View Full Version : LFP 3 Members AD&D 2e Forgotten Realms (Every Wed)

February 20th, 2024, 17:21
FG License: FGU Ultimate
Game System: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition

Time Zone: PST
Day of week and time: Wed 6pm
planned start date: March 6th 2024
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hours weekly

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 (+/- 10% depending on campaign progression)
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 5 would like 2 to 3 more as players typically can't make every session.
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 Start with Max Gold for Class Buy what you need.
Character restrictions: None
Character Creation: Must be created at session 0 or with myself present. No premade characters. Players will roll 4d6 6x drop the lowest arrange in desired order. Players may roll up to 3 times, each time they decide to reroll they will not be able to go back to the previously rolled stats. On the 3rd attempt they must take those stats. Players may also reduce a score by 2 points to increase another by 1 point after their race has been chosen and all points have been assigned. Human characters can do a 1 for 1 swap on points, this should allow for players being able to pick the class they want without worrying about bad rolls. If for whatever reason the player still does not make the minimum requirements for a class they really want I will give them the class "default" scores that I use for my non important NPC's.
House Rules: Max Hit points some, A few small class buffs, Armor has DR against various weapon types, and some player option rules modified to work with Fantasy Grounds.

Details of your scenario:
Our campaign begins in the once-peaceful fishing village of Hultail. The party had been enjoying an evening of entertainment aboard a gambling boat on the Wyvernwater just west of the town when disaster struck. A dragon attacked the vessel, resulting in chaos and destruction. Miraculously, the party survived, washing ashore amidst the ruins of Hultail.

As the party awakens, they find themselves surrounded by the aftermath of a terrible massacre. The bodies of villagers, soldiers, and even livestock litter the ground, but it is clear that the dragon was not responsible for the devastation of the village. Rumors of dragons terrorizing the land in increasing numbers have been circulating, but there is something more sinister at play here.

Amidst the ruins and the mystery, the party must uncover the truth behind the attack on Hultail and the growing threat of dragons in the region. As they delve deeper, they will discover secrets that will challenge their perceptions of the world and lead them on a quest that will test their courage, wit, and loyalty.

Will you join the party as they unravel the shadows that loom over Hultail and embark on an adventure that will shape the fate of the realm?

A Quick Note from the DM:
This campaign is not a loot n' scoot. If you do not like to role play/only want to play a dungeon diving type game, you will not have fun in this game.
This does not mean that I pressure players to role play, but I just want to be clear some do want to, and I want to encourage that without causing others to become bored.

I welcome all levels of experience to my games, whether you are new to Fantasy Grounds, New to AD&D 2E, or New to role playing games in general.
Even if all three are true do not be afraid to join. I only ask that you are respectful to others and do not act in a manner that takes away from the fun of others, this includes myself.
I have a lot of experience with Fantasy Grounds, and I love helping others learn. It's a great platform and I want to see it grow; this cannot happen if we do not let new players in our games.
So come on in, the waters fine!

February 22nd, 2024, 02:37
Game Full