View Full Version : LFP Looking to host a free DnD 5E game for new players! (3-5)

January 17th, 2024, 06:59
FG License: Free demo license
Game System: DnD 5e

Time Zone: US CST
Day of week and time: Once every two weeks at noon on the weekend. Dynamic and flexible scheduling once the group is set up.
Start date: Febuary 3rd, 2024
Duration & Frequency: 3 hours minimum per session
Term: Single campaign module voted on by group.

Text or Voice: Voice.
Main Language used: English
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50. Flexible on groups preferences.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have no players. Looking to host 3-5 players.
Character starting level & equipment: Whatever module we decide on will determine this.
Character restrictions: As this campaign is for new players we will probably stick to normal standard races but creative flavor is always welcome!

Details of your scenario: Honestly I'm just in a lull right now with my normal groups (kids, marriage, career, life happens yknow?) and I just felt like doing a simple, educational campaign for newer players. Don't misunderstand my intent either, I mean to do the best job I can to educate but to also give a memorable and enjoyable experience. DnD is all about the stories and enjoyment of the group and nothing brings me more joy then to help create those stories and enjoyment for my players. My only stipulation is you come into this campaign with a good attitude and a willingness to put effort into your character and the group!

February 14th, 2024, 00:13
Hello! My boyfriend and I were hopeful that you still had room for 2 players. We are both very new to D&D 5e, but I do have years of FG experience doing PF2e. The schedule works great with us as well. Please let me know if you are still looking! Thank you!

April 9th, 2024, 01:49
Hi if this is still running and you still have spots open I would like to join :)