View Full Version : Phandelver and Below, Friday Nights. 3 Players needed

February 17th, 2024, 07:41
FG License: GM has ultimate, everyone can play
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Day of week and time: Friday, 8 pm
If new game, planned start date: Currently running
Planned Duration & Frequency: Every week
Term: Long Term

Text or Voice: Voice
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Roughly 25/75. This will vary depending on group members.
Number of Players in game & needed: Currently, there are three players. At least 3 more are needed, preferably 4.
Character starting level & equipment: Group is currently level 6. This is a 12-level campaign. Note that this group has been together for over 3 years and we have gone through multiple campaigns. Please do not ask to join if you're not planning to play long-term. New players will be given either a magic item or enough money to purchase them.
Character restrictions: No homebrew and no halflings. There's a story behind the halfling thing. You'll hear it if you join.

Details of your scenario: This is a follow-up to the Lost Minds of Phandelver scenario. SPOILER ALERT:After defeating Black Spider and giving control of Wave-Echo Cave to the Zhentarim, the town was attacked by groups of psychic goblins. The team tracked the goblins into a, previously abandoned, underground city. After defeating the goblin leader, the team learned that the goblins were collecting artifacts to bring back fallen gods. While the team is primarily evil, none of them wants to see this. The Zhentarim has been alerted to send in reinforcements.

Recently, we have had issues keeping players. That is why we ask that you not try to join if you can't dedicate most of your Friday nights to it. People can be sick and have an occasional work conflict. This is not an issue. We're looking to make some changes to try to fix the issue we've had keeping characters.

Please DM if you're interested in joining.