View Full Version : Couple of issues with new campaign

February 28th, 2008, 15:06
At the beginning of February, I started a brand new Eberron campaign, running the Eyes of the Lich Queen module. Set up the entire module in FGII, exported as a module, then created a new campaign which I then inported the Lich Queen module into. Everything worked great... somewhat. I have a couple of issues that are of some concern, and hope someone can tell me the best way to address it, without having to copy everyone's characters over into a new module.

First a little bit of setup background. The module itself is pretty cut and dry: story tabs, a couple of item tabs, a gazillion personality tabs, and a bunch of images. I have five players. Two of the characters are summoners, so in addition to their main characters, they each have a few additional character sheets for their summoned creatures. All told, there may be about 15 or so characters in the list, and at any point in the game, I could have maybe 8 characters active across my screen. I don't know if this could potentially have anythign to do with the issues I will relate in a bit, but just thought I should mention that.

So, first three weeks of running the game, everything worked fine. Story played out the way it should, images were where I needed them, things were groovy. The only thing I did notice was...... well, I was under the impression that when you assigned a grid to a map, and cut out parts of the mask, and placed tokens on the map... when you shut down, everything stayed where it was. Everytime I start up the game, I have to reapply the grid, reapply the mask and cut out the parts revealed last time, and replace the tokens. Not a HUGE deal... except I don't always remember where everyone was standing when we ended the previous session. The campaign saves multiple times on its own during the course of the session, so I don't think hitting /save would have any benefit (tho I could be wrong, I dunno).

Here's where things go south. This past Monday, we had our usual session. Started up the same way, having to reset the grid, mask, and token placement. I did add one new token to the box for one of my players to use. I also at one point noticed that one of my players had a duplicate copy of his character, which I deleted. I ended up losing my internet connection for about 20 minutes in the middle of the game, after which we got things back on track and continued. However, when we ended the game for the night, and I closed out the program, I ended up getting the crash error I have gotten in previous campaigns. I don't understand why it would work fine for three weeks and then just stop. Unless it has anything to do with what I listed above, I am not sure what could have happened.

Is there an easy way to fix this, without having to create a brand new campaign, and copy everything from this one into the new campaign? I do not relish the thought of having to transfer over 15+ character sheets. Also, am I correct with thinking that things on the map are supposed to stay in place? So far the only thing i am noticing that is staying where I put it are items on the combat tracker, but even those the assigned tokens are disappearing. Any help would be appreciated... before Monday. :-) Thanks!

February 28th, 2008, 21:14
A couple of points spring to mind here.

Firstly, any grid/token/masking overlays on module maps (compared to campaign maps) fail to restore when you restart. I think it is a known bug in FG to do with item IDs, but I can't recall the thread which documents it.

Secondly, if you have accidentally added any campaign/dynamic content to a module collection (such as adding an NPC to the module NPC list etc) then you will get a crash on exit (FG cannot save the new content back to the module). The way to eliminate this is by deleting the new content from the module collection and recreating it in a campaign collection.

BTW, module and campaign collections are distinguished by having different tabs on the collection lists, so you can switch between them. The mergeid option in the /export process allows you to use the same tab for multiple data sources and can lead to the problem outlined above.

Hope that makes sense, and hope even more that it helps.


February 29th, 2008, 01:58
There is a known bug with module maps not keeping masks, drawings, ect. My work around it is to just put another copy of the map in the main campaign and use that one for the battle map. Maps in the main campaign do keep this information. When the players finish the module I just delete the map out of the main campaign. It's a little anoying but usually you don't have that many maps in a module.

As Stuart mentioned, you will get the crash on exit if you have added anything to a module tab. You also get one if you have more than one pin pointing to the same entry - ie the dreaded empty room entry you see in many commercial modules.

February 29th, 2008, 12:38
Two things I always do at the end of a FG session, before shutting it down: type /save, and press the PrtSc key. The latter saves the screen shot into the FG II Application Data folder - just make sure your current map with tokens, and combat tracker (if applicable), are showing!

February 29th, 2008, 19:44
I don't recall adding anything to the module info, save for the token I added intot he token box. It's not necessaryf ro that token to be there, so I could remove it. I will look through the files anyway, just to be sure there was nothing that I added that I am not recalling. If I remove the offending items, will that return the campaign to a non-crashing state?

Callum, yeah that is exactly what I ahve been doing. Which is easy enough, just kind of a pain in the butt. If that's the only work-around, tho, so be it, and we'll keep doing that.

As I was writing this, I just remembered something that I added a personality to the list last time, which is exactly when the problems started. I will address it Monday, and see if that fixes the issue. Thanks for the tips.

February 29th, 2008, 21:47
Yes, deleting or moving the personality to a main campaign tab if that is causing the crash on exit will stop the crash so you will know it immediately. The /save is good advice - even better is making the folder where autosave

March 1st, 2008, 03:11
Yep, the additon to the personality folder was exactly what was causing the problem. As soon as I deleted it, shut down normally. Experimented by re-adding the personality, and got the crash on exit. Once I removed it again, closed normally. Am so glad to know this now. Makes me wonder what I'd added in my other campaigns now.

March 3rd, 2008, 00:40
As a temporary thing you can add personalities. You just have to add them to the main campaign tabs. If they turn out to be important you can just cut and paste them over into the module db.xml and re export.