View Full Version : Automatically Reduce current HP?

February 15th, 2024, 06:26
First off, this question is for the 5E ruleset...Does anyone know of any way either by some extension or otherwise, that I could code in an effect to trigger that would automatically reduce the current hp of monsters placed into the combat tracker by a certain amount?

4E has a built in way to do this in the options panel. Would love a way to have this in 5e. Thanks.

February 15th, 2024, 22:22
5E has an option for standard, max, and random. But there is no extension I'm aware of that let's you set or modify it in other ways..
See "Combat: NPC hit points" on page 5E Campaign Options - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (atlassian.net) (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996642014/5E+Campaign+Options#Game-(GM))

February 16th, 2024, 00:41
Thank you for the reply.