View Full Version : Quick question on ActorManager.resolveActor

February 20th, 2024, 20:00
I was under the impression that passing in any node under the umbrella of "charsheet" would resolve to a character, but I must be wrong as it's returning nil for me. What exactly are the rules of ActorManager.resolveActor? I'm trying to step through the code, but I can't tell exactly where it's failing. I'm passing in a node with this path: charsheet.id-00001.stats.id-00001

February 20th, 2024, 20:26
I believe they need to be the parent node of the record to work properly. Examples charsheet.id-00001, npc.id-00001, and ct.id-00001. With your example, you would need to do DB.getChild("charsheet.id-00001.stats.id-00001", "...") and get the parent to resolve correctly.

February 20th, 2024, 22:02
I'll give that a try, thanks.