View Full Version : LFP, Thursdays, 5e Fantasy Grounds Unity, DM is EST

Wormy Joe
February 15th, 2024, 20:31
FG License: GM has Full so players only need Free version
Game System: DND 5E
Adventure: A Modified Dragon of Icespire Peak
Number of Players in game & needed: 4/4 player spots filled

DM Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, USA
Day of week and time: Thursdays starting at 7:30 p.m. EST. Session 0 I'd like to have by February 22nd
Planned start date: Session 0 will be determined once players have been gathered
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hours per session & Weekly
Term: Medium term, likely a year or so given the projected length. Expected level end point is 6. But that’s not a hard line in the sand for me
Language: English

Text or Voice: Voice Only
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No, not from me or players

Roleplay & Combat mix: Attempted 60/40 roleplay and combat, though I tend towards less total encounters with more challenge to them (but I'm not some masochist)
Character starting level & equipment: Level 1 with starting equipment from PHB except for gold (gold will be rolled and based on your character’s lifestyle), starting ability scores will be based on the point buy system (27 points). Leveling up will be based on milestone. I still use the original racial bonuses granted from the sources, but will give the choice of the +1/+2 that comes from the custom lineage system to those who really want it, but otherwise I do not use that system.
Character restrictions: Mostly open. Homebrew classes/races/abilities can be discussed before/during session 0 but I would prefer if players stuck to the supplements I own below.
*The supplements I own are: Standard PHB, Xanathar’s Guide, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, Eberron, Elemental Evil Companion Guide, Sword Coast Adventures Guide, Fizban’s, Spelljammer, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Therros, Strixhaven, Witchlight, and a few other minor expansions

Some Details of your starting scenario:
News of the long-lost mine of the Phandelvar pact has spread up and down the Sword Coast. The once small mining town of Phandalin has experienced a major boom in both wealth and population since the famed “Heroes of Phandalin” uncovered the mine and dealt with the dangerous threats that once plagued the Triboar Trail. Nearly a year later, Phandalin is now a hub of trade and potential, nestled off a small road from one of the most traveled trade routes between the great cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep. But with new found growth comes new problems, new contacts, and new adventures. That’s where you all come in. Phandalin’s cry of opportunities have rung in your ears, and you now find yourselves seeking to stretch your wings and claim a piece of this world for yourselves. The townmaster, Halia Thornton, has many issues come to her desk and will certainly appreciate those willing to help clear it. Through time, commitment, and some luck there’s something out here for everyone. Though, dangers always loom and someone will need to help ensure this bustling town can keep its head above the waves.

This adventure will be running the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure module, using a modified Phandalin based on the choices and actions of my Lost Mine of Phandelvar group from a few years ago. I believe that those with no prior knowledge to these kinds of modules will find the most enjoyment in them, so I ask for those with little to no experience playing or running this module to be the ones to consider this LFP post. I will be modifying the adventure as well to suit the players and characters, but not so much to make it unrecognizable.

A bit about me: 26 y/o guy, likes gaming and telling stories, has a 8-5 weekday job (for context on my availability though I can still try and respond during down time)

**I would appreciate those who wish to play have a character(s) in mind either based on the resources available in the list above regarding the supplements I own. I have been a dungeon master and used Fantasy Grounds for about 5 years now, and as such have developed rulings to account for some of the edge cases that have popped up for me. Although I may get rules wrong, and for those who know the proper interpretations I encourage speaking up on them, with the understanding that I will have the ultimate say on a rule at the end. I have a list of house rules and such I can share once players have been gathered.

**Please respect other player’s decisions/characters/person. Keep in mind that there are other people playing, and limit the discussion of dividing topics, such as political beliefs (there’s enough of that on the internet already). Limited min/maxing and meta-gaming is requested and try not to devolve into murder-hobos if unjustified.

**I will be monitoring requests as they come and will try to update the post as slots are filled. If you are interested, send me a DM with a little about you, your experience with DND 5e and using FG Unity as well as the Dragon of Icespire Peak campaign, the class of character you’d like to play as well as 2 other side choices to keep in mind, and if there are any adult themed subjects you wish to not have described or discussed (this does not mean I will abide them, just best to know where we stand on these subjects early).
Feel free to ask any more questions!

February 15th, 2024, 23:24
i might be up for it what classes do you have so far i have a few ideas

February 16th, 2024, 00:23
I am interested in playing. I have a lot of D&D and FG experience.

February 16th, 2024, 17:24
Sounds fantastic. I've sent you a message here on FG with my particulars. Hope to discuss soon.

Wormy Joe
February 19th, 2024, 00:15
One slot remains open as of writing this.

February 21st, 2024, 23:10

Wormy Joe
February 21st, 2024, 23:52
I have found the 4 players I needed now.