View Full Version : Translating Equipment and Monsters in a campaign at 5e

February 2nd, 2024, 17:26

A have been playing a campaign were the other players don't speak english. So, to make things easier for them, I'm making a copyng of the equipment and the monsters from the original and translating it to portuguese BR. It is working pretty fine, but now I want to start a new campaign but I don't want do all the translation again. Is it possible to copy only this informations to the new campaign?

February 2nd, 2024, 17:56
You can export anything that you have created in the campaign and then open the module in any other campaign. See video forty one here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

And welcome to the forums.

February 2nd, 2024, 18:05
Another approach if you want this to be a more adaptable approach for future use. Create a copy of the campaign folder. Name the copy something like "Devl Translations" (see link in my sig about development campaigns).
Open this development campaign. Delete out of it everything you don't want to keep (maps, characters...). Now export this as a module. Anytime you have new stuff add, open this campaign, add it, export it. Open this module in your play campaigns and you can use it as many times as desired.