View Full Version : LFP - 3 to 5 players for MERP using the RMC ruleset

January 20th, 2024, 19:56
We will be using the RMC ruleset with a trimmed-down set of options, NPCs, classes, spells, etc. Using the RMC ruleset poses a few challenges with a MERP conversion. Our game will need to use Arms Law for combat and not the simpler version in MERP. We will also need to use the 10 stats in RMC rather than the 6 in standard MERP due to the way they are integrated in to the ruleset. I have created a Mod that holds the standard 6 professions of MERP, 40 spell lists, middle earth races and monsters, etc.

FG License: I have the Ultimate license, so players will only need the demo version.
Game System: RMC

Time Zone: West coast USA (-7)
Day of week and time: i’m open to just about any day, but would prefer weekends or Friday evening
If new game, planned start date: some time in Feb 2024
Planned Duration & Frequency: Ongoing game held weekly if possible
Term: on-going, campaign

Text or Voice: Voice and/or video via Discord
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? no plans to record this.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 or something like that. i’m happy to adjust to what the players are looking for.
Number of Players in game & needed: 3 to 5
Character starting level & equipment: Standard MERP first level and starting equipment
Character restrictions: will be using the standard 6 MERP classes and MERP races. i’d prefer that we not play orcs, etc.

Details of your scenario: Game will take place in Middle Earth obviously, timeline set between the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings ( 2942 - 3018 TA)

My background: I started playing MERP in 1984 coming from RoleMaster and D&D . i’ve been playing on FGU for the past 5 years and am pretty good at running games on the platform.

Players: i’m looking for anyone interested in roleplaying in Middle Earth using a somewhat crunchy ruleset with an OSR feel. No need to be an expert (MERP, Tolkien, or FGU).

What is MERP?: Middle Earth Role Playing (MERP) was a role playing game based on the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. Created in 1984 Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) continued to publish the game and supporting material until the license was lost in September 1999. With about 100 source books, modules, etc. the game has large fan following and a deep well to draw on. The system uses a simplified version of the Rolemaster rules.


February 1st, 2024, 13:45
Hi, I would be interested in joining your game. I have played Rolemaster before in a MERP setting and would be interested. My timezone though is GMT so I don't know how this will fit with your proposed time for the game.

February 1st, 2024, 16:04
Hi, I would be interested in joining your game. I have played Rolemaster before in a MERP setting and would be interested. My timezone though is GMT so I don't know how this will fit with your proposed time for the game.

Very good. thanks for replying. i'll keep you posted on the status of the game. right now we need a few more people, and then we can figure out a time that works for everyone.