View Full Version : Extensions

February 3rd, 2024, 08:37
I am just returning to FG after a long break. I stopped playing before Unity and the forge were released. What I remember from before regarding extension was a thread in the forum where you could look though all of them. My question is are they now all in the forge or is it a mix?

February 3rd, 2024, 11:34
There is usually a thread in the forum to announce/discuss the extension, but the actual file is likely on the forge. There are some exceptions, some are on github, some older ones for dnd5e may still be on dmsguild.

February 3rd, 2024, 17:11
To go a little farther, the trend is extensions, in general, migrating to the Forge because of the Forge's auto update feature. Old extensions on the DMsGuild that are still legal there, mostly didn't (and can't) migrate.

February 3rd, 2024, 22:40
what ruleset are you looking to use?

Forge has a filter system for making it easier to go through.

you can go to the forum of the ruleset and ask for suggestions... I know that many for the 5e extensions cost money (our group started in 5e and we are ext. heavy). I know that most of the PF1e do not (our group is now playing PF1e and we use around 30-40 ext/mods). and ultimately, what are you looking to add to your FGU experience?

I for one, love the extensions we use but It takes time to tweek it to the right amount that works for our group, too few and perhaps the automation the table wants is not there, too many and you can get potential issues with errors, unneeded additions, slow load times, dependency on an extension that breaks when FGU updates and more. extensions come with risks. Forge has greatly improved the experience IMO. feel free to reach out over DM or Discord if you want to discuss it directly.

February 4th, 2024, 00:40

Accept the risk of being regularly broken for various reasons - mostly updates to FGU - or stay far away from them.

DMSG forbade all extensions that dealt with modifications to FGU code and basically forced the creation of FORGE to hold them all. I'm not aware of any that legally remained on DMsG unless they purely dealt with data only.