might just have missed something about the new update, but after updating just now, I'm unable to edit class, subclass, or racial features. There's no longer a button to unlock them to make edits. Is anyone else having this issue, or is there a new way to edit those? Included below is a picture of the issue (no extensions running) showing that some of the forms have the unlocked/edit button and others don't.


March 7th, 2024, 04:46
As you can see in my screenshot, the windows I'm referring to don't have the padlock button. The feature windows themselves are what I mean.

March 7th, 2024, 05:41
I take it you are referring to the subwindow, speed, jack of all trades, etc?

Have you tried finding where the individual feature exists, and seeing if there is a padlock there, rather than opening it from a locked main window?

It could be that the main window is locked that is blocking editing of the features.

March 7th, 2024, 05:45
I take it you are referring to the subwindow, speed, jack of all trades, etc?

Have you tried finding where the individual feature exists, and seeing if there is a padlock there, rather than opening it from a locked main window?

It could be that the main window is locked that is blocking editing of the features.

I did try that (the windows behind them are the master windows that they come from). Unlocking the source window doesn't do anything. This issue also occurs on features on character sheets, which can't be unlocked to begin with. It seems like the previously available edit function is simply not there as of this update.

March 7th, 2024, 06:07
Drag the feature to your actions tab first, and then try to unlock from there or to edit from there.

March 7th, 2024, 06:11
Drag the feature to your actions tab first, and then try from there to edit from there

Their not being editable on a character sheet isn't the main problem, just a symptom of it. These subwindows used to be editable. The ones I posted in my link were from content I made. With things as they are now, new features, feats, etc can't be edited or made, and new content can't be programmed.

EDIT: As a quick update, this only seems to happen on older windows that existed before the update. If I create a new race, its subwindows are editable. I suppose it's entirely possible I could rebuild everything in new windows, but I'd really rather not... I'm hoping the edit functionality can be restored to old subwindows. I'm currently developing a huge module to export as part of a Kickstarter, and this has, unfortunately, increased my workload significantly. Oof.

March 7th, 2024, 06:18
Gotcha, are those records locked when you tried to edit your custom data>? THe picture shows the main header in the locked state.

March 7th, 2024, 06:19
Could you clarify what you mean by custom data?

I've attempted to edit the features both with the main window locked and unlocked, but it doesn't affect them. I also just edited my previous post with a new development I noticed that makes this particularly tricky.

March 7th, 2024, 06:21
The image you shared shows the custom records in the main sheet locked. Regardless. I would not think you'd be locked out of your own custom data records. We will need to see how records were changed I guess. It might also have to do with how or when you made these custom records, as this type of data has changed a couple of times over the last year or so.

March 7th, 2024, 06:23
The image you shared shows the custom records l, the main sheet locked. Regardless. I would not think you'd be locked out of your own custom data records. We will need to see how records were changed I guess. It might also have to do with how or when you made these custom records.

Ah. Yeah. Another weird finding - if I create totally new entries I can edit the subwindows, but there's no way to lock them, even when the main window is locked.


March 7th, 2024, 06:36
Ah. Yeah. Another weird finding - if I create totally new entries I can edit the subwindows, but there's no way to lock them, even when the main window is locked.


I would post your console log in this thread. That seems odd.

March 7th, 2024, 06:41
I've never had to do that before - that's the file generated when you click "compile logs" in the console, right? I think I attached it below.

March 7th, 2024, 06:42
I've never had to do that before - that's the file generated when you click "compile logs" in the console, right? I think I attached it below.

Yup. It might be helpful for the devs to root this out.

March 7th, 2024, 06:51
The lock is on the top part of the window to the left hand side.

March 7th, 2024, 07:07
The lock is on the top part of the window to the left hand side.

Yeah, looked at the initial picture and it showed locked on the main record lock on the top-left frame window.

Changes to:
"Standardization of record windows with new window menu bar options."
All standard record sheets updated with menu buttons. (except character sheets).

Lo Zeno
March 7th, 2024, 09:29
The lock is on the top part of the window to the left hand side.

BlazingAzureCrow is talking about the racial features windows, which DON'T have the padlock at all. Not even on the top part of the window to the left hand side.

See windows circled in red:
These used to be editable.

March 7th, 2024, 09:58
I have the same issue. For example, for our homebrew character abilities in 5e we can no longer edit the descriptions.

March 7th, 2024, 15:02
BlazingAzureCrow is talking about the racial features windows, which DON'T have the padlock at all. Not even on the top part of the window to the left hand side.

See windows circled in red:
These used to be editable.

Ah, I see now. Yes that is an issue and it should have a lock. Must have been missed when it was in beta.

March 15th, 2024, 16:52
Hi, I have the same issue and it does not depend on when the features were made. There is a bug with the lock botton which faded from existence and can't be edited anymore in the character sheet.
There is also an issue with the specializations. I can't add a custom specialization to a custom class (or any class). Yes I tried to write the class name in the "class" box of the specialization, but I can't make an archetype feature in the class. There is no checkbox anymore. There is probably other issues around features that I didn't noticed yet, but being unable to edit custom content is problematic enough...
It started recently with the 4.5.0 update. A fix would be great.

March 15th, 2024, 16:59
Hi, I have the same issue and it does not depend on when the features were made. There is a bug with the lock botton which faded from existence and can't be edited anymore in the character sheet.
There is also an issue with the specializations. I can't add a custom specialization to a custom class (or any class). Yes I tried to write the class name in the "class" box of the specialization, but I can't make an archetype feature in the class. There is no checkbox anymore. There is probably other issues around features that I didn't noticed yet, but being unable to edit custom content is problematic enough...
It started recently with the 4.5.0 update. A fix would be great.

Both the missing lock button and the missing Class spec tick box are known issues.

And welcome to the forums.

March 15th, 2024, 17:17
Great. And thanks Zacchaeus !

March 19th, 2024, 01:14
I'm currently having the same issue. I would love to not have to build the custom class over again when I just took a break from working on it, so hopefully poking this thread means I'll know when this gets fixed or if others are having the same issues! : )

March 19th, 2024, 21:25
Seeing the same issue in the Starfinder ruleset for Spells on a character sheet. There is no lock button on spells that are on a character sheet.

Moon Wizard
March 21st, 2024, 21:13
The fix for the sub-records missing links/locks is now available. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


March 21st, 2024, 22:06
Both the missing lock button and the missing Class spec tick box are known issues.

And welcome to the forums.

It seems to be fixed! Thank you so much~!! This is a huge win for those of us who are neck-deep in programming a module to ride beside their 616-page Kickstarter project lol. I was so sincerely worried I'd have to retread hundreds of class, race, and feat entries.

March 22nd, 2024, 00:27
It is fixed indeed! Thank you, that's a relief!